Last Mate | 8 💔

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At last, the tears Luffy had been suppressing for so long, cascaded down his neckline while he desperately held the Swordsman as if tomorrow was non-existent for them.

Zoro placed his hands beneath the boy's bottom, as Luffy deepened the simple kiss he had given him.

"Don't.. Ever leave me... Zoro." Parting their lips for a moment, Zoro gave Luffy another hypnotic look that made his chest rise with anticipation.

Staring at him was almost a reward for the young man who was almost certain he would never get the chance to do as much as feel Zoro's warmth ever again.

"What's with those tears, huh?"

"S-shut up!!" Luffy attempted to wipe his eyes but Zoro was quick to gently grab onto his wrists, watching as the boy shut his eyes.

"S...shoot! They're still coming out." He thought to himself when he realized that there was no way he could hold his tears back any longer.

"Is someone feeling sad now, huh?" The ruthless man chuckled in a teasing tone of voice that made Luffy's legs turn into jelly beneath him.

"Not a chance, Swordy." Luffy teased his Swordsman back.

To get back at the younger for giving him such an unexpected pet name, Zoro came up with a brilliant idea.

"That's not what your eyes are showcasing right now, Captain Crybaby."

His announcement made Luffy bury his face into the man's chest as Zoro ran his hands through his silky smooth strands of brown hair.

For a moment, no one did anything. The younger decided to keep his head pressed against Zoro's bare chest. They left the man shirtless after wrapping the bandages around his ribs for them to heal on their own.

The partial nudity of his upper body gave Luffy easy access to a very important part within Zoro's figure that the boy was eager to be close to.

"Hey, that tickles. Get out of there already!" Zoro rolled his eyes, fondling Luffy's fluffy hair to make it messy.

"I like this part the most."

"Why, because of the long ass bandages wrapped around them? I feel like a mummy from Egypt." Zoro's joke made an adorable giggle leave Luffy's lips as a silent sob left his throat as well.

"No," The Swordsman looked down at the younger who was talking to him with his head still buried deeply into his chest.

"... I like it because I can hear your heart beating again." He admitted. In that precise moment, a strange sound pounded against Luffy's ear, making him pull his head away to face Zoro.

"What was that just now? It sounded-" His head was sunk back against Zoro's chest by the man himself as he wrapped his hands around Luffy's head, caressing his ear.

"Stay there for awhile." Being told this by the older man, Luffy slowly shut his sleepy eyes, feeling safer than ever.

As their embrace went on, the sounds surrounding the recovery room died down and automatically silenced themselves while the couple slowly reconciled, letting their body Language fix the battle wounds they left each other with after their war was over.

Luffy felt as if he could mold himself into the older man's body, the closer he held him, running his elongated fingers throughout his broad back.

When he was ready to release himself from their embrace, he noticed how immobile his hands had become, as if they were stuck behind Zoro's back.

The older man wasn't ready to let go just yet, and Luffy could sense it in his breathing pattern.

In the midst of their embrace, he could feel a strange tremble connected to the Swordsman's arms as he held Luffy in a protective position, no longer wanting to let him go.

Growing curious, Luffy turned his head upwards after feeling an odd droplet plop onto it and run down his forehead.

From above, he was surprised to see a tear drop hanging down from Zoro's chin, ready to freefall wherever gravity made it land onto.

"I've only seen Zoro cry once... Seeing him cry is making me feel strange." Luffy's lips started to tremble as he dragged his hand over towards the Swordsman's head.

"Dummy," Zoro chuckled through a soft sniffle.

"How do you think I felt hearing you crying in the ambulance without being able to do anything other than lie down on a stiff bed?"

Luffy's eyes lit up, shocked at the older man's reply.

"You could hear me the entire time!?" Zoro moved his head, nodding at the brunette while he dragged his hand up to his face, wiping the Swordsman's tears away.

"Oh, I heard you. You were ready to throw hands at those paramedics, huh?"

"I WAS PISSED BECAUSE THEY KEPT DOING STUFF TO ME AND WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU!" Luffy raged, ruining the moment of peaceful silence in between him and Zoro.

"You could've at least let them suture your leg. How'd you get this?" Zoro asked, running his hand across Luffy's leg while the younger was carried into his arms.

"Oh, that? I scrapped it against the ground when you pushed me out of the road... Hey Zoro, what are we doing?" Luffy asked after seeing how high he was off of the ground.

"We? We're gonna play "Doctor and Patient" for a little while." The green haired male said, placing Luffy down onto his hospital bed.

"Who's who then?" The younger asked once more, untangling his hands from Zoro's neck, sliding them down to his collar bones with a suggestive smirk.

"You're the patient, I'm your doctor."

Tracing the younger man's body with his rough hands that were gentle against his silky smooth skin, Zoro was about to ask Luffy a question as soon as he placed his hand over the thick lining of his shorts, but the duo sensed loud footsteps coming from a mile away as their eyes grew red.

"Wh- Luffy?" Standing up as fast as he could from the bed, Luffy switched places with Zoro.

Seconds after they did this risky exchange, there was a devious grin on Zoro's face as he closed his eyes, hearing the door to the recovery room open.

"So that's where you were! You should have called us so we could see him too, Luffy!" Luffy's crewmates spoke, being lead into the recovery room by a doctor.

"Hey, weren't you the boy who was with our other patient awhile ago?" A nurse who was walking behind the doctor asked, pointing at their deceased patient.

"Uh... W-who?"


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