chapter 3 - home

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Everlyn pov

I'm finally home, I missed this place so much. there's just something about looking up at the sky and not having the sun glaring back at you that's so pleasant. I missed the house too, me and Bella used to share a room but in the last summer she was here she asked to have it all to herself, and Mom gave dad an ultimatum that if he doesn't do as Bella asks Bella won't come. so dad fixed up the attic for me, even though Bella never came back to Dads after that summer I stayed in the Attic I love my room its not the most spacious but I'd prefer my window sit over more floor any day.

finally arriving and getting into the house I ran up the stairs straight to my room hearing dad laughing at my excitement behind me which made me smile even more as I go up and throw myself on my bed.
I felt like I belonged again, I never felt like that at Arizona with Mom, Bella and Phil it always felt like I was a guest at their house. I would come back home every night after doing everything I could to stay out as late as possible usually ‏going to the library or working as much as I could, which I will admit was a good thing considering the money in my bank account. It always felt like they were treating me as if they're doing me a favor by having me there even though it was my house too. more so mom and Bella then Phil but that just made it worse.

Even though I live in Arizona most of the year, most of the stuff I care about are here because this is my home. my art supply, my books, my favorite clothes which I couldn't wear anyway if I took to Arizona with me. I looked around the room seeing things that I missed not even knowing I was missing them as much as I did, like my sketchbooks some completely full and with even more paper sticking out and some just having a page or two drawn in. There is so much art and color around this room. things that I brought in, things that make it my room I don't have that in Arizona.

I love to draw, and paint, and create, sometimes even write, just any way to get things out of my head. but when I go back to Arizona it's like every drop of creativity has disappeared from my mind, it's like all year round creative art block and then when I come back here all I want to do is create. I never wanted to leave and knowing that I would have too, made me incredibly sad for a moment.

I was just lying in my bed thinking, when I heard a knock "come in." I said, knowing it was most likely my dad. seconds later my dad popped his head in the door 'called it "hey Evie I'm going to Billy's, the Clearwater's will be there, want to come with?" I sat up and said, "of course, let's go" I was excited to see Leah and Seth, I miss them, even though just like my dad I talked to Leah all the time, Seth not as much but still more than most, I sometimes even talk to Billy and Harry, I don't talk to Jacob nearly as much as I do Leah and Seth, I talked to Jared and Paul more than I do him, but I do talk to him sometimes, I miss all of them, even Jacob, I'm excited to see them. I got up, i didn't take my shoes off before running up the stairs so I was ready to go and we immediately went downstairs out the house and into dad's cop car.

we spend the drive in a comfortable silence, and it's not long before I can see Billy's. the car wasn't at a full stop but I was already out, once again i hear my dad laugh at me, I'm glad he's happy, I'm glad I could make him smile, as soon as I'm out I run to the door not bothering with knocking and just going straight in.

as soon as I saw Billy I yelled his name and ran to him giving him a hug "I missed you Uncle Billy." I said once I was hugging him, because I really did, he was old and wise, I chuckled at my own thoughts, I know I can always go to him for advice, or just when I'm struggling with something, he's a good listener, a good friend to my dad and an even better uncle to me.

Billy hugged me back and said "welcome back home Evie, good to have you where you belong again." after we separated from the hug I straightened up smiling at him and said "it's really, really good to be back home, thank you."

I looked around seeing it was just him and me and asked "where is everybody?" Billy looked around as well and said "they should be here soon." just when he's done my dad walks in, they started talking to each other, while I was just looking around, I missed this place it was.... I don't really know how to explain it, I took a deep breath..... warm.... it's warm here.

I heard people outside, and walked out to see the Clearwater's walking the rockround, the first thing I did, as if it was natural, almost an instinct, was run to Leah but she didn't see me, too busy bickering with Seth, so when I hugged her she was completely surprised, I might have forgotten to mention that I was coming today, and she might have thought that I won't be here for another week. so when she looked at me she was shocked, it was funny, but then the biggest smile broke through her face as she hugged me back, so much tighter, I felt at peace, like this is the only thing I needed to feel normal again, to get my head straight.

a hug from Leah.

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