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"Stop yelling..." Commandant can only sigh. He twitched as he walked towards the construct. "Save your energy."

"I should be saying the same to you..."

"Come on. A little more. We have to get back to base, and report back to President."

"Commandant. Just stop talking. I'll... I'll carry you!"

"Kamui. You truly are a reliable guy."

"Hehe." Kamui grinned. "Now then Commandant, we'll arrive there in no time. Leave it to me to carry you back!"


Kamui picked up the Commandant, giving him a ride on his back as the man merely holds on. Sighing in return as he breathes heavily.

"Heh... Not looking good ain't it Commandant?"

"I'm dying by each day. Of course, that isn't stopping me now is it Kamui?"


"Still. To think we'd get ambushed. And hard by the corrupted. Just our luck. Even so, you did a good job Kamui."

"I don't think I did a good enough job."

"Nobody can blame you. The attack was unexpected you know? Perhaps... I'll just close my eyes for a bit."

"Rest. Leave the rest to me. I'll pummel the corrupted with my sword hehe."

"Never change Kamui, never change."

"Not intending to!"


"Ew! Blood!" Kamui's yells we're heard throughout the ruined area. All the while he can only chuckle at their poor condition.

The device to contact Hassen or in general receive communication got destroyed during the battle earlier. So now, they have no way to contact Babylonia, for now, Kamui hopes they hurry up. Find out something is wrong quickly.

"Commandant?" Kamui looked over and noticed the Commandant went silent. Seeing the man's passed-out face. "..." He went unconscious. Must be from the blood loss that got him lightheaded and passed out. Those wounds are slowly bleeding him out, despite patching himself up by tearing some of his clothes to treat his injuries.

"Cmon guys... Hurry!" Whine Kamui, his playful attitude still intact. But he has no clue how long he can be cheerful with the man on the verge of death.


"No response..."

"The connection must be unstable then."

"That shouldn't be possible. The communication was just fine when they arrived at the desired location."

"What do you suggest happened then?"

Hassen and Nikola both stared at each other in silence. Their faces were serious and their frowns were shown.

"I don't wish to think for the worst. But I'm optimistic that everything is going alright." Hassen said. "The Commandant will be fine one way or another. But to ensure Kamui and the Commandant are safe. It'd be best if we get a search team."

"It's only for the best." Nikola said. "However... If the worst comes..."

"... This will be worrisome if the others found out if something did happen to the Commandant." Hassen said, but he smiled nonetheless. "Love truly is a powerful emotion isn't it?"

"The way I see it, that does not look like love." Nikola said with a frown. "Those constructs are dangerous I tell you."

"Which is why it's very worrying if they hear about the Commandant's being—"

"Hear about what?"

A new voice boomed into the room as Nikola and Hassen turned to stare at the voice.

"What happened to Commandant?" Lucia spoke with her voice on edge. Her eyes stared at both. "The Commandant being what exactly?"

"..." Hassen remained silent as his face was calm. "Do promise not to do anything rash."

"Depends. What are you hiding President?" Lucia asked. "What happened to Commandant?" The voice was cold, and her gaze fell upon both Nikola and Hassen.

"He's not responding." Nikola was the one to break the ice, the tension grew. "We suspected at first that our connection was weak, but that shouldn't be possible. And so... We can suspect for now that the communication device was destroyed."


"We're planning to send out a few soldiers to investigate."

"I'll go." Lucia said. Gripping her sheathed blade as she eyed the President. "May Kamui be keeping him safe."

"Kamui is one of a kind. Have faith in both of them." Hassen said.




"Yes, Kamui?"

"Please tell me you're fine."

"Just... Light-headed." Commandant said. Wiping the sweat off his forehead. "And not having my medicine makes things worse."

"Your chest... How is it?" Kamui looked down at the Commandant. He sweats nervously as his face was grim.

"Ehe." He can only laugh nervously. "It's tightening a lot. Breathing simply hurts."

"Dammit... I can't fail now."

"Don't push yourself, Kamui."

"But if I don't—"

"I won't die today. I'm the Commandant after all." The Commandant tried to erasure with a smile on his face. "The Gray Raven squad won't lose me today. Not tomorrow, anytime soon. We still got a goal to accomplish remember?"

"Yeah... Yeah!" Kamui said. "Which is why don't give up yet, Commandant! Eventually, help will come for us!"



"I'm hungry." He merely replied. Despite his wounds, he was hungry the most. Hmph... "Being human has its downs for sure."

"We'll have something cooked up for you when we get back Commandant."

"Yeah. I would like that." He could only slowly close his eyes. He's too tired. He feels himself losing consciousness again. 

"!" Kamui's voice got mumbled out as everything began going deaf to him. Seeing Kamui who began getting surrounded by Corrupted. Slashing and bashing the enemies. Fighting desperately and quickly. All the while Kamui protected him. Any Corrupted that got near him was instantly slashed away or killed by Kamui.

He saw as Kamui desperately struggled. Running for a long time with him on his back. And fighting a lot earlier, both combined surely worn out the blonde, watching as Kamui got to his knee. His blade stabbed to the ground as he got surrounded again. Breathing heavily as he stared on.

The Corrupted began getting close to him as well, he can only watch as his body remained unmoving. And his life began to slowly die out. Hmph. Times like this make him wish he had luck for once.

As he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of muffled gunshots, multiple slashes that were heard around the area. Then he felt his body get picked up from arms that were not big, nor were they small.


He heard a voice.


Ah... He couldn't help but smile. Realizing who is holding him. 

Perhaps Lady Luck truly exists...


Word Count: 1,067

Commandant and his Constructs [PGR]Where stories live. Discover now