chapter 1 - leaving Arizona

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Everlyn's pov

Today is the first day of summer vication. and the day I'm going to forks, I go every summer, my sister used to come as well but one summer she stopped. she said it was because she didn't want to leave Mom along, but Dad is along all year round, I hate that she doesn't care about him as much as she does mom, it always made me feel like I have to care more about dad to make it equal.

Bella and I used to be inseparable. we were twins after all, fraternal twins but still. I don't feel like we're twins anymore. I barely feel like we're sisters, at some point around maybe 12 years old something changed about her, and I never understood what that was, and for a while I blamed myself for the way she acted toward me.

Suddenly she wanted a room of her own, made new friends, didn't want to do any after school classes that we were doing together, which meant I had to stop doing them. because our mom believes we have to do everything together. which sucked because I was just starting to feel like I was getting good at some of them, but then I was forced to stop.

I was angry, she knew I wanted to continue doing them, and it almost felt like she did it on purpose. mom always preferred Bella, no matter what her opinions overthrew mine. but there was one thing that was always important to me, one thing that I was never willing to give up because of Bella, and that's going to see my dad every summer.

My mom recently got married again, to a guy named Phil, he's an okay guy, never tried to be my dad, which I appreciated, but now they are considering moving and traveling for his work, I dont care if they do, I just hope they dont force me to come.

I don't really like the school in Arizona, I don't have a lot of friends here. if they want to move I would like to move to Forks, but I know that it's not my choice it's Bella's. because mom would never let me move without her, I hate the feeling that I can't have control over my own life, I can't wait to be 18, if it was up to me, and it will be once I'm 18, I'll be on the first plane to Forks.

My bags are all packed and the cab should be here in about 2 minutes, I can't wait to see my dad again.
I went downstairs taking my bags with me. I yelled out to my mom to tell her I'm leaving and a second later she walked into the room with Phil at her side.

She looked at me and asked, "are you all packed?" not seeming to care that much.

"Yes I am, the cab will be here soon to take me to the airport." I answered.

She looks at me for a brief moment before saying, "good... good" she then turned to the living room smiling, I turn as well to see what she's looking at, only to see Bella sitting on the couch reading. 'of course, can't she do anything alse? I thought'.

she looks at her lovingly and asked, "are you sure you don't want to go see Charlie, sweetie?"

To which Bella replied, "no, I'm good." not even glancing up from her book.

My mom looks so happy, almost smug about her answer, Bella loves her more than she does Dad, and mom knows it. Mom went and sat next to Bella on the couch, while Phil was still standing in front of me.

Not long past before the cab was outside.

"bye kiddo" Phil said smiling at me.

"bye Phil" I replied back, "bye Mom, bye Bella." I said, my mom glanced at me and said "yeah, bye Eve." Bella didn't even look up from her book, no wave, nothing, even after all this time it still stang.

Bella and I haven't exactly been great friends for the last five years, but I still hate how she ignores.
I'm always there when she needs me.

sometimes she would ask for stuff and I would do it for her, because as much as we haven't been acting like it, we're still sisters.... but when she doesn't need anything it's like talking to a wall.
sometimes it makes me feel like I lost someone.
like I used to have a sister but something happened to her,
and I can never figure out what that was,
can never get her back.

I picked up my bags but Phil said, "let me take that." I gave him my bags and he walked out to the cab, I think he feels a little bad, because mom and Bella didn't give me a proper send-off. he puts my bags in the trunk while I got in the cab.

Once he's done he leanes over the window and says "bye kiddo be careful, and have a nice time." we said our final goodbyes, before the cab finally took off to the airport, I'm going home.

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