Chapter 47

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"Festivals. Festivals. One of the biggest sources of entertainment and celebrations. The very concept of a festival has existed for a very long time, I'm glad that it still exists even after the world has turned out for the worse." Pulao sighed and her face faltered. However, that dissolved as she didn't want to be pessimistic. "Thank you for the time, commandant. I enjoyed spending the festival with you."

"Don't mention it. I had a great time. Managed to get some gifts for my team as well."

"Are you sure you had a great time?" Pulao's question lingered in the air as commandant had understood what she meant.

"Yeah. Despite how tiring it was. I did. Even though I didn't get to rest much, it was still fun."

"I pity you. Out in the public, you can't enjoy yourself much now huh? Then again, that's the price of fame. Babylonia's hero."

"You don't have to sound so smug saying that last part you know?" It was embarrassing enough as it is. "While we could hardly be alone due to constantly being surrounded by people, I did have a blast. Besides, I got a couple of discounts just because I'm famous. Fame has its perks I suppose."

"Must be nice..." Pulao hummed at the content look on commandant's face. She watched as he gripped the bags he had with him with a smile. "I'm sure the rest of Gray Raven will love your gifts."

"You think so? I tried getting them things that they may like."

"As long as it's from you, they'll love it. I say love but more like treasure?" Pulao had a puzzled face. "Or is the right word worship? Probably..." Worship sounds about right.

"It's just a gift. Nothing should be worshiped for something that isn't all that valuable." Commandant warily smiled. "... Ha..." He let out an exasperated breath knowing that he might be lying to himself.

"Well, I'll see you next time! I'm going to look for Hanying!"

"See ya Pulao. Stay safe."

"That's my line! You seriously need to stay safe!" Pulao said as she left.

"Even a child is telling me to be safe." It should be the other way around. Without any further reason to stay around, he had gone ahead and began walking away from the festival-infested area. As he walks through the corridors, the sound of the festival noise grows distant the further he goes into the building. "A child huh?" He stops walking. He says that yet Pulao is stronger than him. He looked out toward the vast emptiness of space while humming a familiar song that he knew by heart. He tinkered with his terminal that he had pulled out. He didn't hear the sound of the notification noise indicating that he hadn't gotten any new messages.

Regardless, he went ahead and checked in case anything did happen. He had finished and saw that nothing was out of the ordinary. Putting his terminal away he looked away from the space view. A festival is something he needed for his mental being. Constant loss and death alongside the strange situations he finds himself in take a mental toll.

Rubbing his neck, he turned the corner but stopped abruptly. Alongside him stopped another individual as the two nearly collided into one another. "You're..." It was a member of Dark Aries. "Lillian." The short twin-tail support construct looked at him.


'Eek?' He thought with amusement at how startled the construct got. "Sorry. Didn't mean to bump into you. Well, at least we both stopped before we collided."

"S-sorry. I didn't know you were coming from the corner." Lillian apologized.

"You don't need to apologize. It's just a minor inconvenience. Neither of us are at fault." He continued looking at the construct. "How have you been? Has Dark Aries been treating you well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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