chapter 14 - very scary

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Leah pov

Everlyn was currently lying on top of me sleeping. I keep looking down at her, she looks so peaceful and cute. I was so scared when I came down stairs and saw her crying on the floor, I thought maybe she was hurt. but when she said her mom called I knew it wasn't good. every time we talk about her mom or sister she gets upset, she still loves them. I can tell that she does, but by what she has told me about them I'm not so sure it's mutual.

I heard the door open and saw Seth walk in, he looked a little hesitant. yes I'm still going to kill him. now more than ever knowing that if I wouldn't have been wet I could have been here for Eva when her mom called, but I'm not going to wake up my honey to do it. after he looked me over and saw that Ever was on top of me he walked in all smug knowing I won't wake her up to go after him.

"You're still dead." I whispered "this just makes it better, you won't know when it hits you but when it does it will be more painful than ever." he looked terrified before basically running up to his room.

"You shouldn't threaten people Lily." I heard her sweet sleepy voice say.

"why are you awake?" I asked, "go back to sleep, you need to rest."

"no." she said "I need to go on a date with my girlfriend." she finished giving me a kiss making me smile.

"Someone woke up in a good mood." I said kissing her shoulder.

She shivered a little and the blush I love so much came back to her cheeks, I couldn't help but smirk a little seeing it burn brightly on her face.

"I would love to have that date with you honey, but it's already 7 p.m. and tomorrow is the first day of school. I think we should get you home." I said, before kissing her forehead.

"Will you come with me?" she asked, pouting a little. I could never say no to her when she makes that face.

"Of course honey, let's go." I said waiting for her to get up and off me so I can get up as well, considering she was lying on top of me the entire time, when I stood up her hand was held out waiting for me to take, which I happily did as we walked out to the door together.

I put her bike in the bed of my dad's truck, wondering where my parents are. 'I should call one of them to find out.' I thought. after I put her bike in we both got in the truck and I started driving, one hand on the Wheel and the other on her knee.

It was a peaceful drive. the radio was on playing Softly while she was leaning on me humming alone, these are the kind of moments I love the most, the mundane ones, the ones when it's just the two of us together not doing anything special, not doing anything at all. just being together.

When we got to the house I took her bike out the bed of the truck and she thanked me, before going in, Charlie wasn't home. "so what do you want for dinner darling?" she suddenly asked.

I look at her amused "you're going to cook for me?" I asked doubtful.

She put her hand on her heart as if offended "I'll have you know that I'm an excellent cook." she said "and I take great offense and the fact that you don't believe that." she made another gesture as if she was hurt.

"Well then honey, I look forward to tasting your excellent cooking." I said gesturing for her to go to the kitchen.

"Go to the living room." she ordered.

"I don't get to watch your excellent cooking?" I asked raising my eyebrows still amused.

"no you do not." she answered "go sit in the living room I'll call you when I'm done that's an order." She said trying to look tough I don't know if it's working though cause she just looks adorable.

"yes ma'am." I said saluting to her, she smiled and gave me a quick kiss before going to the kitchen.

'I can live like this forever.' I realized.

It was about half an hour after Ever went to the kitchen to cook for us, and the house was actually starting to smell pretty good. "how much longer honey?" I asked actually starting to get kind of hungry because of the smell "just 5 more minutes." she answered.

And true to her words 5 minutes later she called me saying the food was ready, I went to the kitchen,
"is there anything you need me to do?" I asked "no just please sit down." she said 'I'm gonna put those impeccable manners to good use one day.' I thought my mind going a little off the rails.

I sat down seeing there is already a salad, water and plates for both of us on the table when I looked at Eva I saw that she was taking out a lasagna from the oven, she place it on the table before sitting down.

"it looks great honey, thank you." I told her and she smiled blushing.

"thanks, it's just the recipe from online." She replied brushing my compliment away.

we were eating in comfortable silence before I asked, "are you nervous about starting school tomorrow?"

"yeah a little. but I'll be fine, I mean what's the worst that can happen? it's just High School." she answered smiling, putting on a brave face choosing to focus on the positive.

"You're going to do great." I told her, putting my hand on hers squeezing "and besides if anyone hits on you just tell them you have a girlfriend, and that she's very scary." I finished making a serious face.

She giggled, "yes.... very scary indeed." she said before squeezing my hand, 'she'll be alright.' I thought.
how can anyone not love her? well they can love her all they want, but I have no intention of sharing.

"Wait a minute. What's that supposed to mean? you don't think I'm scary?" I asked offended.

Just so I could hear the beautiful giggle that came after.

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