Class Fight | 10 🤛

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Wiping his lips off, Jiro made his way towards Luffy when he saw that the young boy had a sword in his hands and was holding it around Zoro's neck.

"Don't do anything crazy, put that sword down... Please." The man begged, looking at the teen who was tempted to glide the sword across his victim's skin.

That's when Zoro confessed everything to Jiro, storing his fear away for a minute to speak properly.

"Jiro... Listen carefully: You have to go get the machete in the shed." The lighter haired boy explained, activating Jiro's fight-or-flight response that caused him to scramble to his feet.

"Thieves broke into the house earlier using him as bait, and they have me held hostage here. If you don't do anything, then they'll kill us!" Tumbling back, Jiro started to panic.

"A-alright man, just stay here! I'll be back, don't do anything stupid to get your ass killed." On his way there, Jiro dropped his phone and bend over to look for it in the pitch black darkness within the shed.

What he didn't know, was that Luffy had secretly followed him there. With one swift kick, the boy pushed Jiro further into the shed and Zoro locked him inside of it.

"ZORO!? WHAT'S ALL THIS ABOUT?!" The man questioned, banging his fists against the door.

"I'm being kidnapped somewhere, but don't worry... Something tells me my kidnapper isn't a bad guy after all." Hearing Zoro and his supposed 'kidnapper' cracking up outside of the shed, Jiro fumed with anger.

"This isn't over, Zoro!! Mark my words!"

~Awhile later~

"Who knew oversized clothing felt this good." Luffy giggled, flailing his sweater paws in the air while inhaling Zoro's scent of cologne on them.

Given that he had spent some time in the older boy's closet, he managed to steal an outfit of his while Zoro was battling with Jiro in the kitchen and all throughout the rest of the apartment.

"It doesn't look half bad on you either." Zoro admitted, having his wound cleaned by the younger, once more.

Despite telling Luffy to let it be, the amount of blood that the Swordsman had lost was concerning to the younger male, so he sneakily took a spare bandage roll from a first aid kit he found in the bathroom, and used it to help stop the bleeding for good.

On their way to Luffy's apartment, the Swordsman got to know more about the younger teen who he never bothered to even look at before.

"So, you live with your older brother too, huh?"

"Yup! His name is Sabo. I started living with him awhile ago, but I'm thinking on moving out to give him and his wife space." The boy informed, making Zoro feel curious.

"Where would you live then?"

"Alone, duhhhh." Luffy stuck his tongue out at the older boy who stuck his middle finger at him in return before wrapping his arm around the boy's waist.

"When you start living on your own, invite me over to your apartment sometime. What we started in my house, we could finish it in yours." He winked, making the submissive male blush madly as he nodded happily.

Their moment of joy was cut short after encountering another obstacle along the way: Eustass Kid.

Luffy's smile faded away instantly as he could foresee the imminent attack that awaited him. He used Zoro's frame to hide behind him.

To his dismay, Luffy was deceived by the Swordsman when he squeezed his arm tightly, pushing him in front of where he was stood.

"N-n-no, Zoro... What are you doing..." Luffy panicked, looking around himself like a kitten surrounded by a pack of violent wolves.

"Well, who do we have here? You really did it this time, Zoro. He could barely even walk." Kid teased, hinting at the visible limp Luffy had in every step he would take.

"But never mind him. Where on Earth were you!? We've been looking everywhere for you, man. Law even took his ass to the police station thinking you were in jail!" The older trouble-maker related to his friend.

"Home." The Swordsman informed, eyeing Luffy for a second seeing the way Kid was hunting him down with an anxious look on his face.

"I was taking out the trash, didn't I tell you already?" A soft chuckle left Zoro's mouth, leaving Kid confused.

The sound of knuckles cracking echoed loudly in the alleyway the three teens were in.

Luffy's fear faded away and turned into a menacing laughter, revealing his true nature.

"You're a good actor, Zoro."

"Better to laugh than cry, right, apprentice?" Kid started to feel strange, questioning if this was still the Zoro he had known for over two years, or who the Swordsman truly was.

"Hey Kid, start taking notes." Zoro instructed, approaching his 'friend' closer.

"A-apprentice? What's really going on? C'mon, what's the deal with you two!?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes at the tan skinned teens.

"I managed to get what we needed from Noodles after over working him to get the job done."

A grin of satisfaction appeared on Kid's face after Zoro shared this news with him.

"Sick! Pass them down to me, what's the assignment about again?"

In seconds, that shameless grin of his was transformed into a frown when a tightened fist came in contact with his jaw, knocking him out cold on the pavement.

Zoro hovered over Kid with another person's shadow he could barely see as consequence of his vision going blurry.

"You two... Bastards..."

"Did I forget to mention it?" Kid was lifted in the air by his collar, growing lightheaded by his new enemy and traitor, Zoro.

"Mention what..." He coughed, blood spewing out of his mouth.

"Our assignment was to beat the shit out of you."


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