chapter 13 - mother

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Everlyn pov

I'm done.

That's the only thing I can think of. 15 years and all she has to hold against me as a parent is that she didn't starve me, and left me naked in the street. I don't even know what to say to her, I don't even know how to dignify her reasons with an answer.

"Eva are you still there? is it not enough you're taking away my last few months with my babies. now you're ignoring me?" She said, she's talking as if she's going to die, it's ridiculous.

I wanted to laugh, that's the only thing I can think of doing, so I did.

I started to laugh, I burst out laughing and before I even notice the Laughing became crying
"ignoring you?! I'm ignoring you?! for the last five years you have barely been acting as my mother. I can't remember the last time I asked you for anything, I can't even remember the last time we hugged, I don't even know if you can call yourself my mother anymore. I'm not coming back to Arizona that's final. and please go back to not calling me, goodbye." I said and hung up the phone.

I felt like I was falling apart and before I knew it I was on the floor crying my eyes out. out of everything she has done all the ignoring and the manipulating over the years it was never enough for her. it feels like she will never stop trying to take and take and take away from me without giving anything back.
it's exhausting.

I was sitting on the floor crying when Leah came down the stairs, as soon as she saw me she ran to me and knelt down before me putting her hands on my face holding my cheeks "what's wrong honey? why are you crying? what happened?" she asked worried not understanding what's going on. looking me over as if searching for injuries.

She was wiping my tears away making me look at her "my mom called." I said quietly.

A look of understanding flashed thorough her face "come here honey." she said, picking me up and taking me to the couch, she laid down putting me on top of her so that we were cuddling and just stroked my hair, not saying anything.

I just laid there for a while taking comfort in the warmth that was Leah "she said she thought I would want to go back to Arizona." I said quietly.

"You don't have to tell me what happened baby." Leah said, but I wanted to so I continued anyway.

"I told her I didn't, I told her I wanted to stay here. I think she got angry, she said I was ungrateful to her for raising me for 15 years. and I think I got angry too, because by the end of the call... I told her she wasn't my mother anymore." I said, still sniffling a little.

"Is that how you feel?" Leah asked in a soft tone, not stoping for a moment to stroke my hair and provide comfort.

I thought for a minute before answering "I guess... it is. we haven't really been acting like mother and daughter, especially not after I told her I'm bi, she always preferred Bella but she used to treat us both like her daughters even if she preferred her more, but in the last few years it was like she had a daughter and a guest or a maid I haven't felt like a part of the family with them for a while now."

I said, finally realizing to what extent they have actually managed to push me out. I know what they symbolize as my mother and my sister, and when I think about them I know logically that they're my family, but it doesn't feel like it anymore, when I think of my family the one person that comes to mind is my dad.

"And how do you feel about all that?" Leah asked keeping the soft tone, I think she's trying to assess the situation, trying to figure out how upset I am, so she'll know how to react. it's endearing.

"I think I'm alright right now, I know it probably sounds horrible, but now that I think about it, it hasn't really felt like we were a family for the last 2 years at the very least. I think I'm okay." I answered.

"And you still owe me a date." I said, looking up at her smiling as best I could. I just wanted to have fun right now, just to spend time with her and not think about them.

Leah looked at me smiling as well "you still want to go out?" she asked placings her hands on my back.

I gave her a kiss and she gave me a questioning look. "I need thinking Powers." I said as if it was obvious.

she chuckled and said "well now that you have thinking powers, do you want to go out?"

"ummm I don't think so.... I want cuddles." I said, cuddling closer into her burying my head in her neck giving it a little kiss.

she chuckled again "if it's cuddles my honey wants, then it's cuddles my honey will get." she said, before kissing the top of my head.

I giggled, happy that I'm getting my cuddles. I could feel Lily cuddling closer to me, I love how warm she is, even when it's cold she's always so warm and huggable. without even noticing I drifted off to sleep.

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