Class Fight | 1 🤛

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The sound of a crowd cheering on a pair of hot headed teenagers rumbled throughout the school corridors as the teachers rushed to separate them from each other.

"Just as we suspected, these fools are part of the Worst Generation 'gang'. Get your asses to Jimbei's office right now!" A teacher with dark blue hair and a pair of red glasses scolded, pushing against the student's shoulders until they made it to a set of double doors.

"I thought you were on the Marines' side, 'Tashigi-sensei' how'd you become a teacher for delinquents like us, eh?" One of the students asked in a sarcastic tone of voice before getting pushed into the office.

"The same reason why Smoker-san decided to become this school's janitor: To keep an eye on all of you. Now, off you go." She responded.

Many of the boys rolled their eyes, entering the office. While others refused to take orders from such a demanding woman.

"Thank you, Tashigi-kun! I'll handle them from here." A voice responded from within the office to her as she left, leaving the teenagers to face the consequences of their actions.

"Back again, huh? It's the second time you've been here today, If you get into one more fight, I'll have to expel you from this school." The principal threatened, earning a few dirty looks from the younger men.

"We were just playing around, man. How else will we fit in with the Supernovas!" Jimbei's eyes widened when one of the boys mentioned the name of such an infamous group of feared former high school students.

"Listen to me, that trio is made up of nothing but troublemakers that come straight from Hell. Don't be influenced by them, or else you'll all end up in jail."

In spite of wanting to get this warning across every student involved with the 'Supernovas', as they call themselves, the principal only made matters worse.

"We already know how to escape it, thanks to the tips we earned from former escapees like Mr. 3, Crocodile, and Buggy-sama.

"Yeah! And besides, you're one to talk, Sensei." One of the boys began to cackle, rudely pointing at the fishman.

"You yourself escaped Impel Down with a local kickass in this school. Too bad he turned into a softie with the friends he made here."

"Don't talk bad about Luffy-kun, or I seriously will ban you from setting foot on this school. That young man is better off with those kind-hearted kids than the ones you all look up to." Jimbei folded his hands together, sighing.

"Speaking of which... I wonder how well Shanks is doing with them."

~ Meanwhile ~

"Settle down, please. Come on, guys!" Chunks of paper balls and pencils flew from desk to desk as a red haired teacher struggled to keep his classroom clean with such disobedient students.

"T-take your seats-" A paperback book slapped Shanks across the face and set off one of the students in the back of the classroom.

"HEY! APOLOGIZE TO SHANKS RIGHT NOW, YOU DAMN JERK!" A boy with a red uniform raged, looking over at the person who had carelessly thrown the book at his teacher.

"MAKE ME!" Another male student shouted back, initiating a fight with the darker haired boy who launched himself at him.

Seconds after activating his conquerors haki, the teacher sent everyone flying out of their seats.

From there on, the rest of the students stopped fussing and remained seated.

The teen who got into an argument earlier could hear a faint laughter from across the classroom.

Out of curiosity, he turned his head around, searching where the sound was coming from and his eyes instantly landed on someone he wished he wouldn't have seen.

The look he got in return was terrifying when the laughter died down, leaving the classroom to grow slightly intimidating for him.

When he attempted to turn his head away, he could hear someone back away from the seat behind him with visible desperation in their footsteps as they sat in another empty seat.

"Our topic today is "Devil Fruits", everyone. Please, pay close attention to the following picture slideshow above the screen and take notes!"

This announcement Shanks made took the younger boy's attention away from his surroundings.

All he could see were interesting images of various colorful devil fruits on a screen projector.

"There's mine! Woah!" A wide smile appeared on the boy's face as a round, purple devil fruit was cast on the screen.

"Start taking notes, the clock's ticking for you, little piggy." A deep voice denoted, giving one young student a very difficult time studying.

"Roronoa Zoro, a Swordsman that works under the Supernovas. I'm so screwed..."


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