Class Fight | 3 🤛

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"Hey, let's go eat already. We have less than twenty minutes left." Zoro spoke, focusing his eyes on the digital clock above the wall.

Luffy dropped to his knees when Kid removed the nails he had hammered against his locker.

His chest was in an excruciating amount of pain after having his heart squeezed violently by Law, the man who stole it from him one week ago to make Luffy his puppet.

In the young boy's eyes there was an endless rage and thirst for revenge while he rushed to the restrooms and locked himself in a stall.

He was sick and tired of being their guinea pig, all that he wanted in that moment was to get back at them for everything they've done to him.

"Sons of bastards. This isn't over!! DAMMIT!!" A loud noise shook the entire stall after Luffy gave it a hard kick, earning a scream from someone else within the restroom.

"Luffy... Oi, is t-that you?" Asked a trembling voice from the next stall.

"Huh? Who's there?" Searching for the voice that had spoken to him, Luffy was beginning to think he was going crazy when sensing there was no one in the stalls.

"Damn.. They must've hit me hard enough to make me lose my mind." He rubbed the back of his aching neck, feeling a sharp pain stabbing through his shoulders.

"O-ow!! What the- Kid... You'll pay for this!" Among the many nails that were still pierced through the straps of his backpack, one of them had been hammered into Luffy's skin.

The boy let out a low-pitched grunt, pulling the nail out of his bleeding shoulder as it began to stain his red shirt.

"Whew, I chose the right color to wear today!" He laughed to himself, hearing someone respond to him.

"I'm guessing they got you too, huh?" Convinced that there was someone in the restroom with him, Luffy replied to the familiar sounding voice.

"Hey... Usopp, is that you?"

"Took you long enough!!" His buddy said, kicking his feet behind a stall.

"Where are your feet then?! Don't tell me- CAN YOU FLY!??" A pair of bright yellow beams shot through Luffy's eyes with excitement.

"If I could fly, I wouldn't be in this school in the first place! Heck, I wouldn't even be HUMAN... Even birds get treated better than the students here." The older boy responded with sarcasm.

"Also, I would proudly aim at everyone's head or car to ruin their day." This sentence made both the younger male and his fellow friend laugh.

Stretching his arms up to the top of the stall, Luffy hovered over the cubicle and jumped down to the plain white flooring where he found a normal looking stall.

One toilet, a toilet paper dispenser with no toilet paper in it as usual, and four boring walls that made him feel claustrophobic.

After scanning each side of the walls with his eyes, they landed on a set of long legs, and following them was the rest of a human body that seemed to be stuck to the wall.

"USOPP?! I was wondering why you weren't in your seat this morning! How'd this happen to you?" Luffy asked, seeing the look of pain on Usopp's face while he pleaded his friend to help him out of the trap he was in.

"Kid invaded me earlier with the same nails you have on your backpack. Sheesh... That fiend gave me a massive wedgie!! I can't feel my crack!" After boldly admitting this humiliating truth, Usopp sighed.

Seconds later, a loud ruckus caused a few of the boys, who were using the restroom at the time, to jolt when Luffy tumbled back and forced the toilet seat to have a rough collision with the toilet.

"JUST HELP ME GET DOWN! LUUUUFFY!" Tears coiled up in Luffy's eyes as he helped his friend get down, only to be playfully punched by him for laughing endlessly at his unfortunate fate with the Supernovas.

"Guess you could say we pretty much 'nailed' class today, huh?" Luffy chuckled, wrapping his arm around Usopp while the other rolled his eyes at him.

"More like class NAILED us. That wedgie nearly split my butt in half!!"

"Your butt is already in half, loser! Luffy sarcastically responded, shoving Usopp as his friend pushed him back with more force until their heads bumped against each other, causing them to burst out laughing.

"I'm starving!!! Law "shambled" my lunch money straight into his pocket earlier and left me broke!" Usopp admitted, making his brunette buddy feel sorry for him and chuckle at the same time.

"I have enough to buy us both something, don't worry! Come on, let's go eat lunch before-" Just as they were about to make their way to the cafeteria, a rush of students blocked them from getting to their destination.

To their misfortune, lunch was already over by the time they made it back to the school corridors, resulting in Luffy and his friend heading to a different room on an empty stomach.

On his way there, Luffy felt less lonely, knowing Usopp would be by his side this time.

"P.E. How hard can it be, right?" Luffy mindlessly questioned, elbowing Usopp who gulped in return.

He turned his attention to a group of tall looking guys dressed in gym clothes.

"W-when those three are on the opposing team, I doubt we have a shot at winning, Luffy." Looking down at his body, Luffy's mouth widened.

"Hey! Where are you going, Luffy!"

"I forgot to put my Soccer uniform on! I'll be right back!!"

Running against time, the young teen ran back to his locker room in search of his uniform.

"Now... Where'd I put that bag?"


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