chapter 30 - progress

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Everlyn pov

A month went by since we decided to get to know each other better and learn more about each other, they told us about what's it like to be a vampire, their life before and after, what we like and don't like, and as a result the six of us have grown much closer.

While Edward has been keeping his distance from us, only talking to one of us if it's absolutely necessary.

"Skip school with us tomorrow." Emmett suddenly said during lunch.

"Why are you skipping tomorrow?" I asked suspiciously.

"It's gonna be sunny." Alice said.

"Oh yeah, we wouldn't want anyone seeing you sparkle." I said chuckling.

"Please skip with us, it'll be a great opportunity for you to meet our parents." Alice said.

"Sure why not." I said with a shrug to hide my anxiety about meeting their parents.

"They already love you." Jasper said, putting his hand on mine.

"I can't wait until I get my powers so I can use them against you." I said half joking.

Everyone laughed before Rose said "bimbo 6 o'clock."

"HI you probably remember me, I'm Jessica, I'm having a birthday party on Friday you should stop by if you want." She said, in a bubbly voice while pushing her boobs forward.

"No." Rose said, giving her a bored look making me giggle behind my hand.

Rose looked at me obviously hearing me laugh and winked at me making me blush under her gaze.

"What Rosalie meant to say is that we already have plans, sorry." Edward said politely.

"Oh ok well feel free to stop by anytime." she said with a flirty look before glaring at Rosalie and leaving.

"This is gonna be so great! I can already see Leah saying yes to skipping tomorrow, it's going to be such a good day." Alice said happily practically jumping in her sit.

After lunch we split up to go to our class and didn't see each other until the end of the day.

I was waiting for my mates to come out of school when Jessica approached me.

"Are you dating Edward Cullen?" She asked rudely.

"Can I help you?" I asked kinda stund by her question and prasent.

"I asked you a question." She said folding her arms.

"Yeah I heard." I said with annoyance.

"Well are you?" She asked.

"It's none of your business." I told her, hoping to be done with this conversation.

"I asked you politely, you don't want to see me asking rudely." She said trying to sound intimidating.

I tried to hold it, I really did... but a second later I was laughing bending over with tears in my eyes.

"What's so funny?" Emmett asked, walking up to us and putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing just a really good joke, are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah Rose is already in the car." Emmett said, before we walked away from Jessica and to the car.

"If I don't snap her neck by the end of the year it'll be a miracle." Rosalie said, when we entered the car.

"Oh come on Rosy, you have to admit it was funny." I said, still laughing a little.

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