Noisy Neighbor | 9 🎸

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By now, Luffy and Law weren't the only ones who maintained a reputation for being 'noisy neighbors'. Once Zoro joined them in their one night stand, all types of sounds emitted from the duplex apartment.

To accompany the noise they were making, their neighbors from a taller building beside Zoro's house had coincidentally started listening to loud music.

The reverberating bass was so deep, it caused the bed they were in to vibrate more than it already was with their high-intensity movements.

"For such a rabbity looking guy, you aren't as shy as I thought you were, Luffy." Zoro confessed to the younger, setting him off like a time bomb after he mistook the word "rabbity" for the actual animal, oppose to what it truly meant, that word being: "submissive".

"Y-YOU WISH, SWORDY. I'm NOT a rabbit!! I'm a...aah... Man.. A man.." Luffy could barely catch his breath while being devoured by the gallant men that preyed on his body, craving more, the harder they screwed in and out of him.

Their names spilled out of Luffy's mouth like cubes of ice that melted after coming in contact with something scorching hot.

"It feels h...hotter n-now. Is it time yet?" The younger asked, watching puffs of grayish white smoke filling the air when Law lit a cigarette and offered one to Zoro.

The Swordsman has never smoked before and he didn't intend on ever lighting a cigarette in his life.

Not for the fear of his health, but simply because he wasn't interested in smoking in general.

But in the heat of the moment, he began to desire giving it a try.

"Sure, why not. Though, I've never done this before. Is it like this?" He asked, placing the cigarette in between his lips.

"Uh, guys?"

"You put it in backwards, Zoro-ya." Law smirked, taking the cigarette out of the man's mouth to reposition it in the right way.

"Y-you guys..."

"So that's how it works, huh?" The Swordsman asked, feeling Law place his hand beneath his chin, pulling his face closer towards him.

"Hello?? Down here! Anyone?"

"Let me light it for you." The bassist dragged his lighter towards the cigarette, lighting it for his companion.

Having it on made the man cough at first when he unknowingly inhaled too fast, choking up on the smoke.

"Take it slower, don't suck in so hard. Just leave it in your mouth for a little while and take it out after a few seconds." Law instructed, training Zoro to pick up on his bad habit.

A few seconds later, the Swordsman placed the cigarette in between his middle and index fingers, watching the puffs of smoke diminish into the air as he exhaled.

"Aaagh!" Luffy's voice alerted the men who looked down at the brunette, realizing they were still moving inside of him while pausing to smoke their cigarettes.


"Are you close?" Zoro interrupted Law before the man could ask him a question similar to the one he made Luffy.

The pigmentation on Luffy's face was bright red, and that blush was running down all the way to his neck and touching part of his ears.

Tears of ecstasy were coiled in his eyes, threatening to overspill at any moment with each hit he received to his prostate by Law and Zoro's lubricous reproductive organs.

"Almost..." The younger was lost for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"Z...Zoro... T-Torao..." He searched for unknown answers through his breeders, fancying the way they smelled.

The room they were in was aromatized with the strong scent of cigarettes, alcohol, and the fragrance of cologne the men all had on.

Luffy's strained and distressed behavior balanced with his calm Casanovas that were more composed than ever, made the perfect combination in between pain and pleasure.

With one final, powerful thrust, the trio was sent over the edge at last, ending with their erotic shenanigans after reaching a much-needed climax.

"Boy... What a night." Luffy spoke, catching his breath as he grew weaker by the minute once his adrenaline rush began to wear off.

"You can say that again, I'm beat." Law pushed himself back, descending down onto the bed while still having the younger boy resting on top of him.

"We have band practice t...!!!" The boy was left speechless after his mouth was taken over with the sensation of Zoro's tongue swirling around his own.

His flirtatious action was sudden and unpredictable, yet lasted long enough to be remembered by the brunette after it ended.

Not to mention the grip the Swordsman's hands had on Luffy's bare waist, making Law's legs feel lighter as he nearly began to levitate with the man's kiss.

"Zoro..." The boy swallowed deeply, letting his body relax once Zoro pulled his face away from him with a spellbinding smirk of satisfaction that was difficult to not fall in love with.

Zoro was unsure if what he did was right or wrong, but he hoped Luffy would get the memo after the look he gave him.

"Leaving so soon, Zoro-ya?" Law asked, raising his head beneath his arm to keep it elevated.

"It's getting pretty late and I'm sure you two need your sleep. You wouldn't wanna be late for tomorrow, right?" Zoro asked, reminding the couple of what awaited them for tomorrow.

"Oh shit... The show is tomorrow, I nearly forgot." Law responded, face-palming himself.

"I'll escort him to the door, you can stay resting!" Luffy announced, almost pushing against Zoro's back on their way out of the room.

"What's the rush? You have all night to get plenty of sleep." Zoro questioned, confused by Luffy's odd behavior towards him and questioning him as to why he was in such a hurry to leave the bedroom they were in.

When looking at the boy underneath a different lighting, he realized how drastic his appearance had changed.

"Hey, what's that look for, hmm?" He teased at the young man's flushed cheeks.

"Take this." Luffy lowered his head and handed the man a small paper with a number on it.

"Call or text me tomorrow night..." He almost demanded to the older man, making sure he would do as he was told.

"For another "reunion", eh?" The Swordsman continued to joke around with him, giving the boy a wink.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Though, it might not be a complete reunion."

"Why's that?" Zoro asked, intrigued by the younger man who was wrapping a silk robe around his body, growing cold without his clothing.

"Let's just say... One of us won't be able to make it to the meeting." He mentioned, hoping that the older man would take the hint.

"One of us? Like who, your boyfriend?"

"Maybe. Only if you're down for a one-on-one, that is. You... Kiss really well." Luffy shamelessly admitted, caressing his own bottom lip.

"And by the looks of it, I think you want more."

"Not want. More like need more." The younger bravely confessed, pushing lightly against Zoro's chest as the man stepped out, a smile tracing both of their faces.

"Well, tell me whenever you want a round two and we'll do it at my place. Sound good?" Zoro suggested.

The Swordsman's invitation was happily granted by his paramour who was eager to meet him once again.

As their conversation ended, Luffy shut the door behind him and headed back to sleep in the room he shares with Law.

"Something tells me our next reunion will be much more than a round two... And I'll prove it to you when we meet again, Monkey D. Luffy."


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