chapter 25 - close

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Leah pov

I stood in my wolf form still getting used to how it feels, I could see Everlyn was shocked and I couldn't really blame her. I was shocked too when I found out.

when I first turned it was horrifying.

Seth got back home only a few minutes after Everlyn left and started teasing me about fighting with her because he saw that Mom took her home and not me, I don't know what came over me, usually his light teasing wouldn't bother me at all, but this time... he kept talking about Everlyn and her being mad at me and just a possibility of that, made me see white with rage.

before I knew it my bones were breaking I was screaming in pain. a few agonizing minutes later I was standing on all fours in the living room, my dad looking terrified.

I saw him tell Seth to step back that I could be dangerous right now, but I was just confused I wasn't angry anymore just so, so confused I saw my dad going for his gun and pointing it at me. I tried to move away but before I could do anything he shot a dart at me that put to sleep for two days.

when I woke up they told me all the legends of the tribes were real 'yeah no shit I just turned into a giant wolf.' I told them angrily, I was even more angry when they told me it has been 2 days. I wanted to contact Everlyn to see if she was okay but they told me it wasn't safe for her to be around me until I gained more control. so that's what I did from the moment I woke up until now I worked with Sam and my dad to gain control of my wolf and my anger so I could see her.

"Can you turn back? we should talk about this." I heard Eva say, she looked worried and kind of... relieved.

I took my clothes in my mouth and went behind a tree to change back and get dressed. once I did that I walked towards Eva just to have her lunch herself on me hugging me for dear life, ‏"are you okay?! did it hurt?!" She asked still hugging me pulling away from the hug only to hold my face and look me over to see that I'm alright.

"I'm ok, it hurd the first time it happened but now it just feels a little bit uncomfortable that's all." I said.

Everlyn pov

I looked up at Leah my hands around her neck, I'll admit it was a shock when she actually turned in to a wolf but to be completely honest I'm relieved we aren't breaking up.

"I love you Lea no matter what, even if you were a leprechaun." I told her.

"Good to know" Leah said.

"But we need to talk about this." I told her.

"I know, let's go inside." she said, trying to pull away from the hug but I didn't let her. she looked down at me and raised her eyebrow in question.

I shook my head before tightening my hands around her neck and jumping, she caught me by my thighs and hosted me up so she was holding me comfortably my legs warped around her waist.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow again looking amused, but I just singled for her to go to the house, before laying my head on her shoulder.

Leah walked us inside and set down on the couch with me facing her in her lap before saying "I'm not complaining at all, but are you sure you're ok?" She asked sounding a little concerned.

"I thought you were gonna break up with me." I said into her shoulder refusing to look up at her.

"Honey I will never stop loving you, not in a million years, I physically can't." she said, running one of her hands through my hair the other resting on the small of my back.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up in her lap finally looking at her.

"Well you know about the whole wolf thing now right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Well that's not the only tribe Legend that's true." she said.

I try to think back to all the time I heard Billy telling tribe stories and than it hit me "you have a soulmate." I said realizing what she was trying to get to.

She nodded, giving me a look that was meant to say 'keep thinking...'

I thought about our conversation now, but what she said in the woods and then I came to the realization
"I'm your soulmate?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"That you are." she said kissing my forehead.

"Tell me more." I said, so she did, she explained how her being a werewolf relates to her being warm all the time, how Sam was also a werewolf, an alpha and Emily was his soulmate or as they say it, imprint, she explained to me that most of my friends from the res will probably also trun within the next few years, and she explained that there's a reason why they're all turning now but she can't tell me yet.

"I need you to do something for me." she said tacking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"What?" I asked, looking up at her for my resting place on her shoulder.

"Stay away from the Cullens, alright?" She said.

"Why?" I looked at her like she just said the craziest thing "they're my friends, my only friends there, my only friends who aren't from the reservation, they're nice, you would know that if you met them, you should meet them. if this is a jealousy thing we should talk about it, not just cut me off from them completely." I said.

"It's not a jealousy thing." she said, looking annoyed but I knew it wasn't with me 'than who?', I wondered questioning if maybe it is with me.

"Emily knows," Leah muttered "it's unfair that she gets to know and you don't, you are the one who is near them everyday you are the one who might be in danger." she ranted.

"Leah..." I said accidentally sitting more firmly on her lap making her groan and her hands to fly to my waist holding me tightly making me blush redder than a tomato.

I suddenly noticed how close we are I'm literally sitting on top of her, my legs on both sides of her body our lips only a breath away from each other with out noticing we were both leaning in until our lips touched, softly at first just tasting the water kissing softly and moving against each other until Leah pulled my bottom lip into her mouth sucking on it while squeezing my waist causing me to moan and grind down on her.

We separated for air and she said, "carefull, honey." before moving her lips to my neck kissing, sucking, and leaving bruises everywhere her lip touched, my hands were in her hair pulling and moving her to where it feels the best, making me feel warm in all the right places, I couldn't hold it anymore everytime she sucked on my neck I grinded down on her feeling her clothed erection rub against my clothed cunt making me warm everywhere.

She moved her hands to my ass massaging it and using it to control my movements directing me to grind on her cock more making my moans louder and more frequent.

Before we could do anything else we heard the door to the house being unlocked and I practically jumped off of Leah's lap siting across the couch fixing my clothes and my hair seeing her do the same before she put a pillow on her lap where I once was.

"Eva!" I heard my dad's voice yell.

"In the living room with Leah." I yelled back, looking at her.

'That was way too close for comfort.' I thought relieved I heard the door in time or else I'll be in for a world of awkward.


That was my first attempt to dip into the smut ocean let me know if I should never do that again.

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