chapter 4 - a hug from Leah

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Everlyn pov

I'm still hugging Leah, it might be a little longer than a normal hug, but what can I say, I missed my best friend. we haven't said anything, just holding each other until I heard Seth say "what am I chopped liver?"
I giggle and let go of Leah only to freeze when I looked at her.

she wasn't this hot last time I saw her, I know that for sure, Leah is about a year older than me, I'm 17 and she turned 18 about a month ago, the last summer I was here I remember looking at Leah. and loving her like I always loved her, but right now I'm looking at her and I can't move.

she's so pretty

and hot

was she always this tall?

I feel like she wasn't always this tall

she's so pretty.

I think I might be panicking a little, then I heard Seth cough, God what wouldn't I give to him right now for that save, I turned to him and said "hello to you too Seth, I missed you." and went in for a hug, Seth and I hugged for a bit. not nearly as long as Leah and me did, which is understandable..... I think.

I'm starting to panic again....
did she notice that my hug with Seth was much shorter?
does she think I'm weird now?
does she think I like her?
do I like her?
okay I need to think.
I can't deny that I'm attracted to her, I peaked her way.... yeah, definitely can't deny that. I'm attracted to her, I've always loved her, I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't consider Leah my friend. and now that I'm also attracted to her is that love shifting to a different kind of love? I think I'm gonna have a headache.

Okay that was a lot of thoughts in under a minute. I should think about it later, now I should act cool yeah cool "so Leeeah whaaaat's upppp?" She looked at me and arched an eyebrow.
why was the 'what' and the 'up' so long?!
why did I make those words longer?!
that was not cool Eva.
But why was that eyebrow arch so hottttt?!.

I knew that eyebrow, it's meant to say 'what the hell is wrong with you?'
I don't know what's wrong with me
am I developing a crush on my best friend?
those never end well
what if I am?
I think I am.

"we should go inside, Billy and my dad are in side, come on Seth." I grabbed Seth's hand and started to walk inside trying to avoid Leah's eyes.

Once we walked inside, I saw Harry and Sue, I called out to them, and went to give them each a hug, they welcomed be back home and told me that they missed me, and again I said I was happy to be home and that I missed them as well, then we all sat around the living room. I was sitting on the couch between my dad and Harry, Leah and Seth were on the other couch, Sue was in the single chair, and Billy's wheelchair was near Sue.

Sue just came back with tea for everyone, and asked "so Evie, happy to be back home?"
to which I answered "yes, very much so, I wish I could stay forever." they all looked a little sad at my words, knowing that in a month or so I will be leaving. I looked at Leah she looked upset that's why it's not a good idea to have a crush on her. I'll be leaving in a little over a month and then what?

"where's Jacob?" I asked, trying to change the subject to a less depressing one.

"Out back in the garage, your dad made me promise I won't tell anyone that you were coming today, he said you wanted to keep it a surprise. so jake has no idea you're here, if you want you can go surprise him." Billy said "yeah I think I will, thanks Billy." I said before getting up and walking towards the door.
Shortly after me Leah got up as well "I'll go with you." she said, and a little blush appeared on my face.
I kept walking towards the door, knowing that she was right behind me.

walking to the garage, I was a little bit ahead of her before sped up a bit to be by my side
"so why didn't you tell me you were coming back early?" she asked.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." I said, shrugging my shoulder not meeting her gaze.

"for someone who wanted to surprise me, you've been acting weird since the second I got here." she said.

it wasn't framed as a question, she was telling me I was acting weird.
I knew I was acting weird but what am I supposed to say?

well Leah you see, I used to think of you only as a friend but now you're super hot, and I keep finding more reasons to why I should like you, like how no matter, in what time or if we were thousands of miles away from each other you are always there for me no matter what I need.

Or how when my own sister, my own twin abandoned me, you were still there, you were a Beacon of Hope that made me feel like I wasn't a complete failure. you always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, coming here every summer to be with you was like a breath of fresh air.

and honestly I don't understand why I'm only now beginning to have a crush on you because as I see it, I should have had a crush on you a long time ago and it's scary, because I have to go away in a month and you are the first person I have ever had a crush on.


Yeah no. definitely not going to say that.

For God's sake, Leah doesn't even know I'm bi, for all she knows I'm straight. I think she's straight, but then again I have an awful radar. she used to have a crush on Sam, but that doesn't mean that she couldn't be into girls right? 'I don't know what to doooo!' I whined in my head.

"it's just a little overwhelming, you know? to be back home. I mean I'm really, really happy to be back home just... I don't know, the first day is always the hardest, it's the day that I think the most about the fact that I'm only here temporarily. that I'm going to have to go back. just give me a few days and I'll be just as I was." I said trying to smile.

she looked at me and for the first time today I met her eyes, God, she's beautiful.

I've always known she was beautiful, much prettier than I am. even if she is into girls. she won't be into me, so I just need to get over this in those few days, I'll get over it and we will go back to being best friends. hopefully. I looked over at her..... yep still hot.

After we got Jake from the garage, we went back into the house and continued to sit and catch up with everybody "seriously Sam and Emily?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

I looked over at Leah to see her reaction, but she didn't look like it was bothering her which was good, I know she used to have a crush on him so it's good to know she's over it, for both Emily and myself. we spend a few more hours there every once in awhile I kept glancing at Leah to check if I still find her hot.

which never changed, only grew when she moved and her Shirt roud up, I thought my face was going to overheat. I probably looked like a tomato. we left after dinner which Sue made, it was a fun day I'm glad I went. despite my new found Crush.

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