chapter 11- conditions

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Everlyn pov

"The thing is.... Bella and your mom had some conditions for the two of you to stay here..."
Dad paused, not really looking like he wanted to say the rest of the sentence.
I could feel my face go pale, what conditions?
I knew this was too good to be true
what else could they possibly want?
Mom is going to be away in Jacksonville.
Bella already has her own room.
what else do I do have to do, to finely stay home?

Dad looked uncomfortable while saying this, "well, one of the things that your mom asked for is that the two of you will go to ForksHigh, another thing is that Bella will have a car, and she will have you guy's old room all to herself, she asked that you will introduce her to some of your friends to give her a head start, and that the two of you will be together more. I think she just wants you guys to go along better, that's all Evie."

I scoffed even if I tried I don't think I could've holded it back this time, I'm starting to see why Bella wants to move here. she'll still get whatever she wants using mom, but now she'll have dad at her disposal as well, willing to do whatever she asked just so she'll stay here. I know dad misses Bella, and it's selfish of me to wish that I can be the only one who's staying with him. but I want a quiet life. I've noticed over the last few years that Bella manipulates and shoves her nose in other peoples business just to cause problems, and after she's satisfied with the knowledge she has, she will drop that person or use it against them.

I don't want her to do that here. especially not with my friends. I get the other conditions but I don't understand why we have to go to ForksHigh.

"I guess the other conditions are reasonable... I guess," I said, "except the car thing which I don't understand how she expects you to buy her one.... but that is yours to deal with..." I didn't understand why she would ask that of him, I mean dad is a police chief in a small town and cars are expensive and he can't exactly say no considering that it's his only way to see his daughter.

"why ForksHigh thought? If Bella is gonna have a car anyway... if it's a matter of us being together why not both of us going to the reservation School?" I asked, looking at my dad than Lea who seems to be thinking the same thing.

"Well you see...." everytime my dad starts a sentence with 'well' I know it's not going to be something I want to hear. "your mom knows that your friends here are from the reservation. so she thought it will be a good idea for both of you to go to ForksHigh so you'll both be starting fresh, a new start for the both of you." my dad finished looking miserable I don't think he's happy about it either.

I honestly didn't know what to say.

My mom thinks that just because Bella hasn't been here for years, which was her choice, and she has no friends here, I have to go to a different school away from my friends, so both of us will be in a place where we don't have friends.

not only is she going to make me introduce her to my friends, which is going to be hell by the way. But also make me go to a different School.

because apparently it's 'not fair' that I'll have friends and Bella won't. Which is ironic considering that's exactly how things work in Arizona, Bella and I used to have the same friends, but for some reason, a few years ago, all of them didn't want to be my friends anymore, just Bellas.
But here.... I guess we'll both have to suffer.

I knew my mom preferred Bella but I always seem to make it less than what it is, maybe that's way to protect myself, But she somehow always seems to come right back and remind me how far it actually goes.

I looked at Leah not really sure how to react to what my dad just said, and for the first time i noticed how angry she looks so I squeezed her hand hoping to provide comfort. when she caught my eyes I could tell she was Furious, I try to smile at her but it came out a little weird considering I'm not sure how to feel right now, for one I'm really happy that l get to stay home with dad and Leah, but on the other hand, Bella isn't even here and she's already making changes for the worst.

"Can't she just go to the school at the reservation Charlie? I mean how will Renee even know? by the time Bella gets here in January it will be too late to switch schools." Leah said looking hopeful. I squeezed her hand and shook my head.

"Technically she has the majority of custody over Bella and I which means that her signature is necessary to sign me up for school. and even if it wasn't we shouldn't do it, if she finds out she'll make me go back to live with her, and I probably won't be able to come back until I'm 18, and she won't let Bella come here and Dad misses her. so it's better if we just do as they say. it's ok, I mean how bad can ForksHigh be?" Both my dad and Leah looked sad after what I said reluctant to agree to knowing I'm willing to put myself in a position where I'm not really comfortable.

"And besides Lea," I turned to Leah fully, putting my hands around her neck smiling now for real "we have another two weeks of Summer. which means just you and me for two weeks. and even after that we have four complete months befor Bella gets here, and like you said if something happens we'll deal with it together." I seal that with a kiss as a way to promise and reassure her.

"Okay, okay non of that while I'm here, break it up lovebirds. I love the two of you together and apart, but I don't want to see any of that." I heard my dad say, as we separated from the kiss I laughed and turned to my dad smiling, he smiled back at me and I knew that even if Bella was coming it didn't really matter. I just had to separate my life from hers that's all.

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