Chapter 2

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"Say Aah."

"Aah. Mph!"

"Hmm... How is it, Commandant?"

"It's good. Thanks, Lucia."

"Mm." A smile formed on the Construct's face as she fed the hospitalized man. "You should be able to get up soon."

"That's great." He smiled. "Though I think I can get up now too."

"Commandant. Please refrain from straining yourself." A frown formed on Lucia's face as she fed the man. Seeing him wince at her tone as she sighs. It's like treating an ignorant boy from his injuries who won't give up. Just a child who doesn't know better. "Please know this is for your own good."

"I know..." He sighed with a slight frown. "Well, at least I get to taste your cooking."

"I'm glad too. Cooking for Commandant is my favorite thing." Lucia said, smiling proudly.

Surely there must be something else that you prefer. I'm not sure that cooking for me is the greatest." He scratched his head with a light chuckle.

"It is the best! That's why I make sure to get better each day, for you."

"That's very thoughtful of you Lucia... Thank you."



"Commandant. You're back on your feet." Lee said as he watched the man. "That's a relief..."

"Glad to see you're still doing well Lee."

"Of course, I would. Why wouldn't I be? But that question should be reverted to you. Are you sure you're doing fine?"

"I'm doing fine... A bit sore but It'll go away."

"Well, the thing that matters, in the end, is that you're fine." Liv said who appeared out of nowhere. "I'm relieved to see you're in healthy condition."

"Thanks, I'm just glad to be out of that bed... Being in one place for so long doesn't feel great at all." He frowned. "Now that I'm back on track, I can get back on duty."

"I'd advise you take it easy, automatically going back on the battlefield isn't good since you just recovered and still slightly are." Lee said. "I know you're trying to do your best Commandant, but you also have to take into consideration that you don't push your body." The man said softly.

"Sometimes I wonder how I've met such wonderful people like you guys." Commandant replied with a smile. "You guys treat me so well."

"That's because we met you, Commandant. We treat you because you treat us greatly." Liv said, grabbing onto the Commandant's hand softly.

"..." He blushed at the contact of his hand with Liv's own. Seeing her smile made him feel warm inside. "Uh... Liv? You can let go now."

"..." He saw as she didn't budge. Remaining to stare at him.

"Liv. You're making the Commandant uncomfortable."

"M-my apologies." Liv let go. She became embarrassed. "I didn't mean to make Commandant uncomfortable." She said as she gripped her arm. A frown on her face realizing what she did.

"H-hey. It's fine Liv!" Commandant tried to ease her. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. You just surprised me that's all."


"Yeah. Also... Your hands are very nice." He complimented. Expressing himself like that is embarrassing, but he expressed his honesty.

"..." Liv blinked while Lee just sighs.





Both were happy to see each other as Kamui ran to them. A smile on his face as he looked at the Commandant.

"You're okay!"

"Yeah. I'm doing better now. I'm glad you're doing alright as well." Commandant said with a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad you're doing okay."

"That should be my line to you!" Kamui whined. "You were hospitalized after all."

"And I got out better than ever!" Commandant said standing straight and proud.


"Ugh..." Commandant flinched as his side hurt when Liv poked one of his recovering wounds. "S-slightly better. I'm still recovering." He laughed nervously.

"Allow me to help heal you..." Liv said.


"Hey, Liv?"

"Yes, Commandant?"

"Is having my shirt off necessary for your healing?"

"Of course... That way I can get a better view of the wounds you have patched up. It seems like your upper body took the most damage." Liv frowned at the wounds she saw. Commandant is laid down on a bed as she has her hands over his body. Healing him slowly as she saw the man look uncomfortable.

His whimpers and groans are like music to her ears. His voice is so adorable...

While indeed healing his wounds... She knows that they must be aching badly due to the sudden healing their receiving still.

"P-Perhaps we can just let them heal naturally..." She heard him mumble to her as he sweats. "L-Liv."

But she did not listen. She continued to pump her healing into him as she heard the man try to compress his pain, the whimpers became more and her gaze softened up.

"I know it hurts... But you must endure it, Commandant." She said like a caring mother. Watching as the man continued to struggle. "A bit more of the process and it'll be done." She comforted the man, but her voice didn't reach as the man was busy struggling still.

How adorable...

Seeing him struggle like that in her grasp.

"Done." Liv said with a caring smile as she moved her hands away. The man sighs in relief. But at the same time, he's still in pain from the torture he felt.

"Thanks... Liv." He said as a strained smile, holding his side and noticing the wound is gone. He saw as the construct nods as she walks away from the room.

Commandant was left alone in his bed as he looked up at the ceiling. Breathing heavily as he's shaken up.

That smile he saw from her. He never saw her look like that. Her gaze was empty and her smile looked terrifying. It looked like she enjoyed seeing his suffer. As his whimpers and groans brought her sickening pleasure.

"No... I'm just imagining things." He said, trying to wipe that image off his head. She wouldn't look like that, she wouldn't enjoy seeing him struggle in pain as she healed him. "Maybe it's just me seeing things..."

Yeah... That's probably it. He's just imagining things.

"I think I need more sleep." Commandant concluded, rubbing his eyes. Trying to forget that image he saw.

But that image never faded away, and his heart throbbed.


Word Count: 1,055

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