Class Fight | 16 🤛

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"Hh...haa..." Luffy parted his soft, tiny lips and heaved a sigh, grappling his fists tightly onto the sheets beneath his body as if he were wrestling with them.

"Is it supposed to feel this w- Aargh!" His head sunk to the bottom of his pillow, flattening its fluffy appearance instantly as the boy felt the lower half of his body moving at an undeniably seductive rhythm.

The arch Luffy made by curving his spine gave his figure the appearance of being sculptured by an artist, given how pristine the position was.

He could barely feel his face as consequence of how flushed it grew. To add to that numbing, he was also beginning to suffocate in between his pillows.

Zoro's ears were able to capture the amount of wheezing in between every breath Luffy would take. He placed one hand over the boy's round shoulder, turning him over and stopping for a minute.

"I don't think this is gonna work out." Luffy looked over at him with confusion, feeling a sense of disappointment building up within his body.

"Your bed is too soft and it keeps making you sink down-"

"OH, THE BED. The bed was the problem, thank goodness!" He sighed, holding his chest before flinging a pillow over Zoro's head.

"Don't scare me like that, I thought you were breaking up with me!" He shouted, making Zoro smirk.

"Breaking up with you? We're not even dating, dumbass."

"What do you think we're doing now? Walking around the Park?" The younger rolled his eyes, gasping halfway through his sentence when Zoro carried him in his arms while still penetrating him with his joystick.

He cornered the boy against a wall and desk, thrusting deeper into him at a more stable pace.

The younger male could feel a fire spreading throughout his midsection, running down to his erection, urging him to stroke himself.

His dampened brunette locks of hair blurred his vision, along with the fever he had rushing through his body, burning him from within.

"Y..ou.. You really are from the worst generation." A smirk appeared on Zoro's face, seconds after Luffy came to such terms with him.

"What made you realize it?" He then asked the younger who was starting to get whiplash from the movements his head kept on making.

Expecting a strong worded answer from Luffy, the Swordsman eagerly awaited his long response.

But while Luffy made it seem as if he were preparing to say a lot, the sentence he formed was shorter than Zoro imagined.

"Your hands are rough." He admitted, wanting the younger teen to realize he was holding onto his backsides rather harshly.

However, that epiphany never made it to Zoro's mind as a result of how busy it had gotten, at the time.

"Of all things, you choose my hands? I've slaughtered people using my swords, you know." During this time, Luffy was starting to grow impatient.

The younger extended his arms over his desk as if he were trying to jump over it, but the lower half of his body still remained chained to Zoro's arms in a secure grip.

He could feel a strong pressure seeping deeper in between his eyes with the amount of force that was applied to them while they rolled to the back of his head.

"Something tells me your hands are- Aghh... are more violent than your swords." The boy squinted his eyes shut, unable to handle having them open anymore.

"Are you still thinking about our fight from earlier?" The rebel furrowed his eyebrows, too empty-headed to comprehend what Luffy was trying to tell him.

"I'm talking about now, NOW! Haa... Ah.." He took a steep breath in, feeling his leg getting lifted higher towards Zoro's chest behind the older boy.

This action caused the Captain to shudder as a strange sensation showed up by stages in his body, each stage left a perplexed look on his face, all the while preparing him for what was about to happen to him.

At first, the feeling started off as a heaviness that was wearing him down one minute, then the next, a sparking paroxysmal tension was sent throughout his body that was leaving him immobilized with spasms.

Frozen beneath Zoro's touch, the older teen had already surpassed that stage and was struggling to keep up with the pace he was using to thrust while a shock of electricity invaded his muscles.

"C-can't.. I can't anymore." The brunette tilted his head back, squeezing his walls around his harsh breeder who was pulling on his hair in the midst of their intimate session.

"I'm surprised you've lasted this long, Captain." Zoro teased, running his tongue across the boy's neck.

"Can't..." Zoro's eyes widened when he caught Luffy's petite figure in the air, preventing him from landing on the floor.

For a second, the older started to panic, putting a stop to his movements to hold Luffy in his arms.

Shortly after, he started to retreat his length from within him but was held back by a hand that reached behind his own.

"Luffy, I'm taking it out, okay?" Zoro lowered his head, looking down at the brunette who was disagreeing with th decision he made.

"Don't.." Luffy answered, shaking his head at Zoro's figure that was still standing tall behind him as the younger rested his body against his bed.

"Don't? Hey, come on now. Your body's too tired to take this."

"Nuh-uh, I can take it." He whispered halfway throughout his sentence, growing breathless and giving Zoro another sign of becoming weakened.

The Swordsman slid himself back inside of the younger boy's entrance to test the waters with him. Along the way, he could feel him loosening up, giving him a sense of relief.

Having Luffy more relaxed helped Zoro maneuver his way in and out of him without his walls closing in so tightly.

After their second attempt, the fervent duo had become equally as desperate to reach their climax, clinging onto one another as the sheets twisted untidily beneath the weight of their enkindled bodies that rose to flames amidst their release.

Luffy's insides were left throbbing for awhile after Zoro pulled his length out of him before the rush of their orgasm wore off.

Afterwards, they collapsed onto the bed, emitting a slight laughter in between a kiss they shared, hiding beneath the sheets.

The smile on Luffy's face let his lover know how satisfied he was with the sexual activities they experienced and accomplished on that day.

His hands were holding onto the younger boy's waist, rubbing his back gently as his eyes began to close.

Soon, a riddled look appeared on the Swordsman's face as his voice woke Luffy up from his temporary sleep.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." He mentioned to the boy, leaving him with something on his mind as well.

"Somehow, I do too... Let's get some sleep for now, I'm sleeeeepy." The younger whined, making Zoro chuckle.

"Yeah. Doubt it was important anyways." The older placed a kiss on Luffy's head, falling asleep with him until the following day.


Somewhere in a peaceful neighborhood, the sound of fists banging against a door echoed throughout a backyard.


Roronoa Jiro remained trapped within his shed until his parents got back home from their trip overseas which lasted ten days.

By the time they found him, he was covered in leaves, mud, and had become good friends with a friendly squirrel who was locked in the shed with him.

"Roronoa Zoro... I'll get my revenge on you one day."


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