All my fault

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'B-because..... because it's all my fault...'

Pierre's eyes softened instantly as his mind clouded with confusion as he wrapped his arm around the monegasque's shoulder as he guided them back to Charles's room. 'Come, then you can tell me what happened'

As They got to the room they took a seat on the chairs beside the window. Before Pierre had gotten them a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

From their Charles started telling him what happend...

~Flashback to Monday , two days prior ~

'Fuck you!' Max had told him as he glared angrily at him as he walked out the door. The slam of the door closing ringing in his ears before he was only surrounded by the silence of his own running thoughts.

Max had left him now, mad and rightfully so. It was what he had to achieve but not what he wanted. It was for the better , but it hurts so much. And he wished it was different.

The last week had been hard on him. He barely slept, if he did sleep he was crying himself to sleep one day in to another. He was tired. So so tired. He broke the heart of the man he loves...

He didn't tell anyone, even though he knew that it was what he had to do, to ashamed of what he did. It was just easier like this though he didn't know if he could keep it hidden much longer. Especially now that Max's last spoken words hurted so much.

'Fuck you!' He hated him. The realisation hit him like a semi truck. All the air escaping his lungs. Only shallow air remains as panic started to take over.

Charles felt his legs tremble beneath him, the world started spinning at the lack of oxygen. He tried to regain himself as he tried to breath in and out. He couldn't stay here, not with Max so close. He would bent until he broke, though he wasn't far from breaking.

He quickly gathered some things in his carry on bag as he booked the earliest flight back to nice, he really needed to get out of here. Not sure if he could handle it staying here one second longer. So he got the first Taxi towards the airport.

When he landed his friends were there to pick him up. He knew he was supposed to stay in his bubble. But who doesn't know, doesn't care. And he just couldn't stay.

His friends had asked him what happened that he was there, though he put on his best smile saying it was all alright. He knew they knew something was up. But he couldn't tell them, he couldn't handle another pair of sad and disappointed eyes.

They couldn't know why he did what he did, then it would have been all for nothing and they probably wouldn't understand.
He also felt that he didn't deserve their support cause after all he deliberately broke Max heart.

So he said nothing and just went with them.
They had some drinks at the home of one off his friends. Also some drinks had turned in to quite a lot... He had hoped to stop feeling for a second. And Maybe fall asleep a bit easier. They had been drunk enough and stupid. One of his friend posting something about their evening on Instagram. But at the time he didn't know.

Also the sleep he hoped for didn't come. After going to 'their' shared apartment and realising it wasn't his anymore He walked the rest of the way to his mothers apartment in the middle of the night. (Luckily for him he still got the key)

He had stumbled up the stairs in to the bathroom, feeling nauseous, a terrible feeling in his stomach. He had spent the night practically hugging the toilet seat until he plopped down on his childhood bed only to find one of Max's hoodie's there. He must that left that a couple weeks prior when they visited.

He cuddled the sweater to his chest inhaling the scent of Max that still lingered as he finally fell asleep in the early morning hours. It providing a little bit of comfort.

His mother had found him in his room the next morning. Surprised to see his bedroom door cracked open. She had entered the room and knew enough. Her little boy cuddled up to his boyfriend's sweater, dried up tear streaks on his face.

She had made his favourite comfort food before she went to wake him up.
As he woke up, shame in his eyes. His mother had spoken 'oh honey, what happened?' As he broke down in his mothers arms.

'I-I L-L-lost him m-mum' he had stumbled out. She had cuddled him and hold him tight as she listened to him. She could only hope everything would be alright.

After he stayed at his mum for another day, letting himself be comforted for a little while before he had to leave back to Austria again.

As he made his way back he got an earful from Mattia, as they had find out he didn't stay in his bubble. Luckily he got away with it with a reprimand and wasn't excluded from racing. But he felt ashamed. Not that he left, but after all he risked racing. That is something he normally would never do. But it seemed that as of lately he was prone to making stupid mistakes.

~end of flashback~

'So yeah that's why I went home' Charles said as he averted his eyes from Pierre while he was picking at the skin on his fingers.

'Oh petit Calamar....'Pierre had replied as he hugged his friend once more.

He understood why his friend did what he did, but he also totally didn't. He had tried to convince him to tell someone but Charles had made him promise that he wouldn't. He had done so, but he himself wasn't sure this was a secret he could keep. Not when it meant seeing his best friend and a good friend get hurt in the process.

Max and Charles, they were the example, to Pierre they still were. If he only knew a way tot get some sense in to his friend.

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