Winterbreak (part one)

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Charles was seated in his mums car . a Volkswagen Polo dressed in sweats and a dark hoodie. He was in the waiting area in front of the airport in Nice. He was picking up Max. He had been in The Netherlands to visit his family for the holidays. And he was now picking him up to go to his mums house to officially introduce them. He had borrowd his mums car to not atrack to much attention. Monaco was little and a lot of faces in their sport were residents of the principality.

Charles got a text from Max saying he had just landed and the plane was now taxiing towards the gate. He still had to wait for a little bit. So while he listened to the radio his mind dazed off a bit. He was thinking back at the last two months. And all that had happened since that Thursday evening in Abu Dhabi. When they got back to Monaco they decided to take it slow and easy. But with every passing day they only longed more for each other. It was Mostly Max going over to Charles place just two buildings up the road. Cause they were afraid if they stayed at Max's , maybe his father would swing by and find out about them.
At Charles's apartment they mostly played on the PlayStation or watched a movie laying on the couch. Max's head on Charles's lap. Charles's playing with the dark blonde locks between his fingers. Just enjoying each other's presence. Getting to know eachother even better.

When Christmas was approaching and they had to say goodbye for a two weeks Charles decided that he wanted to surprise Max and perhaps make it official. The thought playing on his mind for a week and a half now. Max had been in Milton Keynes for the last three days. That gave Charles time to prepare. He first went to his favorite flower shop 'fleurs by fleur' he always came here with his mother when he was younger, remembering all the Color's and the smell of fresh flowers. Also Fleur was the woman who made the beautiful flower ornaments for the funerals of Jules and his father. She always had been laced in to his life in some form.she also was Dutch what Charles found to be a nice touch.
He picked some pink and white roses bonded together with a pretty white bow. 'She must be a lucky lady, she must be really special' Fleur from the flowershop told him. 'No I'm the lucky man' he replied smiling at the elder woman. 'And he really is' he whispered so softly. But Fleur had heard him given the look on her face, eyes sparkled bright. 'I'm happy for you Charles, you deserve happiness' she told him. With that he went on his way. After that he picked up the stuff he needed for his surprise. Before he went to Alfredo's his favorite restaurant. He picked up the food he ordered so he could finish it off at home.

Charles saw on his watch he only had two hours until Max would be on his doorstep. So he quickly made his way home. Prepping everything.
Before he knew it Max was standing in front of his door. 'Just a second' he called out while litting the last candle on the table. Before he went to open the door for Max.

'Hi' Max smiled at him. 'Hi' Charles smiled back a bit nervously. Enveloping the dutchman for a hug. They stood there for a couple of moments before he felt Max pull back hands on his Chest. 'Charles what is this?' Max asked his eyes wide looking at the room behind Charles. 'I wanted to make sure you will come back after your trip' he joked breaking the ice. 'I would have anyway' Max snorted at his comment. 'But thank you Charles' he smiled putting a chaste kiss on his lovers lips.
They ate dinner together. Charles had prepared the tomato soup and carpaccio salad he had picked up from Alfredo's earlier that day. Max was shocked that Charles had actually remembered his favorite foods and went out of his way to prepare all this.

After dinner they decided to drink their Choclate Milks on the balcony of Charles's apartment looking out over the Monaco skyline drizzled by a layer of snow. They breathed in the cold winter air just enjoying the moment they shared together. One arm wrapped around each other's backs. Charles resting his head on Max's shoulder and Max his head on Charles. After a while Max spoke up. 'Thanks again Charlie, I really enjoyed tonight' he smiled at the Monégasque. Charles now turned so he was facing the his lover, putting their empty mugs on the table close to him before he laced his gloved finger with Max. 'You deserve it Maxy, you were the first who really made me smile again, made feel not feel numb after my father died' he sat sincerely. His eyes going glossy as he felt tears prickling behind his eyes. Max was taken aback by Charles's words, him in total loss of them. Starring in to the green and golden jewels that were His eyes. 'I love you Max' Charles blurted out. 'And you don't have to say it back if you don't want to, I get it... I do.. but I just need you to know that I do! And whatever comes our way I'm willing to go through it all together if you want it too' he rambled out nervously . Not daring to look up.

The following seconds felt like hours, he was sure he scared off the dutchman, being to clingy, to overbearing, being to much for Max, him for once again going to fast. But those negative thoughts quickly went away when Max had cupped his chin, making him Look in to his eyes. 'Hey, I'm here Charlie' he smiled at the back at him. Placing a small kiss on his lips with his hand still on his chin. Before adding. 'And I love you too'
'Do.. do you want to be my boyfriend?' Charles asked still a bit insecure. Only to get a 'I would love nothing more Charlie' in return.

Charles was woken up from his daydream hearing a nock on the car window. When he openend his eyes he saw Max standing on the other side of the car door. Charles quickly unlocked the car door. After Max put his suitcase in the back of the car he sat down next to his boyfriend. Opting on Intertwining their fingers cause they were in a public place. Fans had already spotted him in the airport.
'I missed you' the dutchman said lovingly squeezing his hand. 'I missed you too' Charles quickly replied. Before they took off on their way back to Monaco. On their way to his mum and brothers for dinner. Finally introducing them to his boyfriend.

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