Story Description

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Chapter 1 will be posted on March 19

Stay tuned :D


Just to be clear this was totally unexpected. I know i only posted like 3 book that i will be making and i know royalty will be my next book but somehow when i was doing this story at my one shot book. (to all the people/viewer have read this story alrrady)

Some of you guys suggest i make this a full on story, because a lot of you guys was really enjoying the plot and thought this will be a good book. To be fair i was thinkinh if i should make this as a book but i dont really know.

But again some of you guys really suggest i should make a book out of this and i personally agree because i personaly love this plot i did and i wanted to add more detail but i cant since... well you know its a mini story i cant put so much detail.

So yeah i decided to make this out as a book because of your suggestion so thank you, and dont worry Royalty AU will still be posted at June you guys just have to read this for the meantine lol.



A tale as old as time where their are unfamiliar creatures have been lurking at the normal realm. This creatures was hiding in plaine sight but not the witches knowing they are an exception to society because of their loyalty to the kingdom and love to help out the humans.

They are called or known for as witch witch meaning they only use their magic for good and not for any evil deed. Of course the nobles who does not really like the witches seeing how they get more attention and how they were treating the peasant nicely knowing their only source of entertainment is to see the lowlife suffer.

So with that, Lucifer Diamond known for the Duke of the Crystal Kingdom decided to go to war with this creature for the benefit of his fun. It was tragic knowing the witches cant kill the humans but even if they did the curse will forever destroy their life.

This happened during the new chief was born aka Darryl Halo. Who has a destiny to set free the entire enchanted realm. So they can live peacefully and in harmony along the way Darryl develop friendship with Zak Diamond and together their friendship has a few benefit.

But in the end a lot will changes very very different...

Stay tune to what will happened in the end :D

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