chapter 15 - froze

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Everlyn pov

"Why can't you just work with me!?" I yelled.

"Evie you alright?" I heard dad call out.

"Yeah, fine." I called back.

I've been standing in front of the mirror for the last 15 minutes trying to make my curls look like I didn't just get out of bed 'I did my best.' I thought. besides it's high school even if I do look like a mess everyone is supposed to be a mess right?

I got out of the bathroom all ready to go "K dad, I'm ready let's go." I said.

"aren't you going to eat anything first?" dad asked.

"I'm not really a breakfast person, dad." I answered, "let's go, I don't want to be late for the tour." I said, exiting the door waiting for my dad by the car.

since it's my first year at ForksHigh the first period is going to be a tour of the school, my dad told me some other new kids are just starting there, which means at least I won't be alone with the tour guide, which is better. not as awkward.

The drive to school wasn't long. I was still bummed I couldn't go to school on the reservation with Lea and my friends. but I haven't spoken to my mom since the phone call yesterday and I don't really feel like telling my dad about it. so ForksHigh it is.

When we got there We just stayed in the parking lot sitting in dad's car "I thought the whole point of us going out early is so you wouldn't be late for the tour, now you're just sitting here." dad pointed out.

"I know, just give me a second dad." I answered my anxiety coming in to play.

"you're going to be alright, it's just School. And if anyone gives you any trouble don't forget to tell them you're dad's the sheriff." Dad said.

I laughed "yeah, Leah said something similar. you guys can start a Suicide Squad to kill anyone who harasses me." I joked.

"yeah I should talk to her about that." my dad said playing along, looking like you was thinking about it.

"thanks Dad." I said, looking at him knowing he knew I was saying thanks for so much more than just trying to cool my nerves.

"you're welcome sweetie, now come on get out of my car, go." he joked, acting like he was kicked me out, but I knew he would sit here with me all day if I needed him too, something about knowing he had my back gave me the final push to get out of the car.

"bye Dad." I said leaning in the window, "bye Evie, have a good day." dad replied giving me an encouraging smile before driving off.

I look towards the building with all the other kids "going in to the woods looks like a really nice idea right now." I mumbled sarcastically to myself.

'okay I just need to find the office, in the office there will be a tour guide waiting. you don't even need to talk to anyone until then, you can find an Office. it's an office and it's in a school how hard can it be to find?' I gave myself a little peptalk trying to calm my nerves.

Not hard at all apparently thank thor. as soon as I went in the building there was a sign that said 'office' didn't even have to look, 'good start' I tried to tell myself. now let's keep it that way. I went in to the office going up to the receptionist, she looks nice.

"hi, excuse me." I said causing her to look up at me with a smile, "my name is Everlyn swan I'm new here, I'm supposed to be getting a tour for first period." I continued hoping she knows who I am and what I should do.

"Oh hi, yes you're the Chief's daughter I was told you will be coming in today, very nice to meet you." She said smiling warmly, "my name is Mary you can come to me if you need anything. You're a little early feel free to have a seat your tour guide and the rest of the new kids should be here soon." she replied smiling.

"Thank you, Miss Mary" I said smiling, before sitting down like she suggested and she again smiled warmly at me.

I wasn't sitting there for long before a blonde boy walked in going straight towards miss Mary's desk "hey Mary, anyone here yet?" he asked. "yeah right there." she said pointing at me, smiling giving him some papers.

The boy walked towards me as I stood up, "Mike Newton I'll be your tour guide." he said smiling putting his hand out for a handshake. "Everlyn swan." I said shaking his hand he is giving me bad vibes but I know I shouldn't judge people just based of that. "most people call me Eva for short." I said as I let go of his hand.

"Sooo I heard there were supposed to be other new kids?" I asked, wondering why I'm the only one here and really hoping I won't be for much longer.

"Yeah there should be, let's go out to the parking lot, see if we can find them." Mike said, ' yay going somewhere alone with him.' I thought sarcastically.

"Yeah sure let's." I said reluctant, this Mike guy, I don't know he seems alright on the surface I'm just getting a bad Vibe not sure why. I would just prefer not to be alone with him for too long.

As soon as we went outside we saw two cars speeding into the parking lot, a white Jeep and a silver Volvo 'they are definitely not driving within the speed limit, people like them are part of the reason why I'm too scared to get a drivers license.' I thought to myself but didn't voice out my opinion.

They parked their cars and as soon as they got out I froze, 'I really need to stop doing this.' I scolded myself.

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