Glad to see you again

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Charles was walking trough the paddock in brazil. He would drive in fp 1 for the Haas F1 team. He had done lots of development driving for them at the factory and after getting his 'Friday' superlicense in may doing the required mileages in the 2014 Ferrari. To actually drive a real formula 1 car, not to mention a Ferrari. He couldn't shut up about it for weeks but he was just so happy. It's what he always dreamed of. He had also got some mileages in the current f1 cars driving in fp1 sessions in England, Hungary , Germany. And now he got the chance to practice at interlagos. He was once again so excited. He felt the thrill in his entire body when he thought about that fast car. He loved every second of it!

Even though he didn't drove the fastest time but he was still buzzing. Walking down the paddock he was looking at te ground until he bumped shoulders with someone. He quickly realised it was no other then Max Verstappen. The dutchman smiling at him. 'And Leclerc pushed Verstappen of the track, will he be penalised or will the stewards let it slide?' The dutchman joked. Charles was laughing aswell. When they heard a camera click. They both turned and saw a photographer. 'Lovely photo boys' the man walked towards them and showed them te picture. 'I've actually photographed your kart races before I got to work for formula 1, so I couldn't let it slide to get a picture of you guys at the start of your f1 rivalary' the man told them. Both drivers smiling and blushing a bit at what the man told them. 'Just glad there isn't that animosity between you guys anymore' the man said laughing while walking away.

'Well that was interesting' Charles said while looking back at Max. 'I hope he is right though, would love to be on this grid in the near future now that I got to taste it, I want the real thing' 'I bet he is' Max smiled back at him. 'You haven't been offered to get your Friday license in a Ferrari and drive so many practice sessions at Haas for nothing. They want you to be eligible for your Super license' Max told him. 'Since when did you became the smarter one out of us both?' He asked chuckling. 'Always been, you just never wanted to see it Leclerc!' Max stook out his tongue. 'Touché' he winked back.
In that moment Charles saw a change in Max's face that he couldn't really place, it was also gone as soon as it got there. 'Max, can I ask you something?' 'Yeah go ahead' the dutchman replied a bit unsure. 'Why haven't we talked the last couple of months? I felt like we were really bonding lately and all of a sudden we never saw each other even though we have been in the same paddock quite a few times. And I felt like you got annoyed by my text cause of your short replies' the Monegask confessed while looking at his shoes now almost mumbling. Max grabbed Charles's hand before quickly letting go again looking around before quickly putting his hands in his pockets. 'Of course not Charles, I liked it too! Just got busy that's all. He replied shortly. 'I'm sorry Charles, I have to go, media duty's, maybe we will talk at some other point this weekend?' He said while walking away. Leaving  Charles standing there.

When Sunday turned around you could say that was eventful. Charles was watching the race from the Haas pitbox. It was raining like crazy and Cars were drifting left and right over the soaked track. Even three very experienced drivers in the likes of Räikkönen and Massa were crashing. It was absolute carnage. Max had made an overtake on Kimi and later on Rosberg as well finding grip where no one else could. So since he almost lost the car in lap 38 you could feel thorough the pitlane everybody was holding their breath , but he saved it. Of course he did, Charles thought to himself. He knew max was great in the rain. 16 Laps before the end of the race he saw the Redbull driving through the pitlane. He had to pit again. With made him fall all the way back to 16th. But with just 16th laps to go, Max overtook 14 other drivers. Ending up on the third step of the podium. You could hear it around the track, in the paddock and on the internet. Everybody was shocked with Max's rain drive. Comparing the young dutchman to the big names like Senna an Schumacher. (No pressure) Charles wasn't surprised though. He remembered from their years in karting that Max was amazing in the rain, ultimately making Charles better in the rain. When it was raining. Jos always send Max out on the track. On the wet tyres but also on slicks. Making the boy practice and practice and practice till he got it right. Finding grip where there wasn't supposed to be any.

While the podium ceremony was going on he got a call. A call from his manager so he picked it up while walking somewhere more quiet. "Good news Charles!" His manager told him. 'Prema wants you for Formula 2 next year!' Charles was smiling from ear to ear. He had a seat next year and he was one step closer to driving in f1. Also the team know for being able to win the championship wanted him.' After a bit of chatting they ended the call.

He was walking toward the Haas hospitality when he heard his name being called out in that familiar Dutch accent. 'Hey, Charles wait up!' Charles turned around seeing Max run up at him still in his racing suit. When Max finally got to Charles he needed to catch his breath. 'I'm sorry about Friday Charles, I'm sorry that I was so short towards you and then after took off. But I just have a lot on my mind right now' the dutchman told him. 'Don't worry about it mate, happens to everyone I forgot about it already' he lied while smiling politely. To be honest he did care. Like he said to Max, he really felt like they were bonding and all of a sudden it was gone. After the flight back he had hoped that maybe they could hang out some time. Really enjoying how they could talk, how they understood each other while not saying to much. He really liked his presence. Maybe even a bit more than that. 

He was pulled out of its thought de Dutchman's hand waving in front of his eyes. 'Still there Leclerc' Max had asked softly. 'Yeah sorry just a bit tired' he replied. 'Max continued with his story. 'But seriously Charles I am sorry. Can we go back to being friends again I was stupid.' Max told him looking a bit unsure of himself. A look he wasn't used to from the dutchman. 'Always!' Charles smiled back at him while he layed his hand on Max's shoulder. 'And congratulations on that amazing race by the way, that rain drive was amazing!' Max's was no smiling back at him again. 'Yeah I'm really happy!'

Charles contemplated a bit before he decided . 'And by the way, you can't tell anybody but you were right Friday' Max eyed him questioningly.
'I might just have heard that I'm driving for Prema in Formula 2 next year' he whispered. Max lounged himself on to Charles giving him a hug. 'Congratulations mate!! You see in 2018 you will be here!' The dutchman exclaimed excitedly. Charles hugged him back while trying to hush the dutchman not spilling the news to the world already.
For a moment it felt like it was just them to Charles, the world going by with them still standing there. He felt Max's hair tickle his nose. His big strong hands on his back, the heat from his body trough his fireproofs...and then It was cold. Max had pulled back from the hug once again looking around the same way he had done friday. Charles wondered why that was, had it to do but the thing that was on his mind? Well it probably wasn't something he should ask right here in the middle of the paddock so he let it slide.

They walked down the paddock together ahead to the Redbull hospitality before the said there goodbyes.

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now