Chapter 10

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"Your incompetence to serve me is dully horrible."

"I'm sorry."

"Hmm... You shall be forgiven. Consider yourself lucky that this empress is quite merciful against you." Qu hummed at the man. Seeing him bow apologetically at the accidental slip that caused him to spill the drink she ordered from him. "Though don't have it happen again... These clothes are worth more than your pathetic life." She chuckled at her joke.

"... Let me guess, a joke?"

"Correct." She found herself smiling at the man. Happy to see that he understood her this time. "You've gotten better at understanding me. I must say, I'm impressed. I guess you're not as horrible as I thought you were."

"Well... I try my best to know my fellow acquaintances."

"Acquaintances?" She hummed. "My, is that what we are in the eyes of you?" She shook her head in disappointment at the way the Commandant sees their relationship.

"Not at all. Although it's true we're acquaintances, I see you all as fellow allies and friends. O-Of course... You're the empress that I worship." Commandant stammered a bit.

"Mm..." Qu smiled at his words. Sipping her tea that the man brew after he spilled the water on her. "Though I guess... I'll let that little mistake slide. Your tea is an acceptable apology."

"It's the least I can do for what happened earlier..." Whispered Commandant who sipped from his drink. He sighed as he moved back on his chair. Resting for a bit.

"You seem more tired than usual."

"Really? I'm pretty sure I look fine..." He lied through his teeth.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Qu eyed the man suspiciously.

"Maybe... But I'm too stubborn to admit when I'm tired."

"I think this is what humans call, workaholic syndrome. Or just simple, workaholism. One who works despite their conditions, either lack of sleep, deprivation of hunger, in favor of continuing with work."

"Hmph... Sometimes I wish you sounded more human than machine..." Commandant whispered as he put his arm over his face. A frown escaped his lips.

"More human than a machine? But we're more machine than we'll ever be human."

"...Sigh" Commandant let out a heavy sigh. "Fair enough... Even so, that doesn't stop my concern for you all. You have your free will as well."

"Free will? Do you believe in such a thing?"

"I do." He nodded. "I think everyone has the free will to choose their fates and defy destiny. But it makes you wonder as well, what is your destiny...?" He whispered lower than before.

"... Commandant?" Qu raised a brow at the man's sudden change in tone.

"Ah... What is my destiny, Empress? What is my purpose? Or do I even lack purpose?" The man couldn't help but ask while straightening himself back up, and taking a sip of his drink. Wincing a bit at the strong taste.

"What did you mix into that tea of yours?" Qu couldn't help but ask the man. Eyeing his drink.

"Nothing... Just a bit of whiskey to add in the flavor." Commandant chuckled.

"..." She frowned at his words. "Do you drink when you're feeling a type of way?" She decided to ask him.

"Only whenever I feel shitty." The man replied bitterly. "Alcohol has never failed me once... Clear myself, to relieve whatever stress I have or worries."

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