chapter 2 - reuniting with dad

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Everlyn's pov

As soon as I got to the airport, I went to the bathroom to freshen up from the long car ride, after doing my business, I was fixing my brown hair in the mirror looking at my brown greenish eyes, the hardest thing about going to Forks, was always coming back, I was looking forward to being with my dad and friends for the entire summer, but I knew that after the summer is over, I would have to come right back here, to Sunny, disgusting Arizona, to live with two women who I don't even believe care about me anymore.

My flight was called and I went through security. pretty quickly I was sitting in my seat on the plane. Knowing I had a couple hours plane ride ahead of me, I laid my head on the well deciding to take a nap, and before I knew it, I was lightly sleeping.

Next thing I heard, was the pilot announcing that the plane was Landing. apparently I slept through the flight, which was great. I sat down waiting for most people to get out, I never understood why everybody get up at once when the flight is finished just to push other people around.

if you would just wait for the person in front of you to leave then it will all be so much quicker. so I sat and waited for about 10 minutes or so, until there were less people, before I got up, got my luggage out of the overhead compartment, my duffle bag was already with me, and started walking out the plane.

Since all my luggage was already with me, it was only a matter of getting out which was quick. I stood there looking around for my dad, as I was looking to my right I saw my dad leaning on his cop car. I have to admit. my dad is a very handsome man, I mean think of how he looked like younger, sometimes I feel like he could have done better than my mom, like, what can I say? it's true.

I spotted my dad but he hasn't spotted me yet, so I ran as fast as I could and launched myself on to him, dropping my bags in the process. he was shocked for a minute but when he saw it was me, he hugged me back and said, "it's good to see you Evie"

I hugged him closer and said, "I missed you Dad" and felt him hug me tighter, I knew it was his way of saying he missed me too. when we separated, I saw a big smile on his face, I was really happy to see my dad again. yes I talk to him all the time, almost everyday, but it's not the same.

my dad took my bags away from me, and said, "come on, get in, let's head home." and I happily complied sitting shotgun in his cop car. after dad put my luggage in the back seat, he went into the driver's seat and started driving towards Forks.

While driving dad asked me, "so, how are you doing? how's Bella and your mom? how's that new guy she has?"

dad is fully aware that I don't have the best relationship with mom and Bella. this is his subtle way of asking if we're alright. if we're still coexisting, we both know it, we just don't say it out loud. it's something we have in common. we say one thing but we mean another, and we just expect people to know that. And when we talk to each other, we do, other people...... not so much.

I think before answering. I don't want my dad to feel bad... he knows I hate going back at the end of the summer, knows how much I love being here, knows I want to live with him. he's tried to convince mom to let me a few times, but she always says that if Bella will then we can both move, knowing full well that Bella will never leave her. never choose dad over her, taking pride in that fact.

"Mom and Bella.... are the same" I started, "nothing really changed, Bella still won't talk to me unless she needs something, or mom told her too, and Mom, God... sometimes it feels like she does it on purpose. I don't know dad, it's hard to live there. there are things I want to do but can't, dress the way I want, act the way I want, because it's just not worth the fighting. mom and Bella still won't acknowledge me, won't give me the Same Love they do each other it hurts."

I push my hand through my hair, a nervous habit I picked up, probably from dad, "I wish I could go back in time and figure out where it all went wrong, but I can't. so let's just enjoy our summer together." I was trying to smile, but I was tearing up, I always do talking about them, knowing that they don't love me the same way they love each other, that at some point they stopped, I could never figure out why or when. I knew they loved me at some point, I felt their love, but not anymore, it hurts me more knowing that it was there and that something, probably me, made it stop, that I lost it.

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