chapter 23 - worried

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Everlyn pov

When we got to Leahs house Harry was standing outside waiting for us.

As soon as we parked Sam got out of the car to talk to him, but Leah stayed unmoving.

"Lily," I said softly making her look up at me "we're here baby."

Leah just buried her head in my neck not moving to leave the car. "Lea you have a fever, we need to go inside." I said.

But she only nuzzled my neck not moving.

I grabbed her face putting my hands on her cheeks pulling her out of my neck "Leah we have to go inside so your mom can look you over. now I'm gonna open the door and get out. once I'm out you're gonna get out too. got it?" I said, and she whined but I just glared at her trying to look unimpressed while my heart was hurting for her.

I moved slowly to open the door, not making any sudden movements. Leah kept whining but didn't stop me from opening the door and getting out of the car "come on Lea." I said once I was out, holding my hand out for her to take.

Leah got out and we started to walk towards Harry and Sam, when we got closer I heard Harry say "look at her, she would never react to someone who isn't her imprint like that." before Sam pointed at us singling him to stop talking.

"Come girls, let's get inside." Harry said.

We want inside the house and I set on the couch, Leah laid her head on my lap lying down,
I put one of my hands in her hair and the other on her cheek stroking it "feel better?" I asked.

Leah didn't answer. she just turned her head and kissed my hand that's on her cheek. I smiled at her and continued moving my hand through her hair.

"Hey girls," Sue said looking concerned, "come Eva I'll take you home." She said gesturing for me to come with her.

"Can't I stay?" I asked practically begging.

"We don't want you catching whatever Leah has sweetie." Sue said.

"Ok." I said reluctantly, "Lil," I said stroking her cheek "I have to go," I said, and she whined in response cuddling closer to me "I have to go love." I said before lifting her head of my thigh and put it on a pillow. I crotched down kissing her forehead "I'll come tomorrow after school, I promise." I said kissing her forehead again before walking towards Sue and out of the house.

Once we were on the road I asked if Leah's gonna be ok and Sue said she will be, but I might not be able to see her for a few days which made me a little upset but I get it. We spend the rest of the drive in a comfortable silence before we got to my house and Sue went back.

I went in the house yelling for my dad and getting no answer in response.

I took a shower before making dinner and leaving a plate for my dad. after I was done eating I went to bed worrying about Leah.

I didn't sleep well all through the night because I was worried about Leah, getting ready and walking to school felt like a blur and before I knew it I was sitting in class.

"You alright?" I heard someone ask bringing me out of my mind, I turned around seeing Edward "may I sit?" he asked gesturing to the chair beside me.

"Oh hi Edward, sorry I was spaced out. of course go ahead sit." I told him pulling out the chair next to me.

He set down looking at me "you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm ok, just worried." I told him.

"May I ask about what?" He asked.

"My girlfriend is not feeling too well, I'm just worried about her." I told him.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" he asked.

"No," I shook my head, "but I'm gonna go see her after school today." I told him.

"I hope she gets better soon." he said smiling at me making weird things happen in my tummy.

"Thank you." I said looking down blushing.

'Leah is sick and I'm blushing over some guy I met yesterday, I don't deserve her.' I thought looking down.

Classes went by in a blur before lunch came around, I got out of my chair prepared to go for a walk in the forest before I felt a hand loop through mine. looking down I saw Alice "hi." she smiled.

"Let's go." she said.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Lunch, silly." Alice said leading me to the cafeteria.

Sitting down I spaced out not listening to anything around me, I came back to the land of the living feeling a tap on my shoulder "Lunch is about to be over." Jasper said pushing a tray of food my way "eat." He ordered.

I looked at him to say something before my phone rang. taking it out of my bag I saw Harry was calling and answered amidiatly "is Leah ok?" I asked in a hurry.

"Calm down kiddo. look, Leah will be ok but she has mono and it's very contagious so it's better if you don't come around today." He said.

"Oh," I said "can I talk to her please?" I asked.

"Sorry Evie, she's asleep." he said.

"Ok uncle Harry, take good care of her and ask her to call me when she wakes up please." I told him.

"Ok kid, talk to you later." He said.

"Bye uncle Harry." I said disappointed I'm not gonna be able to see Leah today.

"Everything ok?" Rosalie asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I said not meeting her eyes.

"Eat." Jasper ordered gesturing to the food.

"I'm not hungry." I said just as the bell rang "see you guys later." I said before leaving for class.

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