Winterbreak (part two)

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They were seated in the car hands still intertwined, neither one daring to let go of the other since they left the airport. It was an unspoken source of comfort. Max was nervous, really nervous. He knew his boyfriend was already out to his mum and brothers. But for him nobody had known. only Charles.
He was close to telling his sister when he was home for the holidays. But in the last moment he had backed out. His sister still trying to pry out of him what he wanted to say. But he told her it was nothing. She let it go. But she knew something was up. Telling her brother he could call her any time and she would be there.

They were now pulling up the driveway of Charles family home. Max swallowed down te lump in his throat. 'You okay mon Chou?' His boyfriend asked. 'No.' He answered sincerely. 'But with you by my side I'll be alright' he told him. With that they stepped out of the car in to the house. Charles took his coat before he called out. 'Mama, We are home' while he grabbed Max's hand and pulled him towards the kitchen. Max still stood a bit hesitantly. Afraid of what they would say and think off him. But when he saw Charles smiling softly mouthing 'it's okay' toward him he followed.
'Ooh baby there you are!' Pascale said excitedly. 'I've missed you!' She said while making her way towards them. Max expected her to hug her son but instead she came towards him arms wide open welcoming him with a warm hug. 'Welcome Max, You have grown so much since I last saw you on the karting track' she exclaimed. 'I'm so happy you are here!'she pulled back a bit now holding the Dutchman's face in her hands. 'Well you are never this happy to see me' Charles joked while he fake pouted. 'Ooh our drama king is back home, i see' she huffed a smile on her lips. 'Besides I'm glad that I finally get to meet the man that got the smile back on my baby's face' Max felt the anxiousness easing out of his body with every passing second. At least she wasn't angry or mad at them or at him. 'But mama you already met Max many times before' his boyfriend protested. 'I met the boy Charles, I haven't got the chance to meet the man' his mom said while sticking her tongue out at him. Now letting go of Max and enveloping her son in a equally warm hug.

After that they settled at the dinner table while Arthur Joined them. 'Good to see you again mate' he said while taking a seat beside Max. Now they were only waiting for Lorenzo to join them. He arrived only 10 minutes later now joining his family at the table as well. Over dinner they got in numerous conversations about different things. Racing obviously one of them. And ofcourse Charles's family wanted to know how they got from being each other's biggest rivals to being a couple. Charles mostly did the talking as he blushed but smiled brightly.

After dinner they settled on the couch. Charles choosing the small spot beside Max to sit down. Pressing their body's together. Grabbing his hand and letting it rest on Max's thigh. He smiled at his boyfriend before his smile fell as quickly as it came. Max felt 3 pairs of eyes on them. He quickly pulled back his hand from Charles's grip and put his hands on his own lap. 'I'm sorry' he said nervously his eyes fixated on the carpet beneath his feet. He heard someone approaching them so he made himself as small as he could afraid of what would happen. It didn't make sense to him, why he was so scared. Never once this evening he was given the impression that they weren't okay with it, like they weren't him. But still he was afraid to be told of about his 'fagot behaviour' he was shaking when he felt a warm hand on his knee. 'Oh honey' he heard Pascale say softly. 'You don't have to be scared. It is okay' she said sincerely. She hugged both boys. 'It's all going to be okay'

After a while Charles had asked him if he wanted to go for little walk. Max could use a bit of fresh air so he agreed. They had been walking a for a little. 'I'm sorry I ruined the evening with your family' 'mon Chou you didn't ruin anything and you don't have to say sorry for everything all the time' he subtly brushed the back of his hand against Max's not wanting to atrackt any unnecessary attention. From the people that where also walking around the harbour. 'They already love you Maxy, just like I do' that did it for Max. While they kept strolling trough the city he told His boyfriend everything. Why he was so scared and why he was so afraid of being physically hurt. All the key moments in his life that got him to this point. When he was finally done with his story they walked up the Leclerc's drive way again. Now out of the public eye Charles hugged him. Hugged him so incredibly thight. 'Finally I wanted to this for the entire walk already' he breathed in to his neck. Max finally felt his shoulders relaxing under his boyfriend's touch. Letting out a shaky breathe he didn't know he was holding. 'Thankyou for trusting me with this' they stood there for a little while just breathing in each other's air.

When they finally parted m Charles quietly opens the door. Cause they had been on a walk for so long it was already close to midnight and the lights were already switched off in the house signalling his mum and brother probably already went to bed.
After they drank some water. They now stood in the hallway they kissed for a little bit before Max stated. 'I guess I'll get going now' he said while moving to get his suitcase from where it stood under the hatstand in the hall.  But before he could even move they heard Pascale's voice coming from the top of the stairs. 'Absolutely not, it's far past midnight. You and Charles can stay in Charles's old bedroom. I already put some sweat sets for the both of you on the bed'
They were looking at each other unsure. They hadn't crossed that bridge yet, to stay over, overnight.
'There is no arguing this boys, you can't go out walking in the streets on this ungodly hour' feeling that their was no room for arguing they complied.

When they were done brushing their teeth Charles led Max towards his Childhood bedroom. Max took a minute to look around. Seeing the posters of various Ferrari's on his wall. Some of Charles's old helmets he recognised from karting, and a cabinet with trophies before his eyes fell in A signed poster of his unofficial uncle Michael Schumacher next to it. His father and Michael were good friends, immediately clicking together when they both raced for Benetton. Max smiled quickly thinking back about the family vacations they used to have. 'are you jealous?' Charles asked him while pointing at his poster before his eyes widened en quickly realised. 'I'm stupid, ofcourse not , your family's are close' he reasons with himself. Max quietly laughing. 'Wait till you get to my apartment and see my collection' he winked at him cheekily.

When they turned to the bed his eyes fell on the sweat set Charles's mum had placed on the end of the bed for both of them. It wasn't that he never changed in front of other guys before, but this was Charles. And as mentioned before they really hadn't crossed that bridge yet. But he decided to just go with it, so he started to change into the sweat set. Not able to help himself when he let his eyes linger on Charles's perfectly toned bare torso. 'Like what you see Verstappen' Charles asked him smugly. Max just blushed focussing on getting ready before climbing under the covers. His boyfriend now doing the same. They were laying with their faces turned towards each other, noses sometimes touching while they held both of their hand intertwined in between  them. Staring into each others eyes in the dark room only lit by the moonlight that was creeping through the curtains. In this moment Max felt nothing more then love for the boy in front of him. Butterflies in his stomach cracking at the seems. He wondered how he ever denied the love he had for him. He wanted to share how he felt.
'I... I...I think I wanna tell Vic and my mum' he started. Charles smiled as he put a kiss on his lips. 'You do?' 'Yes, but will you do it with me?' 'Of course I'll be with you every step of the way'

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