chapter 22 - treaty line

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Jasper pov

We were all standing there kinda shell shocked not only have we just found our last mates but they have already found each other and one of them just took of with the other fast enough to be confused for a vampire.

"What are you all waiting for?!" Rosalie yelled, causing all of us to look at her, "let's go!" she said before taking off running towards the direction they have ran to, all of us not far on her tail.

We could hear Eva trying to ask 'Leah' what's going on.

Leah, we finally found all of our mates. it hit me.

By this point Eva gave up yelling, she was nervous and worried for our other mate. But I couldn't get a good read on Leah's feeling, it's like as soon as she feels something the opposite amotion crushes into it. ' no wonder she's running, with those feelings I'd run too. ' I thought.

But even with the confusing amotions the only thing clear is her need to protect Eva. ' humans don't feel like that, humans don't run like that, ' I thought ' than what is she? she isn't a vampire. we would have known if she was. but she's not human either. ' I locked eyes with Edward, I can tell he's listening to my thoughts and by the nod he gave me I know he agrees with me.

"Stop!" Edward practically yelled which is not really something that we do.

We all immediately stopped and Emmett ran to him thinking something happened, but before Emmett can get close to him he jumped up a tree to avoid his touch. Emmett stopped in his track trying to conceal his hurt, having one of your mates not want you is not something you get use to easily not with the mates instinct, not for a loving guy like Emmett. Rose was angry and disappointed and Ali was also hurt. Edward felt sorry and longing but still didn't get down from the tree.

"Don't you remember what Carlisle said?" He asked, "we are not allowed to cross that creek." he reminded us.

"Our mates are there," Rosalie stated angrily "‏we know you don't care. but we do." She said.

'Ouch right where it hurts.' I thought' not that he doesn't deserve it but still.' came my after thought.

"Were none of you listening to Carlisle?" He asked annoyd.

"There's supposed to be werewolves there." Alice whispered.

"I'm not afraid of some werewolves, we'll just have to kick their ass's." Emmett said looking all to happy about it.

"Yeah and then leave Forks forever. we have a treaty with them, we can't break it." Edward said.

"Guys, they stopped running." Alice said.

"Lily, what's wrong? why did you run? are you ok love?" We heard Eva ask softly ' she's starting to freak out. ' I realized.

"put me down." We heard Eva demand.

"That it I'm going through." Rose said, as she was about to move Emmett held her, "we can't, as frustrating as it is to have to stay away. they aren't in any danger we need to be patient." He said.

"Emmett is right." I said.

"Leah Clearwater put me this instant or I swear to God..." we heard Eva say and that seems to do the trick because not even a second later she was stumbling on her own two feet looking like a baby deer before ' Leah Clearwater ' caught her.

Eva asked her some more questions but she didn't respond for a minute before saying "I..i don't know I'm not sure... I saw this people and part of me wanted to go to them.... but the other told me to run as fast as I can the other way.... I never felt like that before.and then.... then I remembered you were there and I felt you hugging me closer and I knew that I had to run I knew I had to protect you from something it felt like I was protecting you from them... but at the same time I didn't feel like I need to protect you from them.... I was feeling so many things all at once.. I just... I felt like I had to run so I did. I didn't even know where I was running I just knew I had to go. and no we aren't in the reservation I'm not sure where we are either you're supposed to be the forest girl." Leah rambled.

"Guys..." Alice said sounding nervous "could she be werewolf?" She asked "I mean... why alse would she feel like that?" She finished.

"No, you and Jasper weren't with us when we met them but they aren't the kind of werewolves that shifts with the moon. they can shift whenever they want and they're only male." Edward said.

It seemd that Leah had a fever, it still doesn't explain anything but we are all worried nonetheless. Eva called Leah's dad to pick them up, getting exactly right were they are in the forest before sitting down next to Leah.

She asked if she was alright before making a joke about how hot Leah is.

"I mean she's not wrong." Rosalie said, and we all agreed.

We heard them confess their love for each other which made us all smile knowing they will fit right in with us.

And not long after we could hear their ride.

"Oh no that's not good." Emmett said.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't you smell it?" he asked shocked, Moving to hug Alice from behind as if to protect her.

"you do know I'm a vampire too right?" Alice asked sarcastically before saying more seriously, "small it too."

"Werewolf." Rosalie said.

And low and behold a werewolf stepped out of the car.

"We should stay put, they seem to know him. he isn't a danger to them." Edward said.

So that's what we did. until Leah growled which set of all of our own growling which made the werewolve's head snap to us and take a few steps back.

'That more like it.' the major said.

The werewolf 'sam' told Leah he doesn't want Eva and just to get in the car which she did.

But the werewolf didn't, he just kept staring at us until Eva called him and they drove away.

"We have to talk to Carlisle." Rose said, and we all agreed before starting to run home.

"Carlisle." Emmett said as soon as we got home.

"Hi kids." Esme said walking into the room.

"Is dad home?" Alice asked.

"Right here." Carlisle said walking into the room.

"Dad you won't believe what happened, we met one of our mates at school and it turned out she's dating our last mates but when she saw us she ran away all the way to wolf territory and we think she might be sick cause she can't be a werewolf cause she's a girl..." Alice rumbled before Carlisle cut her of.

"Ali..Ali slower please, so you met both of you mate and one of them ran of with the other from school all the way to wolf territory?" He asked.

"Yeah with our other mate on her back and no human run that fast." Emmett said.

"Did you cross the territory line?" Esme asked worried.

"No we stayed on our side until they left." Edward said.

"With a werewolf." Emmett said pouting.

"Ok so a werewolf picked them up." Carlisle said absorbing all the information "you said one of them was sick what were the symptoms?" He asked.

"She had a fever and she was shaking." I said.

"Interesting." Carlisle said.

"What's interesting dad?" Alice asked leaning against Emmett who hugged her around the waist.

"She didn't smell like a werewolf right?" Carlisle asked.

"No not all, she smelled great." Alice said.

"Those could be early signs of shifting." Carlisle said.

"But I thought they were only male." Edward said.

"We dont have alot of knowledge on them, we only know what they told us at the time of the treaty. things could've changed or maybe they weren't completely honest with us... But what I do know is that a spike in temperature along with shaking equals shifting for them." Carlisle said.

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