chapter 9 - make it work

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Leah pov

I was furious. I don't think I've been this angry in my life, how dare she?!

isn't it enough that she stopped her from doing things that she loved because her sister wasn't doing them?

That she doesn't act like herself most of the year because she doesn't feel safe and loved where she is?
she wanted to stop her from coming here? 'the one place in the world where she's the most happy' her words not mine, I can't believe it. I want to lock her away and never let her go back there, I know I can't, I know it's irrational. but I want to keep her by my side all the time for as long as I can. Maybe we should hide her? just till she turns 18. I should ask her about that.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that she finally looked up at me, but I looked at her when I felt her put her hands on mine "don't be angry, I don't like it when you're angry. like you said we'll deal with it together, right?" she tilted her head to the side smiling a little. Damm she's cute.

"Be my girlfriend?" I asked, but it came out a little demanding.

She looked at me surprised with the blush creepin back to her face "lily...." she started to say calling me by my favorite nickname. But I stopped her, "I mean it. be my girlfriend, I know it's all a little too fast, because we just had our first kiss, but its not like we just met each other, we have known each other since we were in diaper. and we love each other, its just not romantic love yet. but I can see myself falling in love with you, can you see yourself fall in love with me?" I held my breath looking at her, waiting for her answer. our hands still intertwined.

She thought for a second, but it felt like minutes, and I could hear my heart beating in my ears the entire time. before she looked me in the eyes and nodded. I could feel the smile spread across my face as I stood up, picked her up and and twirled us around with her in my arms, giving her a hug, I heard her squeal a little. before putting her down in front of me, holding her shoulders, bending down to her level "would you say it for me please, honey?" I asked.

She gave me, the most adorable shy smile I've ever seen, her face is getting a little redder which is still so beautiful. before she nodded, saying it quietly as if wanting to keep it just between us "yes, I would love to be your girlfriend"

"I'm going to kiss you now." I said gently, I waited for her to show any sign she doesn't want me to kiss her, but when I saw her getting a little impatient I leaned in kissing her lips, they are still so sofe.
we kissed for a while, injoying each other's lips, I moved my tongue forward probing at her bottom lip asking to enter but she closed her lips teasing me.

I moved my hands to her neck giving it a little squeeze, she gave out a tiny moan which allowed me to push my tongue in, and continue to kiss her, tongues brushing against each other fighting for dominance, before I squeezed her waist taking over the kiss, she let out a little sound that I couldn't really place, but loved hearing none the less. before we separated, both desperate for air.

I kept holding her waist, both of us just breathing as she said "don't get me wrong Lily, I'm really, really happy to be your girlfriend, and I can see myself falling in love with you in the very close future, and yet it doesn't change the fact that I'm going back at the end of the summer." she looked so sad. I know how much she wants to stay, probably more than I want her to stay.

"Look honey," I said, moving one of my hands to her cheeks stroking it, she still blushed a little brighter when I called her honey. "I'm not going to lie to you, and tell you that we can find a way for you to stay because I'm sure you've already looked into it. but we have a month, and we should make the most of it and I'm not saying that we're going to break up after that month. no way in hell." I said, squeezing her waist.

"I'll come to Arizona as much as I can, you already come here as much as you can. we can make it work, we're going to make it work, I will do anything to make it work."

She hugged me tight before saying "you're the best, and you're right we will make it work" she pulled back a little her hands still around my neck giving me a peck on the cheek.

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