chapter 16 - first impressions

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Everlyn pov

'I really need to stop doing this'

I wasn't moving. I was just standing there watching them get out of the cars, they are all so beautiful it felt like it was in slow motion, like Leah level beautiful. which is not an easy thing to accomplish.

right now I'm looking at a blonde haired girl, she looks like a Greek goddess, her hair is flowing down to her shoulders framing her face beautifully, her features where soft yet fierce. her body looks like it's from A Different World, there are models who would kill to have that, and she looked like the kind of person who will make fun of other people with me.

I looked over to the other side of the car to see a man the size of a bear getting out, he's so big and muscley and yet he looks so soft, like he would be a good cuddler. he's so handsome, you can see his muscles through his shirt. And even though he was a big musculature guy, he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

I looked over at the other car to see a pixie like girl getting out of the back seat, she's so beautiful, her pixie cut suits her so well. she looks like a little elf, almost magical. so cute. and I think she might be shorter than me. which is amazing. she's so beautiful and her clothes suit her so well, like they were made for her.

I looked at the other side to see a blonde man get out of the car going straight to the pixie girl, he looks so serious, almost in pain, it makes me sad. but he had something special about him I could tell, beside the fact that he was incredibly handsome. He looks like you can talk to him for hours and neither of you will run out of things to say.

Finally I looked at the last of them, another man, with bronze like hair, he looked confident. but a little bit like he was suffering. 'Why? I wonder if I could help?'. He is just as handsome as the other ones in his own way. all five of them are so beautiful in their own special way.

'What the hell are you thinking?! snap out of it, Everlyn marry swan, you have a girlfriend whom you love!!' I scolded myself.

love her?
oh my God
Holy fucking shit, I love Leah. 
I'm in love with her.
oh that's new.
I love her.
I romantically love her, yeah.
I definitely love her.
then why am I standing here Frozen drooling over 5 gorgeous people?!

snap out of it Eva.

Even though I've been staring at them, they haven't noticed me nor Mike standing right there.

"hello, you must be the other new students, I'm Mike your tour guide." Mike said, they all turn to us at once, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain looks like he was suffering even more 'maybe its a social anxiety thing.' I wondered.

they looked us over and all five of their eyes immediately snapped to me, I wasn't sure what to do or why they did that but my body seemed to ‏command it self as my eyes jumped from each and every one of them until I locked eyes with them all before looking down. 

and just like that I was out of my frozen state. 
fidgeting uncomfortably.
why are they staring at me?
'I should have spended more time not looking like a mess this morning.' I thought to myself.
I probably look like an idiot.
I probably never looked worse.
this is exactly my luck.
the one day I don't take the time to look presentable I meet five gorgeous people.
'no. stop thinking like that.' I scolded myself again.

They all walked towards us eyes still on me, at first it was uncomfortable, weird. but now... I don't mind. I don't know why but it's actually kinda nice, soothing. I look at the blonde to make sure he's okay and I could see that he was smiling a bit, 'good.' I thought, 'I don't want him to be in pain.... why do I care so much?' I wondered, I don't even know his name.

'I want to know their names.' it felt like a demand almost like I needed to know their names.

The one with the bronze hair walked a little ahead of the group and said,
"I'm Edward Cullen this is, Emmett Cullen" he pointed at the big black haired giant teddy bear.
"Rosalie hale" he said pointing at the blond Greek goddess.
"Alice Cullen" he said pointing at the pixie.
"and Jasper hale" he said pointing at the blonde man, who looked like he wasn't in as much pain anymore.

He finish introducing himself and everyone else, looking bored. I looked them over, their name's really suit them, now that I heard them, I can't imagine them having different names. except maybe Jasper I don't know why but the 'Hale' doesn't really sit right with me.

"well like I said I'm Mike, I'll be your tour guide and this is..." He said before turning to me, I looked at him baffled, "this is where you introduce yourself." he said looking a little smug, like he's enjoying the fact that I'm in an embarrassing situation.

I could feel my cheeks burning with blush from embarrassment. I looked down fumbling with my fingers, "I'm Everlyn. I'm also new here. you can call me Eva if you want." I said, not looking up, embarrassed. 'great first impression Eva.' I thought sarcastically.

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