Chapter 46

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Rubbing his eye with a slight migraine. He rests his elbow on his desk as his hand is on his cheek. Reading over the papers, writing reports, and signing away, these past few days he's been given a lot of paperwork. He's been cooped up in his office all week. Nobody has seen him outside his office unless they come directly to said office.

Honestly, between this and getting sent out on dangerous missions, he might prefer the latter. Then again...he also cares about living so maybe he'll stick with paperwork. He may be scared from time to time but he swore to do everything he can do to help.

"Ah..." He sighed as he couldn't help but feel sleepy. "Whoever invented paperwork, I hope they're having a fun time in hell." He mumbled while raising a paper to his face and looked at it.

"Signed." He wrote his signature after skimming through the content he read.

At least times like these are peaceful and oddly relaxing for him. A workaholic at hand and contradicting because although he feels like he's dying from boredom and exhaustion, he also feels relaxed.


"Eden...just what is going on here?" Leaving his office and heading outside. Looking around, he found himself staring at the festival that was taking place in Eden. It's not the festival that he has a problem with. In fact, he's simply glad to see all the refugees that were placed in Eden enjoy themselves and are protected. Although it's taxing and tiring for Babylonia in general with the supplies needed to entrust the people are living off well, seeing all these people is rewarding to him.

Back to the problem at hand. He sweat drops as he closes his eyes as he sees merchandise of himself being sold at the festival. Not only was it him but other teams and even his own. Being a public figure is embarrassing. He thought at the attention he received. He's sure the rest of Gray Raven must feel the same. Even someone such as Lee despite his serious aloofness may also feel embarrassed by the attention.


Speak of the devil.

Looking over while holding the stacks of paper in his hands, he saw Lee walk over to him.

"Hey, Lee. How's it going?" He signaled the Construct to follow him on a walk.

"My well-being shouldn't be your concern right now. You should be concerned about your health." Lee frowned as he walked with the man. "Let me." He offered to carry the paperwork for him but the Commandant shook his head no.

"I'm fine—and you took it anyway." The Commandant couldn't react quickly as the paperwork was taken from his hands. "I was fine carrying that you know?"

"Even so, please take it easy." Lee walked with the stacks of paper in his hands. "You've been busy these past few days with work. None of us have seen you a lot lately. I've heard that you've been cooped up in your office."

"Haha, yeah. Sorry about that. Unfortunately, duty calls you know?" He quipped a joke to lighten the mood as they walked inside a building. "But it'll be fine. You guys can function without me."

"Without you...?"

"Yeah. As in for a few days. What did you think I meant?"


"Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that don't worry about how things are on my end. It's just the life of an adult that's happening you know?" The Commandant asked with a smile.

"Does the life of an adult make you look sleep-deprived? Don't ask, I already know the answer." Lee said.

"Then what's the point of asking?" The Commandant pouted. "But yeah...that's how adulthood can be. The older you get the rustier you feel. I would say I miss being a child but the only memorable thing was the friends I had. By the way, I was surprised to see you at the Eden Festival. What were you doing?"

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