Abu dhabi

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His hands feel cold between his palms, he is watching him staring outside of the window of the car, tapping his leg up and down.
They are seated in the back seat of the blinded van while Brad is driving with Andrea next to him.
Jos is seated on the middle row.
Normally they wouldn't take the risk but today was a special day, the day Max could become a formula one wold champion.

It was absurd really, Max and Lewis where equal on points going in to the last race. Not even Netflix could have made this up. Max took pole the day before, but the last couple of races have been insane, as well as the race director's sanctioning towards the drivers. It was nice to enjoy this little moment together before all hell would break loose. Max had worked so hard this year, from not knowing if he would ever get to race again and now it all came down to this. Either way Charles was incredibly proud of the dutchman. His competitive side sometimes a little envious, he is a racer at heart after all. But he was proud and happy for Max, it was obvious for whom he was rooting for.

As they where approaching the track they shared a last hug behind the blinded windows. As they pulled apart Charles took Max's head between his palms. Staring directly in those piercing blue ones.
"Good luck Cherie, you can win this, you will win this! I believe in you!" He kept staring in to the dutchman's eyes until he was fully convinced the words landed. Pressing their lips tenderly together for good measure.
"Thank you lief" Max whispered, his warm breath ghosting on Charles's lips as his eyes turned in to fire.

"Max, Charles we are at the track" Brad interrupted. They decided that Charles would go out of the car just behind the gate, while Max would be brought to the Redbull hospitality to have the least amount of media attention today.
"You can do it" Charles said as he and Andrea stepped out of the car.


The lights went out and they were of the line, but already from the first round on there was carnage.
it didn't seem to promising until the final fucking lap of the race, he had pitted for faster fresher tyres , while Mercedes didn't and in the last lap he overtook him. If you thought going even on points in to the last race couldn't be made up by Netflix, then you ain't seen nothing yet.

The last couple of kilometres where a blur. They went so fast but at the same time, time stood still. Also the massive cramp in his leg did not help his case. So when he turned right, back on to the straight, the fire work's going off it sunk in, he had one , he was now formula one world champion.

And if it wouldn't be clear by himself, then the screaming of Gianpierro in his ear was telling enough.
" OH MY LORD, MAX!! OH MY GOD!" this fuelled a screaming from Max as well "YEEEEEEEEEES! HAHAHA YEEES OH MY GOD!" He was screaming so loudly over the radio that he didn't even hear Christian coming on the radio the first time.
Hearing those words, well at that moment he had lost all of his as the emotions runned high under his helmet.
He tried to steady his breathing as he heard the calming voice of his race engineer. "MATE YOU... YOU ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT, YOU ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT, YOU HAD NO LUCK! NOT A RUB OF THE GREEN!" And Max his eyes couldn't help but tripping over with happy tears as he held his hands in front of his helmet in an attempt to wipe them away, but that obviously didn't work. But as professional as his engineer could be he then said : "recharge on please, recharge on" now it was Christians turn to speak again. "Max, we are so proud of you!" And Max felt that in every fiber of his being, Redbull really was his second family.
"Oh my god guys" he stumbled over his words. "Aha! I love you so much!"
Now Christian turned emotional to.
"You have driven like a champion all year, you deserve that, we needed a bit of luck. You've got it, you made it happen and... we love you! We absolutely fucking love you!"
"This is unbelievable guys! Can we do this for another 10, 15 years together?" That even brought the normally so in control of his emotions race engineer on his knees "mate honesty..." the emotions dripping off his voice "stay on track please Max, stay on track please. Fail 84"
After a while the radio opens again and he hears noices , he assumes are coming from his garage, noices of happiness. "Mate the whole season they tried to bring you down. All year... the one piece of luck , one piece of luck"
And this hits him like a semi truck.
"It fucking, haha, it fucking came down to the last lap.... Unbelievable!"
"You enjoy this mate!"

As he stepped out of the car he needed a moment to gather himself. To let everything sink in. So he knelt down next to his rear tyre, trying to compose his emotions a little though it probably was no use at all.
He was hugged by one of his engineers before he spots his dad in the crowd. Already wearing a world champion t shirt. And they hug. "Max I am so proud of you! You've done it!" He says himself all to emotional. And for a little bit he feels the same back when he was a little kid, winning his first karting championship. He can't dwell on it to long though as he is lifted up the shoulders of his team.

In parc ferme he almost can't remember all the people he hugged, they were so many. Of course Christian, Gianpierro, Brad , Helmut, he thinks pretty much the whole team. Also Carlos and Lando came to him.
For a second he locks eyes from the garage with Charles, and those eyes say it all. It still stings that they can't hug in public, or at least that is what they decided on. Afraid they would do something stupid as the emotions run to high, but still his arms would be the ones he liked to be held in the most. He would love to share this moment with him.

Really everything passes by in a blur, the weighing, the interviews.
They have a little moment behind the scenes to catch their breaths. He is sitting down on the boxes with his dad knelt in front of him.
"Ik kan het gewoon nog niet geloven pap, dit was bizar" (I can't believe it dad, this was insane)
"Geloof het maar Max want je bent gewoon wereld kampioen formule 1! En ik ben zo ontzettend trots op je!" "You better believe it Max, cause you just became formula 1 world champion! And I'm so incredibly proud of you!) his father tells him with a emotional smile , pulling his son in for another hug. Whispering the last part in his ear so that the rest of the world doesn't hear.
"Ik sprak Charles net kort, en hij is ook zo ontzettend trots op jou" (I just talked to Charles shortly and he is also , So incredibly proud of you!)

It overwhelms him really. The support from everyone around him. His friends, his team. His family, Charles and for this moment especially his dad. They had a rocky relationship sometimes, everything always came down to racing, to be the best of the world. But to know he has his fathers support, on track as well as off track.
A couple years back he would never been okay with his relationship with the monegasque. But he knows that now completely changed, they had grown together and their bond was stronger together. All the hard work, the breaking up of their family where he still blamed his career for. It hadn't been for nothing, it was for something. He didn't win this for himself but for all of them!

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