chapter 27 - new information

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Everlyn pov

The ride to the Cullens house was spend in a tense silence. Leah didn't say anything the entire time making me too nervous to say anything as well.

When we reached the house and stepped out of the car no one said anything as we walked towards the house making my nerves grow to a new level before I felt a hand on my back and my nervous suddenly go down "it's nothing bad, everything will be alright." Jasper said from his spot near me moving his hand on my back calming me down farther.

We all walked into the house and to a beautiful living room before we set down, Lea pulling me to sit beside her.

"Ok, so l think we should start from what you already know." Leah said, looking at me.

I nodded knowing that if tried to talk my voice will stutter with nervousness.

"So you know I'm a werewolf?" She asked, and I nodded looking worryingly around me to see the Cullens aren't surprised by the question.

"And you know you're my soulmate?" She asked, and I again nodded looking worryingly around me to see that once again the Cullens aren't surprised by the question.

"Well... you know the thing I wanted to tell you that Emily already knows." she asked, and I again nodded looking around to see that this time the Cullens looked a little confused.

"Well... it was about the Cullens. So you know how I'm a werewolf, well... they aren't exactly human either." Leah said.

"I know." I said, making them all look at me like I'm crazy.

"Come on guys, I admit you do a semi good job pretending to be normal but once I started to hang around you it was kind of impossible not to notice, I mean you all have the same eye color, like the exact same eye color, even though none of you are related, and you're all freakishly cold, like even if it's freezing outside, no one is that cold. and don't get me wrong, I'm not against your relationship in any way... but actual foster siblings don't date each other, like at all. it's actually illegal. like if the state found out foster siblings are dating each other they would be replaced and the parents would lose their license to foster, and you know at first I wrote all those things off as just weird things but once I found out werewolves are real it kind of made me think that you guys aren't exactly humans either." Once I finished explaining they all just looked at me shocked.

"I wasn't going to say anything." I rumbled quickly scared by their quietness, "I mean I don't care if you're not human, I mean the supernatural is great. You know I watched Teen Wolf, and l am totally down to be the Stiles of the group. I wasn't going to say anything, it's none of my business if you're not really humans I don't mind." I rumbled on trying to fill in the silence before I heard a bombing laughter, looking up at Emmett just to see that he was practically on the floor laughing his ass off.

"It's not funny." I mumbled looking down.

"Your right, it's not." Rosalie said, before hitting Emmett over the head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Emmett said, still sporting a giant smile on his face.

"Look... it's not that I'm not happy that you're trusting me and telling me this but... why are you telling me this? and what does it have to do with Leah?" I asked, trying to get back to the subject we were discussing.

"Darling," Jasper said, making me look at him. "you're not just Leah's soulmate, you are all of our soulmate. Together the seven of are called a soul group." Jasper told me.

"Seven?" I asked, but no one answered all the Cullens were looking down and Leah also looked confused.

"But you're not werewolves." I said, changing the subject for them.

"No we're not... We're vampires." Alice said, looking uncertained.

"Oh...... cool cool cool cool cool cool cool... cool.. cool so are you like the vampire diaries vampires or like Dracula vampires?" I asked, not really sure what to say.

"We don't burn in the Sun and garlic doesn't really do anything to us. the only way to kill us is to take us apart and then burn us, and unlike most of our kind we don't survive on human blood we feed off of animals." Emmett said.

"And you live forever?" I asked.

"Yes." Alice answered.

"You said I'm your soulmate, that we're a soul group. does that mean Leah is your soulmate too? are you each other soulmates?" I asked.

"Yes and yes." Rose answered.

"What does that mean for us?" I asked them nervously. glancing at Leah, she gave me a reassuring smile and hugged me around the waist pulling me closer to her.

"It means whatever you want it to mean," Jasper said. "the four of us are in a poly relationship. but the two of you shouldn't feel pressured to join, we would love it if you did but we know stuff like this take time and for now I think it means we should get to know each other better. being a soulmate, being a part of a soul group means something. and even if we didn't choose each other, we were put together because we are meant to fit. so let's get to know each other and maybe have this discussion again in a few weeks." Jasper said.

"I think that's a good idea." Leah said.

"I..." Rosalie started but stopped before she said anything looking uncertained and scared.

"What is it Rose?" I asked, "It's ok we're not going anywhere, even though we're not together, me and Leah care about you guys." I said, as I looked over at Leah to see she was nodding along looking concerned as well. "whatever you want to say this is a save space." I said putting my hand on her knee.

"Edward..." she said, "he is... he is also our seventh soulmate... but he refuses the mate bond." she said looking relieved she got it of her chest but sad at the same time.

"Why?" Leah asked looking concerned.

"Edward is.. old fashioned." Alice said.

"He doesn't like the idea of being with more than one person at once, and he hates the idea of being with a man." Emmett said looking upset.

"Don't get us wrong, we tried being just friends with him. feelings get in the way everytime, it's not that he doesn't love us, it's not that he doesn't want to be with us... he just refuses to." Jasper said.

"That sounds.. lonely." I said, feeling my heart ache for my soulmate.

"It's his choice." Rosalie said, clearly bitter and hurt.

"Still..." Leah said, "now that I know what it feels like to have soulmates giving any of you up, I would imagine it would feel like ripping a part of me off." She said sounding sad just by the idea.

"It kinda does." Jasper said, and we all turned quiet letting what he said sink in.

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