Noisy Neighbor | 3 🎸

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"My biggest guess is brothers. You two look like brothers to me." Zoro watched as Luffy held his stomach, giggling softly.

"Wrong! Try again, Swordy." In return, he rolled his eyes at the younger looking boy, unsure about what to respond with.

"Cousins? Roommates? Father and son?"

"Father and son? How does one even mentally come to that conclusion of us." Law sighed, embarrassing the intruder who was invited to take a seat on their couch.

"You never know, man. I know a lot about young single fathers."

"WOAAAH, YOU HAVE A KID? COOOOOL." The youngest among the three was surprised, but later on, he realized that he had taken Zoro's sentence the wrong way.

"THERE'S NO SUCH CHILD. I can barely take care of my own damn self!"

"Neither can we!!" Luffy shamelessly admitted, elbowing Law.

"Speak for yourself. I'm a surgeon, I have way more independence than anyone in this room." His confident attitude left Zoro with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Yeah? Ever tried living alone for a change? That'll give you independence."

"Trust me, I have enough responsibilities with this guy." The taller responded, pointing at Luffy who started sounding his drums again, pounding against them with his drumsticks.

Zoro smashed his open palms against either one of his ears, unable to withstand such torturous sounds coming from the hyperactive drummer who was going wild.

"BOOOORN FROM A DREAM. ON LEATHER WINGS, ROSE FROM THE STREETS, WITH THE HANDS ON DES-TI-NYYYY. THE LEGACY-" Luffy forgot the lyrics halfway through and ended up humming the rest of the song.

His fingers grasped tightly onto the long sticks, causing a loud ruckus and passing it off as a "solo" for the song he and his friend were trying to make a cover of.

"YOU TWO CALL THIS MUSIC?" Zoro was then handed a pair of sound cancelling headphones by the bassist who was also wearing a pair.

The only one who didn't have ones on was Luffy, who refused to wear them no matter what amount of damage he was causing his hearing for every rehearsal they did.

When he stopped, Zoro was the first to say anything to him.

"Wear one of these next time, unless you want your eardrums to burst." He tossed the set of headphones to Luffy who placed them around his neck.

"Oh, he wears them... As decoration. As a doctor, I argue about this with him every single day. I guess that's why you're here in he first place, isn't it?" Zoro began to sweat nervously when Law got closer to him.

"No kidding. What kind of music even is this? It's trash!" His comment was harsh and offensive to the duo, and Luffy wasn't one to stay silent when it came to situations like these.

"You're so rude!! If you don't like our music, it's cuz you aren't heavy iron enough, mooooooron!" He proudly spoke, puffing his chest out.

"Metal, Mugiwara-ya. It's Heavy Metal." Law corrected the younger.

"Metal, iron, copper, what's the difference?" Luffy asked with an uninterested tone of voice.

"Heavy Metal is the genre of the music we produce." The boy's friend clarified, confusing him furthermore oppose to leaving him with a sense of clarity.

"So, are copper and iron different genres too?"

"Copper and iron are metals." Zoro chimed in.

"Torao, the Samurai guy says it's the same genre!" Luffy smiled, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed.

Around this time, Law was beginning to lose his patience with his roommate as he normally would at some point throughout his busy day.

"Yes. Copper and Iron are metals. But metals that are used for building things! Heavy Metal is a music category!!" He shouted, correcting both Luffy and the stranger he just met.

"Can you two just keep it down? I'm trying to sleep upstairs and your Heavy Metal.. Iron, or whatever, doesn't let me shut my eyes at all." The Swordsman said, placing his hand on one side of his waist to rest it on top of his three swords.

"Wheeew! I can tell you just woke up, your breath smells like a mosh pit." Luffy covered his nose, waving his hand around the air.

"Mosh pit? What's that?" Zoro asked, having little to no knowledge at all on alternative bands whatsoever.

"It's basically an area where people go wild in concerts. Typically in Rock concerts." Law informed.

"Tra-guy, I don't think Samurai knows anything about Rock bands." The straw hat boy pouted, climbing over Law's back like a monkey.

"This Samurai has a name, you know." The Swordsman's words went right through Luffy's mind and were also ignored by Law who spoke over him.

"Doubt he's interested in Metal anyways, let's just continue practicing. Hey Samurai, wanna stick around?" The bassist calmly asked.

Though tempted to stay, Zoro knew he wasn't into the type of music they were producing and denied the man's invitation.

But what was bothering him the most in that moment was the fact that they kept on calling him by a name that wasn't his own.

"My name isn't Samurai." From the corner of his eye, he could see the shorter boy looking over at his back, staring directly at his hair.

"Oooh, it's so bright and green!" He turned over to smirk at Law who knew what was about to happen, knowing his roommate all too well.

"And what about it? It's my natural hair color." Zoro confessed, brushing through his messy locks of hair.

"Meh, nothing." Was all that the younger responded, making it obvious that he had much more to say to Zoro.

Knowing this, Zoro was determined to receive an answer and questioned the young drummer as to what was truly on his mind.

"I can't get anything out of him. Hey bass guy, what's he thinking of?" Zoro questioned, looking over at Law.

"You're about to get a new nickname, that's all I can tell you..." The taller man let out a chuckle beneath his breath.

"That fast? And all because of my hair color? Now that's just bullying, on top of the abuse my eardrums already went through." He smirked at the two, growing comfortable in their presence.

"Come on then, give it your best shot." To end his sentence, the man targeted his eyes on Luffy, awaiting his spontaneous response.

"I'll call you "Green Day" from now on! Nishishishi!!"

"First Samurai, now I'm Green Day. It makes me wonder what I'll be for Luffy tomorrow... Maybe I will keep on visiting these noisy neighbors after all."


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