Press conference

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As he looked up from his hands that were playing with the microphone, he was met with a dozen of questioning eyes in front of them. All a notepad or phone in hand to scribble down every last bit that came out of their mouths on weekly basis.

'Max?' Someone asked him as he apparently didn't hear the question. 'Max?' He heard again as by I voice he recognized as Lewis.

'Uh yeah sorry what was the question again? I've got a bit of a jet leg' He tried to smile gently at the journalists sitting in front of him. Though it as a lie, he was lost in thoughts as he was thinking about everything that happened in the last week.

'Don't worry we all have that sometimes' the journalist he guessed that asked the question smiled back at him.

'So max, I asked you about the Emilia Romania Grand Prix of last week' their it was the questions he so desperately had wanted to dodge. 'You were seen guiding Charles out of the paddock after he had an encounter with the Italian police, can you tell us more were that was about? And why you were with him?'

Max took a deep breath to compose himself, gripping on the microphone for dear life. Knuckles turning white at the hold.
'Well I'm not going to speak out on the matter because police investigation is still ongoing like the police had told you at their press conference last week' he tried to not sound to annoyed with the journalist. 'Also I was one off the few that was still at the track, I wasn't going to leave him alone with strangers after that precaire situation cause we are friends' he sighed. Apparently his answer was enough for the journalist so he felt that he could breathe normally again, but of course that was short lived.

'Max, can you say anything about the speculation that you have been involved in that situation as well? Seeing the images that are circulating around the internet since last week'  his mussels stiffened. 'Well that depends on what images you are talking about?' Max retro questioned the woman.

'The one of you and Charles' she said as she raised her eyebrow at him waiting for him to answer. And if to challenge her he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at her too. He was never the one to back out from a challenge , he just functions better like that.

'The one of you and Charles, walking around in Monaco. You seemed quite close?'
Max just chuckled at the statement. 'So what exactly are you implying here? Like I said we are good friends? We live close by. We have a much better relationship than you media makes us out to be?!'
He was feeling himself start to boil in his seat. Those prying media was what he hated most about his job. Why couldn't he just go racing and go back home without the fuzz?

'It's just a bit coincidental that's all' she said and before Max could reply Lando chimmed in. Getting just as annoyed by the prying journalist. Also obviously knowing everything that had happened by now.
'Because he is there for his close friend and colleague? Seriously?!, but if he had something to tell you about it he would've, you know how honest Max can be' Lando challenged her with a crooked smile. His plan had worked as she now was quiet. Lewis beside him nodding in agreement. Max wasn't usually the one to beat around the bush.


'Lando mate, Thank you again for getting them of my back!' He smiled at the Brit as he padded his shoulder.
'No worries mate!' He winked 'she just didn't want to shut up'
They looked around and stayed quite for a moment before they were sure they were alone.

'How is Charles?' Lando whispered as Max just shrugged and pouted his lips.
'Mwah.... He is- he is still quite shaken up, and rightfully so, it was good that the police was there Lan cause I think I would have killed him with my bear hands otherwise!' He said as he glanced sideways. 'It's just- fuck I hate that guy, if he would lay a finger on him again...'
'That won't happen Max, the police have him now' Lando patted his back again.
'Yeah I know, but how long will it take before he finally gets sentenced? And we still...' as he started to whisper even lower. 'What if he still has that video saved somewhere and he gets out? Or what if he talks?' He sighed.
'I get that you're worried but if that video had to get out it would have already happened!' The Brit tried to cheer up his friend.
'Well I guess so... but we have to be even more careful now those journalists are on us like hawks'
'Why?' Lando smirked at him 'you're 'friends' he air quoted As he pretended to hit on the dutchman, hands on his biceps as he got closer.
'O fuck off muppet!' Max laughed as he shoved his laughing friend away.

Max was glad that Lando joked around it though he was obviously slightly embarrassed but his friend did know how to light the mood.
'You're just jealous of my amazing sexlife!' He smirked at that Lando put his fingers in his ears 'LALALA I don't wanna hear it!' Before he started laughing too. 'I'm sure your counterpart does to cause you went down!' He said as he wiggled his eyebrows.
Max turned beet red as he playfully shoved the Brit again. 'Fuck of!' He snorted 'your just jealous cause this thing works wonders!' He stook out his tongue. Cause like said before he was never the one to back out of a challenge.

The banter went on as they drove to the hotel together. Charles had already been back there cause he had a free pass from the media duty's up until Sunday so Max was quick to make his way up to his hotel room. Taking lando's good advice at heart, if they would go hiding now and weren't seen together it would be even more suspicious. Though he highly doubted Charles thought the same as he opened the door were Max was leaning against with bewildered eyes. Confirming his suspicions.

'What are you doing, what if someone sees you?' He said as he pulled him in at his wrist with fear in his eyes before he quickly closed the door giving one last glance over the hallway.

As he closed the door Charles was pacing around the room, quickly closing all the curtains in the room. Max had watched, just standing there in the middle of the room. Ever since last week Charles had been terrified. Terrified to be seen together, terrified to touch and Max just wanted to help him and make things right, if he only had an idea how?

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