💐 [Oᵘʳ Fᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ Tᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ] քǟʀȶ 62

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As soon as everyone heard one girly scream and thought it was one of the maids, turns out the maids at the entire palace was doing fine and no one was being harass, except for a blue bitch who was literally pinned at the bed having red strings attach to him that was summons up by Darryl and trying not to let Zak escape.

Luckily for Joe aka Ben, heard the scream coming from Prince Zak, so as he highly alerted Lucifer, he quickly went into panic as he drops all the paler works he was doing and the two rushed over to see what was going on, along with the others because they kinda figure out that high pitch scream was from Zak.

When Lucifer and Benson went to Zak's room, their jaws suddenly drop and was in disbelief how Zak was tied up at a bed with no upper clothes on while Darryl was on top of him as his butler polo was unbutton and sitting on top of Zak at his bed, mainly making out hard.

Ben panicked and asked them what was going on because he damn well knew that his beloved nephew doesn't have the intention of doing that to Zak, because he was mostly the innocent type.

When Darryl pulled away from the kiss, still having a trail of saliva, he looked at the two with lustful eyes and a cheeky smile, telling them that he and Zaky were just having fun as lovers.

Lucifer didn't get it because he knew they were two young for that, mostly Darryl, but Benson looked closely as he saw the details onto his nephew's eyes as it has a small pink heart as pupils and knew this was the effect of the forbidden love potion.

Benson quickly panicked and asked his master to hurry and pull Darryl away from Zak before he might do something regrettable, Lucifer was confused but seeing his son get scared and yelling for help makes it already obvious for him to quickly run up and try to pull Darryl away from Zak.

Zak kept screaming to Darryl asking him what had gotten into him but Darryl was trying to fight back as he wined and demanded those two to let god because he needs Zak's attention and Love.

Darryl - Argh! I said let me go, me and Zaky are having our fun!!!

Lucifer - you're not even a proper adult yet Darryl!

Zak - Darryl wake the fuck up! and someone please cut this rope off me!!

Everyone came to the scene as Philza asked what was going on, and once they all saw it.. their eyes widened so much from what was happening as the three minors, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy covered their eyes as they said nope and completely walked out.

While Wilbur who was carrying baby Fundy went to cover both of his eyes with his right hand and yelled what happened, then Clay, Cynthia and George looked at him with a bruh face and rageful eyes.

Clay, Cynthia & George - SERIOUSLY!??

Wilbur - what are you three looking at me for?!!

Cynthia - Because you fucking gave Darryl a love potion!!!

Lucifer - a what now?

Cynthia immediately covered her mouth and the rest have a shock expression as they forgot that Lucifer and Benson was still here, Benson on the other hand knew and when he finally manage to grab his nephew, he asked both George and Clay to hold him down as he make an excuse that his grace that is Duke Lucifer still has works to finish.

The two noded as they both grab Darryl while he keeps on struggling to be let free, as Lucifer asks what was gotten into Darryl. Everyone needs to find a way to avoid this conversation knowing Lucifer is a Villian and tyrant who hates magic and witchcraft related.

❤️ᴀ ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ💙 𝙰 𝚂𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now