Tan Lines | 9 🌅

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"Wasn't he immobile a few seconds ago?" Zoro thought to himself, running behind Luffy.

"HEY! Wait up, Happy Feet!" Luffy started giggling when the man wrapped his arms behind him, tickling his ribcage.

"H-HAHA! Happy Feet!? What's that supposed to- AHA! M-meeeean?!" Tears coiled up in the corner of Luffy's eyes as he held his stomach, cracking up to the point of feeling pain.

"I'll explain it later... Is this seriously a hotel?" Zoro slowly released the boy from his grip as they wandered around their new destination.

The inside of the hotel they had made it to was unlike any regular looking hotel they've been in. Everything was bright and starry themed.

Even the reception area was covered with stars.

"Welcome to our Hotel! Do you have reservations?" The receptionist asked the two clueless young men.

"Us? No no, we were just curious about the interior. It's a nice looking place." Zoro responded to the Sunflower lady.

"Tonight we're celebrating the Moon Festival! It happens only once a year: The moon grows so big, rumor has it that you could even touch it!" Luffy's eyes widened with glee.

"You should stay around to watch it!" She smiled with joy, offering the lovers a separate room, unaware of what their relationship status was.

"Thanks, but we won't be long. We have to get back to our ship." Zoro explained, wrapping his arm over the Captain's shoulders, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Realizing that they were dating each other made the woman smile.

"Our hotel offers special "services" for couples as well, and free food-"

"ONE ROOM, PLEASE!" Luffy slammed his wallet down onto the counter, earning a strange look of disagreement from Zoro.

"Oi oi, don't be so reckless. We're travelling to Alabasta in two days for Vivi's wedding." He reminded the brunette.

"You're right.. Sorry, lady. Maybe next time." The receptionist felt defeated, but she wasn't ready to give up yet.

"Did I mention we also carry the world's finest Sake from-"

"BOOK US IN." Zoro interrupted, slamming his wallet against the counter as well.

"PRONTO." The Captain chimed in, jumping on top of the Swordsman's back out of excitement.

"Your total is-" Luffy's stomach started grumbling inhumanely loud in the midst of the receptionist telling them about their prices.

Hearing this, Zoro returned a small red wallet back to the younger man and insisted he would pay after the woman told them the price of their room.

"It's okay, I got this!"

"Your stomach is already empty, I don't want your wallet to starve as well. I got this, baby." Handing the woman his credit card, Luffy felt upset.

"No fair! You didn't even give me the chance to- Did you just call me "baby"?" He asked, as an epiphany struck him.

"That's the fastest your brain's ever captured anything." Zoro responded, ruining their moment and making the lady in front of them chuckle.

"That's cold... But you're right. Even my observation Haki doesn't work that fast." Luffy himself admitted.

"I can tell you two will definitely bring life to this hotel for tonight." The woman said, handing the lovers a key to their bedroom.

"I'll make sure we do." Zoro responded, winking at his Captain.

"Enjoy your stay tonight!" The receptionist spoke to the couple as their silhouettes faded away, the further they walked towards their room.

"Which number is our room again?" Luffy asked, earning a shrug from the Swordsman.

"She didn't give us a number."

"But these rooms all have numbers on them. There has to be a number on the key somewhere." The young man curled his lips, taking a closer look at the key.

"All she gave me was the key and this weird looking brochure with a red sunflower on it... Who colors sunflowers red anyways?"

"Let me see that for a second." Luffy snatched the paper off of Zoro's hands for a moment, staring at the drawing.

Soon, they realized that every door they would pass by had familiar looking sunflowers, each with a different color.

"Hmmm, pink, brown, purple... Any luck?" Zoro asked, turning over to Luffy who nodded at him.

"Found it! Oooh, it has a donut distribution sign on it! Do we get free donuts?" The boy asked while Zoro took a closer look at the sign.

"... It says "Do Not Disturb", not "Donut Distribution", Captain." He corrected.

"So... No free donuts then?" Luffy pouted.

"No. No free donuts." Zoro responded before he knelt down to the floor.

"Zoro, what're you-" A gasp escaped Luffy's mouth when he was carried into the candlelit hotel room by the man.

Together, the two smirked at each other as Zoro placed Luffy down onto their bed.

"Good thing it's dark in here, that way you won't be able to see my tan lines and make fun them." The boy stated, adjusting himself against the soft sheets.

Narrowing his head downwards, Luffy could feel Zoro grabbing ahold of his left leg, moving it closely towards his own face to place a small peck in the boy's inner thigh.

This action of his caused the younger man's face to flare up, leaving the pigmentation of his cheeks to become bright red.

"Don't worry, after this, you won't be able to see them either." Zoro's tone of voice grew husky, sending chills down Luffy's spine, while he entertained himself with his stick thin thighs.

The impassioned brunette could see a set of three golden, Tuscany earrings shining brighter than the stars that twinkled innocently above the sky they could view from the window beside them.

He reached his hand out and started to play with them, all the while caressing Zoro's face when the man retreated his lips from his thigh.

The older man rested his hands on either end of his lover's hips, gently tugging at his shorts.

Moments after slipping them down for the second time, he was met with a surprise.

"How'd he escape?" He asked, pointing down at Luffy's midsection.

His underwear was still on, but his "family jewels" weren't entirely secure.

The brunette innocently shrugged his shoulders with a suspicious pout on his face that matched the look on his wandering eyes.

"How should we do this.. That bed frame might make a lot of noise." Zoro spoke, pointing at the wooden bed frame while the younger crawled on the soft sheets like a toddler.

"Hmm....." The boy started bouncing and making strange, rapid movements on top of the bed, hearing a disturbing sound emit from the frame behind him.

Looking around him, his eyes landed on a place he and his boyfriend hadn't visited yet.

"I have an idea! Take my hand."  Zoro held onto Luffy's hand, watching him leaning back.

"Hang on tight!"

"Hang on tight?... Haha.. Shit..."


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