Fia prize giving 2019 (part 2)

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Your winner for action of the year goes to.... Max Verstappen! Please give it up for the exciting dutchman!
While the applaus was audiable trough the Louvre Max made his way towards the podium, making sure to subtly brush his hand over Charles's shoulder. Max and Charles's were seated two seats apart separated by their respective teammates. So he made sure to subtly share this moment with him.

'So Max can you tell us what was it like from inside the cockpit?' The blonde presenter asked him. 'Uhm.. Well you had to pay a lot of attention cause there was a lot going on, this was only one move in the entire race but we had a lot of fights together in that one' he said as he briefly made eye contact with his boyfriend before he looked at the presenter again and continued. ''But yeah it was cool, a bit of off-track a little bit of wheel banging which I think it's quite cool you don't normally see that much in formula one so yeah I like that bit! And ofcourse when you come out on top it is more satisfying then loosing out' he finished 'you have had quite a few battles with Leclerc in you history of motorsports ever since the karting days ' the presenter stated as a follow up. Max couldn't help but smile a little as he shortly locked eyes with Charles again. 'yeah, Uuhm it started in go karting already and I'm pretty sure that we will continue that for a few more years' he said that more as a promise then an empty answer. 'you enjoy it?' She asked. It's good yeah and I think it's also good for formula one' he tried not to blush to much. yeah, yeah it is! everyone give it up for Max Verstappen!' With that he quickly made his way towards their table again.

As he went to sit next to Alex again. 'Who were you shooting heart eyes with?'  His teammate asked grinning 'no one mate, I'm sorry but those old blokes aren't really my style' he bluffed trying to get Alex of his back. His comment mate the Thai Brit snort 'yeah fair play mate!' With that they kept joking at their table.
Later that evening Max also got the award for 3th place in the overall f1 standings. After that everyone slowly made their way to the afterparty.

Max was just finishing up his conversation with Sebastian and Fernando as he excused him self to get some snacks from the food table. He was looking over the silver platters as he mumbled 'why can't they just serve Bitterballen or something?' Thinking about one of his favorite Dutch party snacks as water made its way in his mouth as he thought about the snack while he passed the platter with toast with caviar. He settled for carpaccio wraps, it was at least some food that he liked. Also it was relatively healthy. Bradley, his performance coach would be proud.

He was munching on the snacks when he felt being pulled on his suit jacket. 'Come with me' Charles smiled at him as he led him through the crowd.  They were now making their way through the Louvre  as they were out of sight from the other attendees Charles grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.
They made their way to the second floor were Charles led them outside on a balcony trough a beautiful palace door. Max took a moment to just admire the view in front of him. The lighted piramid on the square of the Louvre. The modern piece of artsy building contrasting to the old palace. And as he looked slightly to his right he saw the Eifel tower the golden light standing in beautiful contrast with the Clear dark blue night sky. 'Wow this is beautiful Charles' the dutchman said in awe.

'But are we even allowed to be here?' He asked as he now turned towards his boyfriend who in return wrapped his arms around his neck and stared playing with his blonde locks between his fingers. 'Probably not, but I wanted to show you this and also have a little moment with you' he smiled at him his accent heavy. 'I love you Charlie' Max said as he closed the gap between them. 'I love you too Maxy' as he placed a kiss on hiss boyfriend's lips.

They cuddled for a little before Max pulled back slightly to look in the younger man's eyes. 'So what did you think about my speech?' He grinned playfully. 'Well I appreciated the acknowledgment from the big Max Verstappen that we both did some very good overtakes' he grinned back at him. Before he continued 'And I too like to continue battling you for a couple more years' 'I'm glad' Max smiled once again closing the gap between them.

'But seriously' Charles stated playfully 'you looked like a lovestruck teenager up their reminiscing about our past' he said as he grinned from ear to ear. 'I did not!' Max pouted playfully. 'Yes you did!' Charles replied as he poked the dutchman in his side. Making him squeak of the tickling sensation. 'No I didn't!' He laughed out loud as they were now in a full on tickle fight. They battled for a little bit before it started to turn more in to a wrestling match 'Charles let go of me!' Max laughed out of breath with tears in his eyes. 'Never' the Monegask smiled at him as he turned the dutchman slightly in his arms to hold him from behind his head resting on his shoulder. 'Look!' He whispered while he nudged his head towards the sight in front of them. 'To wh—' Max started not sure we're to look at. But before he could finish his sentence he saw the already beautiful lit up Eifel tower starting to sparkle against the dark night sky.

'Woow' Max said for a second time that evening as he cuddled himself closer in the embrace of the Monegask. 'You like it?' Charles smiled at him. 'I love it!' He said as he tilted his head slightly. 'But I will always love you more' he breathed. They went to stay like that for a while. Both admiring the beautiful Parisian skyline and the others company.

As the lights went out again they sighed. 'We should probably head back' Max said with a pout. 'Yeah we should but I wish we could just stay like this forever' his boyfriend replied. 'Me too!' Max said as he placed a kiss on his cheek and grabbed his hand. But before they could fully turn around they heard someone scraping their throat making their presence know to the young couple.

They both froze afraid to turn around to find out who was standing there...
Fuck they were caught

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