Tan Lines | 5 🌅

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Peeping his eyes through the small gap in between a bathroom stall, Luffy managed to find Zoro.

His mission was to make sure that the Swordsman wouldn't get lost, but his plans changed from the moment he took a peek into the stall.

It would appear that his first mate was doing more than what most people would do when taking a short trip to the bathroom.

Remaining silent wasn't an issue for the brunette: If it were up to him, he could stay there all day and night if he needed to.

But unfortunately, given that the place he was in was a public restroom, he didn't want to seem suspicious or perverted, so instead, he went inside of an empty stall he found right beside the one Zoro was using and pressed his ear against the wall to get a closer listen.

His wandering eyes widened, the longer he listened to the man on the other side.

He could feel a strange sensation pulsating throughout his heartbeat and being sent down to his stomach when coming to a conclusion about the other man was doing.

What gave him away wasn't his voice since no sounds ever emitted from his mouth, it was his tan, muscular legs, and his Adida air force blue sandals that were tapping impatiently on the grayish, aerial asphalt.

"He looks so impatient, is he waiting for somebody?" Narrowing his head further downwards, the boy made a new discovery.

"He's waving his hands in an odd way. If I knock now, it'll be no use. Zoro's probably gonna come out soon." Keeping his hands folded behind his back, the boy squinted his eyes as his ears began to pick up another sound.

This time, it was a noise that sent shivers down his spine, urging him to get a closer listen.

"Is he using his hands or are those just his feet? I can't tell from over here." His attention deficit was truly getting to the young Captain as he himself was growing equally as impatient as his first mate... Maybe even a little bit more "Impatient" than the Swordsman.

His desperation was sending signals to his brain to take a step further into spying, just to end with the amount of curiosity he felt, and to help calm his overly active mind.

As consequence of his impulsive thoughts, Luffy was on the verge of getting caught by Zoro when he jumped over the stall he was in to spy from above.

Luckily for him, the neon haired man was far too occupied to perceive anyone's presence at the moment, including Luffy's, even if the boy was dangerously close to him.

Once he established himself and made sure he wouldn't end up landing inside of the toilet bowl or large toilet paper dispenser beneath him, Luffy was able to pay close attention to the current view he was left with from below.

What he witnessed was what he had been suspecting all along.

"I knew it!! He is doing it!" It took Luffy everything within him to not let out a single peep from his mouth that was eager to scream inaudible gibberish from the shock he was in.

In his eyes, Zoro has always been portrayed as a hardworking, self-made, protective person who dedicates most of his time in practicing with his swords, or leading an overall, normal life.

Given his dedication to being a Swordsman... Or being an alcoholic, Luffy never truly thought Zoro did these type of things as well.

"I really shouldn't. It feels wrong." Seeing him now made his Captain feel guilty, so he decided he would take his leave and wait for him outside like a civilized person would.

But things took a turn when something started crawling up Luffy's left calf, tickling and disturbing him to the core, all at once.

Unable to balance himself above the narrow cubical, he attempted to stretch his arms out to not cause a ruckus beneath him and expose himself to Zoro.

"J-just a little mo- HWA!!"

Zoro stood up from the toilet seat, instantly crushing his broad back against the wall behind him when looking down at a petite brunette that had taken a tumble from what would appear to be the roof above him.

"Luffy!?" Reaching in between his legs, the man speedily zipped his pants up and asked Luffy about his current situation and why he just so "happened" to land directly into the stall he was using.


"So get this: The stall I had entered was infested with scorpions! My only option in escaping them was to climb up the roof and cling onto the top of the stall!" Luffy explained while Zoro crossed his arms.

"And of every stall in this place, your final resort was to grab onto the one I was using, right?" Upon asking him that, Luffy gave the man a simple nod of confirmation.

"They have weird bathrooms in Sun...Sun..Sun land, thingy." The boy chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck while the air thickened in between him and his first mate who didn't seem as joyful as he was.

"That's a lie even Usopp wouldn't come up with. Get real, man." He sighed, facepalming himself.

"Shishishi! Meh, it was worth a shot for me anyways!"

When complete silence rose from the depths of the crowded stall they were in and contaminated the air around them, making it barely breathable for either one of the two males, Zoro broke the silence with his voice.

"Do you plan on leaving now, or..." The Swordsman asked, hinting the younger to exit the stall he was in, for the sake of his own privacy.

"Right right, my bad." At first, the younger turned around with no hesitation and no intentions on looking back at Zoro.

But his unpredictable mind had other plans for him...

"If I ask you something, will you promise to answer me with honesty? Even if it's sort of a personal question?"

"Where's all this coming from?" Zoro responded with doubts and curiosity invading his mind.

"No reason. It's just a random Luffy thought." His Captain giggled, cooling the air around him and his friend who was now under less tension than before.

"A 'Luffy thought', eh? And I take it you'll want me to answer you right away, right?"

"Yup." The younger agreed.

"Can't it wait?"

"Nope." Finally submitting to the Captain's stubborn yet awfully adorable attitude, the Swordsman agreed on sharing his response with Luffy, if and when he promised he would leave him by himself in the stall afterwards.

After agreeing on his conditions, the boy took a deep breath in, looking down.

"Earlier... I was coming in here to search for you in case you had gotten lost or somethin-"

"Surprisingly, I made it." The Swordsman interrupted, making Luffy laugh as well as his own self.

"R-right. And well, the thing is....." Luffy's face grew flustered as he gulped.

"It's now or never! I'm gonna do it!" Gathering the confidence he needed, the boy parted his lips and began speaking.

"What were you doing with.... With your hands earlier?"

Luffy asked and then turned his face away, pretending to be interested in the plain floor his feet stood on.

Seconds after the pigmentation on his cheeks went back to normal, he could feel them changing color again as he watched Zoro running his hand throughout the center of his shorts.

"You want the truth?" Zoro bluntly asked, earning a nod of agreement from the younger who was now begging to hear his response.

"Alright, but keep this in mind: You asked for it." Smiling at the older male, Luffy awaited his answer with anticipation.

"..I was jerking myself off."

"HOW does one reply to something like this?! I suppose I'll have to find out myself."


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