chapter 18 - Evie

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Alice pov

I keep asking myself 'Why didn't I see her?' She's right here and she's beautiful and taller then me, couldn't one of my mates be shorter than me? I'll eventually have 6 of them. all I'm asking is for one of them to be shorter.

I squeez Jasper's hand "are you alright?" I asked, quietly so only we could hear.

"I'm ok, her presents calms me." he replied, with a little smile.

"Yeah I've noticed that too. She doesn't small like blood she has a more neutral sent." I agreed.

"Still appetizing, if you know what I mean." I heard Emmet say and then the slap Rosalie gave him on the arm, Which made me giggle, and made my mate turn towards me.

we locked eyes and she smiled a little, she's pretty. her brown green eyes remind me of nature.

"Let's go inside." the tour guy said, I don't like him.

We walked around for a while to get familiar with the building, non of us saying anything except, Mike, what a bad name, 'Mike.' I crinkled my nose up.

yeah, I definitely don't like him.

During the tour we noticed our mate unconsciously moving closer to us and farther away from Mike until she was basically standing with Emmett and Rose, we decided that even though we are all together, 'well besides Edward.' I think sadly, in school I'll stick with Jas and Rose with Emmett, since Jas and Rose aren't really happy about being here and me and Emmett don't care, we figured we'll put a grumpy one with a care free one.

"And this is where your tour ends, I've been your lovely tour guide, Mike, you can come to me with anything you need." he said looking at Rosalie 'is he flirting with her?' Oh God I don't know who I should feel more sorry for, her or him.

Mike's handing us all papers with our schedules and a paper for the teachers to sign. before offering Rosalie to walk her to her classroom, and with one glare from her he said his goodbyes before basically running off.

leaving us with our newest mate.

"I have physics right now, anyone alse?
what do you have?
Evie was it?"

Emmett asked directing the question to our mate.

She looked up from her schedule surprised he talked to her.

Her whole body stopped for a moment before she blushed and looked at Emmett, "yeah ummm, Evie is fine. that's how my friends and family call me, I have art right now." she answered him blushing even more.

She's so cute when she blushes, she put the back of her hand on her cheek before capping it and I almost awwwed out loud.

"Well then I guess that means we're friends." Emmett said leaning closer to her flirting.

"I have a girlfriend a..and she's very scary.
my dad's the sheriff.
they have a suicide squad.
See you later."

She quickly mumbled nervously, blushing even more before running off.

"Great job Emmett," Rosalie said between her teeth "you scared her off." she looked like she was going to murder him.

"She wasn't scared, she was flustered, a little nervous and then guilty. she said she had a girlfriend, maybe she feels bad for the natural attraction of the mate bond." Jas said which made Rose calm down.

"Girlfriend ah?" Rose scoffed "well that won't last long." she said looking happy with herself.

"Where are you going?" I asked Edward.

"To class." he said as if it was obvious.

"we just found one of our mates, and you're just going to walk away?!" Rosalie yelled, she was putting on an angry front but I can tell she was hurt, she wanted him to be a part of this, Edward was her first mate.

He looked at her with an unreadable expression before he continued walking off, and the hurt can be seen clearly on Rosalies face.

"so anyone, physics?" Emmett asked again trying to change the subject.

"I have English lit." jas said.

"Me too." Rose replied.

"I have art with Eva, I'll try to talk to her. see if she'll sit with us at lunch." I said before kissing all of their cheeks and walking of.

I got to the hallway where the art classroom is, seeing Eva looking at doors squeaking her eyes before back down on her schedule looking a little lost.

"Need help?" I said, coming closer to her.

She jumped startled before looking at me shyly "I forgot my glasses today... so it's kinda hard to find my way around." she said blushing.

'She would look hot with glasses.' I thought.

"I have art too, it's that classroom right there you were really close." I said trying to make her focus on the positive.

"Yes, I guess I was." she said chuckling "should we go in?" she asked looking more composed.

"Yes umm.. let's go in" I said knowing that if I could I would be blushing right now.

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