chapter 19 - cold

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Everlyn pov

I Keep glancing up for my drawing to see she's still there, Alice, or as I dubbed her, pixie.

'why are you extremely attracted to five different people Everlyn?!' I kept asking myself and then wanting to hit myself over the head with a hammer.

She kept glancing at me too, I don't think she knew I noticed but it was cute, stop thinking she's cute.

You have Leah aka beautiful girlfriend whom you love.

I've never looked at anyone like I do them, well besides Lea.

Is it even possible to have a crush on five people while you have a girlfriend?!

I don't leave under a rock, I know what a poly relationship is. but that was never something I was interested in, right?

It doesn't matter even if I was, I will never give up Leah to be in one.

And how did I become delusional enough to believe the five of them would even consider going anywhere near me, four of them are obviously already paired off and the one that isn't...

doesn't matter I. have. a. girlfriend.

I love Leah, so why does liking the five of them feels right, why doesn't it feel like cheating?

'Because you're a horrible person Ever.' I answered myself.

Before I could set my thoughts straight the bell was ringing and my drawing was done, the teacher, Miss Lori seemed kind and nice she said wanted to ease us into the new year so the lesson today was to draw any animal we wanted, so I did a pencil scatch of a fox, I love foxes they are so cunning and smart and soft.

'Yeah that's better more appropriate thoughts Eva, keep thinking about foxes.' I told myself.

I was packing up my things getting ready to head to lunch when I heard her say "hi." I immediately looked up having not heard her coming near my table "hello." I replied not really sure what to say.

"I'm Alice, from the tour remember?" She ask tilting her head to the side, and just like that all thoughts of foxes are gone, she is adorable.

"Yeah, I remember." I answered, not really sure where she's going with this.

"Well since we're all new... and it's lunch time I thought we could sit together." she said smiling.

"wouldn't your siblings mind?" I asked hoping they won't.

thank God she offered, my social anxiety could not have just let me sit down in a random table with strangers, I would have probably eaten in the woods if it wasn't for her asking.

Leah is going to pick me up from school today and as soon as she does I'll tell her everything and we can figure it out together, she won't judge and we'll talk this over, 'is this a threesom fantasizing kinda thing? Is that something I'm interested in? thought the virgin.' I criticize my own thoughts.

"Of course not, and they are not my siblings. we're a family, but not like that." She said vaguely, smiling at me.

"ok if you think they won't mind..." I said starting to walk out of class.

"They won't." she interrupted, I raised my eyebrow at her and she looked down smiling sheepishly.

"Well, you seem to know your way around here, so why don't you lead the way?" I said, giving her an outing.

"Yes, follow me." she said before walking off.

I chuckled over how quick her little steps are, before she slowed down to walk beside me.

"So when did you move here?" she asked looking curious.

"Well my parents are divorced and I used to live with my mom during the year and only come here for the summers but she got married again so I moved here permanently" I explained not going into details.

'why did I just say all that?
all she asked was when I moved here
and I tell her my whole life story?!
in a minute I should get into my anxiety and abandonment issues.' I thought sarcastically.

"sorry, that was way too much information. I guess I moved in the beginning of the summer, again sorry for before." I apologized.

"Do you not like him?" she asked.

"Who?" I replied confused.

"Your mom's new husband, you said you moved because she got married again." She explained.

"Oh no that's not it, he's a nice guy my mom is more the problem, I always liked it here more anyways" I said, accepting the fact that I brought it up so the least I can do is answer a few questions.

"Where did you live before?" she asked.

"Arizona" I answered making a face.

She giggled "I'm guessing you didn't like it?" She said.

"Let's just say, it's a miracle I didn't melt." I told her which stopped the giggles and brought on a full hearted laugh to which I couldn't help but join.

"What about you? Where did you guys live before here?" I asked.

"Alaska" she answered.

"Ohhhh snow." I said a little jealous.

"You like the snow?" She asked smiling.

"I love the snow, anything cold really." I told her.

She smiled her biggest smile yet looping her hand through mine making me blush a little 'it's alright it's just a friendly touch, besides she has a boyfriend.' I told myself to make sure I know it means nothing.

"I like the cold too," she said "it's the best time to stay in bed." she finished, Making me blush even more.

"Come on, everyone is probably already in the cafeteria." she said before starting to walk faster.

'was I imagining things or did she just flirt with me?
First Emmett now her....
I'm just overthinking it.
they both obviously have someone.
And I told them I have a girlfriend.
They are just being friendly.
Yeah that's it.
It's their first day too.
They're just trying to make friends.'

I concluded, attempting to let go of my worries at least until I can talk it all over with Leah.

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