The mile high club

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Given the chapter name you know what this is going to be don't like don't read!
You can read safely till the second separation line😘

Abu Dhabi was done, that crazy season working around covid was done. Driving around in that shitbox of this year's Ferrari was done. And Charles couldn't be happier.

Max was also ready to go home, though he ended this a year on a high, with a pole position and a win he was ready for the life out of the spotlight. Some down time with Charles. He was excited.

Before they would board their planes  Max was showing of his new toy at his colleagues and friends that were also waiting for their flight.
He was walking around in his Redbull gear and aviator sunglasses balancing on his nose. Charles had to admit he was a sight for sore eyes.

'Next time I want to fly with airmax too!' Lando chirped happily as he looked around the cabin, plopping down on the chair making himself comfortable.
'You sure bout that mate?' Daniel had snorted as Pierre finished for him. 'Doesn't give this sugar daddy vibes to you?'
Lando's brows knitted together before the shot up a big grin on his face. 'Well yeah, then maybe not!' He said still smiling as Charles rolled hiss eyes and rolled back his head as he let out a laugh and Max pinched the bridge of his nose his other hand on his hip as he sighed though he couldn't stop the chuckle leave his mouth.

'What exactly are you implying here Calamar?' Charles challenged his best friend.
'Well petit, it is that you are the same age and you are both rich but otherwise it's giving the epitome of sugar daddy vibes' he smiled cheekily.
As Charles turned bright red he sputterd.
'You know it can also be a really sweet gesture Pierre! After all that happened he is just looking out for me!' He told his friend quite irritated .
'S-sorry Calamar' Pierre quickly said. Sometimes he forgot to think about what the monegasque had been through lately.
Charles sighed 'No I'm sorry, i overreacted, it's just... urgh I'm to sensitive about it'
Pierre only wrapped him in a hug 'you don't need to be sorry Calamar, I get it's still fresh' Charles relaxed in his friends arms.
'We good?' He asked pulling back a little
'Always!' Pierre grind at him until Lando and Daniël broke their moment.

'He's just jealous, he wants a sugar daddy, Charles don't worry about the French' the Australian smirked as Lando pulled his arm. 'Well what if you became my sugar daddy?' Lando laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows.
'Oh little Lando all the things I would do with you!' He laughed loudly as he made grabby hands towards him as Lando screamed running of the plane. Before he popped his head back in. 'Bye guys, see you later!' He waved before he ran away Daniel followed suit trying to get the young Brit.
Pierre hugging them both before he also left, his own flight soon leaving.


Max had put their bags in the overhead luggage before he plopped down next to his boyfriend getting ready for the 10 hour flight back to Monaco.
Charles yawned as he let his head rest on Max's shoulder who protectively placed an arm around him. 'You tired?' He smiled down as he rubbed his fingers on the monegasque's shoulders. 'Mhh maybe a little' he confirmed.
'Then sleep a little we have still a long flight to go' he said as he placed a Kiss on the younger man's head. And before he knew it Charles was snoring on his chest , the sound fastly humming him asleep too.


Max woke up as he felt hands trailing over his chest, he took a moment to let his eyes adjusts before he smiled down , Charles was looking up at him.
'Hey' he said and as the warm breath hit his skin Max felt a shiver travel down his spine.
'Hi' he smiled back.
He felt Charles hand glide over his chest on to his neck before he rested it down on his a face before he pushed himself up a little so their faces were now even.
'Can I?' He asked a shy smile.
'Ofcourse baby! You don't have to ask!' The dutchman chuckled.
'Well I don't know.. there is still a pilot on the other side of those doors' he said as he nodded his head towards the cockpit.
'He is to busy flying this plane you know' Max stated matter off factly.
'Planes have autopilot' Charles said as he cocked his eyebrow.
'Yes but Peter is a family friend and he knows about us and his job, so I highly doubt he would like to come and bother us.. I promise you schatje, you don't have to worry!' He said seriously caressing his thumb over his cheekbone as he looked in his eyes.

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