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2018 ended pretty fast they both spend vacations with their friends and family apart but also with eachother and both their moms and siblings during the winter break. It was a good time we're they could relax and also hang out together with their closest friends. They where still cautious though. Not wanting to be revealed.

The season had now started and Charles's Ferrari seemed like a pretty good car. Not to mention his dream as a little boy had come trough, he was a driver for the Scuderia from Maranello next to a 4 time world champion. You would think he would feel nervous about being in this position but for some reason Charles felt calm. And okay Max's encouraging words had helped as well. But why wouldn't he believe his boyfriend he had been right a lot of times in the past about him.

The season started of good for both of them. Max finished third on the first race of the season and Charles finished fifth on his first race for Ferrari only one place behind Sebastian. Only in his second race weekend in Bahrain Charles managed to drive the Ferrari on pole position. Something he definitely did not expect so soon and definitely while topping all three qualifying sessions. Eventhough Max was a bit sad that he only qualified fifth he celebrated his boyfriends first pole with a nice dinner in the hotel room that night.

The race had started not so well for Charles as he lost some positions, but after quite some battles he retook the lead. But unfortunately there was something strange with his engine with made him drive slower then before and a sitting duck for Lewis and Vallteri to pass him. He just managed to keep it in third only finishing just before Max in the race. He was gutted this could have been his first win in formula one. It was a small consolation that he finished on the podium in front of his team mate. That night he and Max flew home and Max told him that his time would come soon enough and he was proud either way.

Then they both had some races finishing third, fourth or fifth. Until Austria came around.
Charles managed to drive it on pole once more as well as setting a new track record as Max settled for p3 in one of his home races.

After some penalty's the pair started together from the front row. Where Charles had an amazing launch from pole Max had a terrible start. Losing more positions at the start in this race then in had in the last 14 grandprix because his care went in to anti-stall.

But in front of his home crowd Max wasn't going to let it slide so he fastly made his way up the ranks again from p7.  By lap 30 of the 71 round race he was up in p2 again but he still had yet to pit. By lap 50 he was overtaking Vettel for p3  by lap 56 it seemed that he lost power but when he all of a sudden got it back again het overtook bottas for p2 the orange army was going crazy

By lap 68 he was on the tail of his boyfriend's car. This was the first time in years that the couple battles eachother for p1. Something they always hoped to do in f1 and while Max attacked Charles defended beautifully like a practiced dance being aware of how the other drives , having battled each other for years.
But in round 69 it got heated. Max took over the lead from Charles. But on the track they weren't Max and Charles, they were Verstappen and Leclerc, driver 33 And 16. So when Max felt like Leclerc tuned in on him he was quick to tell Gp that on the radio . We're Charles wonders aloud what the hell that was given he went of the track.

The pair finished 1-2 with Max taking the first position. When Max was asked by Martin Brundle about the race he answered:
'It is hard racing otherwise we have to stay home. If that is not allowed then what is the point of being in formula one?' Before he walked off. Then the interviewer went to Charles who gave his own opinion on the race:' I got Degradation on the tyres so max got close And for me, from the car it was pretty clear Max was in the wrong but obviously we have to see what the stewards decide'

The cool-down room was cold, this was the first time the pair actually didn't say a word to the other. Max had tried to talk to Charles but when he saw the thunder on Charles's face he dicided against it.
They celebrated the podium but to the world it was visible how Charles felt about it while Max celebrated his sixt win. In the end the stewards deemed the move hard but fair and Max got to keep his first place and Charles had to wait for his first.

That next morning the pair would fly to Great Britain together with some of the other drivers. But it was now long after debrief and Max still hadn't heard anything from Charles. He had tried calling him a couple of times, but no answer just as he hadn't received any replies on his texts. Max was starting to worry but at that time he did receive a short text from Charles.
'Still @ paddock ' that was not the way he was used to texting with Charles. But he was happy to know that not something terrible had happened to him. So he decided to take a long warm shower and order room. Service after the long exhausting day. 

After he finished he decided to watch a show on Netflix cause he still hadn't heard from Charles. But halfway the first episode he fell asleep. Only to be awoken by the sound of rummaging thorough his hotel room. When he woke up properly he saw Charles standing in the room with some stuff in his hands.
'Fuck!' The Monegask grumbled.Max quickly made his way towards Charles and grabbed his hand 'where are you going Charlie?' He asked worried.
'To my own hotel room, I want to be alone Max' he said not looking at the dutchman. 'But...but.. why?' Max said not letting go of Charles's hand. Charles sighed. 'Because you went borderline with your driving like you always have done and cost me my first win Max!' Charles leached out harsh at him before adding. 'And you actually went to gloat about it in the interviews after' in that second Charles saw Max closing of his face turning cold and his eyes losing its sparkle. 'Last time I checked the stewards deemed it hard but fair, a racing incident Charles' he hissed coldly.  Charles felt the anger boiling in his belly. 'God why do you always have to be like this?!' He almost screamed.'be like what Charles?' 'Always so damn insufferable!' Charles spat. In a tenth of a second he saw pain flash through Max's eyes before they turned cold again. He know he was hitting Max right in his insecurities with the comments he was making. After knowing the other for years he know how to get to the dutchman the most with eased practice.

'This is not working between us....' Charles sighed. Tears where now forming in the Dutchman's eyes as Charles now saw him shrinking in his took a second before the Monegask realised his words and he quickly placed his hands on Max's cheeks and forced him to look at him. 'Oooh god Maxy, not like that!' He exclaimed. At that Max let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding as he put his arms around Charles's waist. 'You promise?' He said looking in to his boyfriend's eyes. 'Yeah of course Max' he said as he put their foreheads together.

Max let out another sigh before he went to sit on the bed and petted on the space next of him for Charles to sit on while he didn't let go of his hand. 'But you are right, us arguing is not working' 'no it's not' Charles agreed with him.
'But we have to make some rules I guess? Cause this wil not be the last time we fight each other' Charles nodded at Max's statement. 'And you are still mad, what I can understand if I was in you position but I'm also not sorry from my perspective' Charles rolled his eyes at that. 'Yeah I guess I can see what you mean with that' he huffed. 'So what are you proposing then?' The Monegask asked. 'Well i wanna keep racing you like we've always done, and I hope you want that too?' Charles nodded again. 'So can we just agree that we are leclerc and Verstappen on the grid but Charlie and Maxy off of it?' Charles was quick to agree before he added 'but how do we keep it separated?' 'I don't know I guess we just have to? And also maybe some ground rules or safe word to know when to give each other some space maybe?' 'Since when have you become so thoughtful young Verstappen?' Charles smiled while he had slung one arm around his boyfriend while he was playing with his hairs in the other hand while looking in the Dutchman's eyes.
Max snorted 'well I don't know lord Perceval, maybe. I just always been that way' he winked. Charles turned beet red at the useage of his middle name.  He looked adorable so max was quick to place a tender kiss on his boyfriend's lips. 'But just so you know Maxy, next time you won't get away so easy and I'll race you , like you race me!' He said determined. 'I wouldn't want it any other way Schat' he replied as he kissed his boyfriend once more. 'But let us promise that we will always talk to eachother at some point, not just ignore the other?' He asked. 'Promise!' The Monegask replied. 'But now shut up cause I know a better way to make it up between us' he winked before he started kissing the Dutchman's neck. Who quickly surrendered to his boyfriend's request.

The Next week was Silverstone, and Charles kept his promise to Max, he raced him like Max would've done. And even though it got heated on the track they both loved it cause they know they were racing as equals. Hard and fair on the edge of borderline. The way they both loved it the most!

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