☄️ [Tʰᵉ Eᶰᵈ] քǟʀȶ 15 (Aphril fools chapter)

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As the two arrive at the villiage, Zak of course felt so much nousea that he started too look around if their was any nearby trashcan. As he spotted one outside he began rushing over the bin and started puking so much which made Darryl laugh so much.

Zak yelled at Darryl to what type of spell was that which Darryl did mentioned again that it was a teleportation spell. Of course Zak went into a tantrum repeatedly yelling at his best friend on why in the hell did that spell made him vomit so much.

Yet Darryl just kept on laughing before telling Zak that he was just a newbie and if the more he uses that spell the less he will get sick which made Zak regreat that he should have use the broom the making him loose his darn breakfast and appetite.

Darryl just smiled and began holding his best friends hand and the two started exciting the abandon shack and later on went to tour the villiage. Zak was so damn impress by what he sae knowing he never got out of the castle before because of his Father that doesnt allowed him near the castle ground.

Darryl saw Zak's expression and imidietly knew that this was also his first time seeing the villiage, he was actually happy knowing Zak get to experience trouring his future kingdom and he may learn a lot of the townspoke just like him. As they continue walking Darryl made small talk to Zak how this was his first time at the villiage.

Which made Zak a little bit shy knowing Darryl was indeed right. It was his first time and he was glad Darryl manage to let him go with him so he can see what is happening and as soon as the two started talking they finally arrive at the stall which he normally eat because the soup and bread their was indeed delicious for Darryl.

As the two just started getting seated the stall owner welcomed the young sir once again and he was suprised that he actually broughy someone with him, Darryl of courses noded and told the stall owner that he just brought along a friend since his parents forgot to make him his lunch.

The stall owner find that very funny which Zak was kinda bit emberass but he will just get along with it knowing he cant let his or Darryl's identity be revealed. The stall owner told the young sir that he promise to make his dish extra special for him today because how his always helping him with his business and that he wanted to make a good expression for his friend.

Darryl was delighted when he said that and noded to the stall owner and once he left, a lot of the people that passed by them started greeting Darryl which made Zak a bit confuse and asking Darryl how can so many people know him.

So Darryl replied telling Zak that he mostly visit the villager here and love to chat with them, its a good way for him to communicate and understand their life as a human and how they act and by the judge of it, its not really going too well knowing... He cut off knowing Darryl doesnt wanna say it was all because of his father other wise he will get upset or worst. Feel bad for himself even more.

So he just changes the subject that he just mostly like shoping and just chatting with them so Zak clearly understand and thought he might aswell do this method too since talking with the townspoke will be interesting and getting to know them.

As soon as they have a friendly chat the Stall owner then brought up the tray of delicious food which made Zak and Darryl so happy and started devouring it knowing how hungry they are, the two were happy knowing they finally manage to eat but then out of nowhere the ground was shaking...


Darryl felt a large sense of magic which was clearly destructive and witness a boulder was suddenly summon up from the sky, ready to kill a little girl. As the townspoke started to scream in deep horor he then summons up his wand without any hesitation he uses his magic to destroy the boulder.

❤️ᴀ ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ💙 𝙰 𝚂𝚔𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝙰𝚄Where stories live. Discover now