chapter 8 - why not stay?

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Everlyn pov

I've calmed down a little, until the crying became sniffling, and now me and Leah are sitting on the couch, her rubbing my back, helping me calm down completely, I don't know what happened, but once the first tear droped it was like a damn had opened to all the times I've stopped myself from crying, like those tears were waiting for a safe apace, and they all came out at once the moment I felt like it save enough to do so, because Leah was here, she's safe to me, always have always will be.

"Are you alright?" Leah asked still rubbing my back.

I nodded singling I was better, that I just need a few more seconds. having her rubbing my back is really helping.

"Look honey, not to sound insensitive... but why won't you just stay? I mean she can't exactly force you to go back, and you've expressed to me that you're unhappy there. you're 17, your dad sure isn't going to kick you out. why just not go back at the end of the summer?" she asked.

"I never told didn't I?" I said.

"I don't think I know what you're talkin about honey" Leah replied, looking a little confused.

I took a deep breath before starting, knowing it was a hard story for me to tell. and it's probably going to make Leah angry to hear. so after a deep breath I started,

"so you know how I came out to my dad when I was 14?" I asked and she nodded,

"Well, I told him I didn't want to tell my mom, but he encouraged me to, said he had faith in her that she would love me the way I am. it took me a really long time to be brave enough, I was 15 by the time I told her, it was about two months before summer when I came here, that I told her. she said I was confused, she made me feel like a horrible person for who I am, for my sexuality. she made it sound like I chose to be bi, 'like I'm doing it on purpose' or 'doing it for attention', like I woke up one day and said 'oh well I'm bored so today I'm going to be bi just to annoy my mom' " I scoffed remembering all the horrible things she said.

"anyway..." I continued "during those two months everything got so much worse than it already was before. and you know it wasn't that good before, she barely paid any attention to me. Bella just hated me even more, she wouldn't make enough dinner for all three of us, just enough for Bella and herself, She refused to drive me to school in the morning, told me to come home straight after school and do insane amount of chores which meant I was stuck there all the time, those two months were hell."

I looked up at Leah and I can already tell she was angry, and I haven't even reached the worst part, so before I continue talking, I look down not wanting to see her reaction.

"so when I came here for the summer...I decided I'm not going back. I decided I've had enough."
I said it all while fidgeting with my hands. I felt her hand stop moving on my back a while ago, but didn't comment on it knowing she was probably angry by now, still not looking at her face I continued.

"I didn't tell my dad, when the end of the summer came the day I was supposed to go to the airport I locked myself in my room and said I'm not going anywhere. A full week past and nothing really happened, I was in my room throughout that week, my dad brought me food to my door. because I refused to get out and talk to him." I paused taking a deep breath before saying the rest.

"I thought I was save but then she came with a lawyer, who she was probably dating that week, saying that if I don't come out and go home with her she can sue my dad, for holding me beyond his visitation rights. That if I don't come out right now and go back home with her she'll go to court and make sure that I can't come back next summer. So eventually I went back to Arizona with her. but our relationship was never the same and it never will be."

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