chapter 31- Esme

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⚠️ Trigger warning mention of rape, no details

Everlyn pov

I walked into the house amazed by its beauty, the big windows make it feel like the forest is a part of the house, the balance of all the natural colors and the openness of the house make it into such a beautiful and homey space.

"Evie, Lea you're finally here." Alice called, taking both of our hands pulling us into the house.

"You alright Ali?" Leah asked, amused by her behavior.

"Shash Leah." Alice said, pulling us deeper into the house.

"Careful spitfire." Leah said in a warning tone.

I smiled happy it wasn't directed at me.

"I haven't forgotten about you honey, don't get too excited." Leah said, looking at me.

Alice stopped in front of a kitchen where I assume her parents and Rose were.

"Hello, Oh you're both so beautiful, I'm Esme, it's so nice to finally meet you." Esme introduced herself walking towards us.

"I see where Alice gets her charms from, it's nice to meet you too I'm Leah." Leah said, putting her hand out for Esme to shake

"Oh put that hand away." Esme said before hugging her.

"You must be Eve." Esme said, pulling away from Leah and turning to me.

"Hi." I said, immediately regretting it.

"Oh you're so sweet." Esme said, before hugging me making me freeze for a second before I hugged her back.

"It's nice to meet you." I said, still hugging her, surprised by the motherly comfort I felt from her hug.

"We should spend some time together sometimes, away from all the peasants." Esme said once we pulled out of the hug.

"Are you trying to steal our soulmate mom?" Emmett asked.

"Of course not, just borrow." Esme said, giving me a motherly smile.

"It's nice to meet you both, I'm Carlisle." Carlisle introduced himself stepping forward.

"Hi doctor Cullen, it's nice to meet you." I told him.

"Please call me Carlisle, you too Leah." Carlisle said looking at us.

"Are you girls hungry?" Esme asked.

"Oh it's ok, we know you don't eat." I reassured her not wanting her to feel bad.

"Oh don't worry, I was happy to make the food. it was a lot of fun." Esme waved my concerns smiling at us.

"Well, I'm always happy to eat." Leah said happily, putting her hand around Alice's shoulder.

"Sit down, it'll be ready in a minute." Rosalie said, gesturing for us to sit.

Me and Leah set down waiting for the food. Emmett, Jasper and Alice joined us at the table arguing on what movie we should watch after we finish eating.

"Tell them we should watch star wars babydoll." Emmett asked me.

"I... don't know, never watched it." I said sheepishly, seeing the shocked look on Emmet's face.

"Emmett. no. sit. here you go girls, injoy the food." Esme said, walking into the room, placing the food in front of us.

"But..b..but star wars." Emmett said.

"Thank you for the food Esme." Leah said, before she started eating.

"Please Leah, at least tell me you've watched star wars before." Emmett asked Leah.

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