chapter 24 - wolf

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Everlyn pov

It's been a week since I've seen Leah, and it's starting to piss me off. at first I was worried and scared something was seriously wrong and when I couldn't go see her I got even more worried. but now that's been a week and I haven't got a single phone call I'm not worried anymore I'm angry.

Don't get me wrong I know Leah was sick. but I've known Leah almost my entire life, and I can't even remember the last time she was seriously sick. even when I was living halfway across the country there wasn't a day when we didn't talk to each other or at least texted to see if the other is ok. and now she's just completely ignoring me.

"Still haven't talked to Leah?" Rosalie asked.

"I don't now what to do anymore. I mean I can't just barge into their house and demand answers like a crazy person and no one is peaking up the phone." I said, over the last week I've gotten closer with the Cullens and they are really great friends a little weird but great.

"You're not eating again." Jasper said, "you do know that's what lunch time is made for right?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"I just don't get it! why would she avoid me?! I called Paul and she was at school yesterday! she must not be sick anymore. so why isn't she at least calling?" I said angrily "if she wants to break up she should do it in person, not ignore me and hope I get the message." I said quietly.

"Maybe she just needs time." Alice said.

"Time for what? and why? if anyone should be angry it should be me, not her! she ran me halfway across the Forest. she has been ignoring me. how is she the angry one in this situation?" I said frustrated.
"sorry Ali, I didn't mean to let all my frustration out on you." I said.

"It's alright, I'm sure everything will work out." she said softly.

The day went by fast and before I knew it I was standing near the parking lot dreading the walk home in the rain.

"Come on." Emmett said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"where are we going?" I asked, and walked with him.

"We'll give you a ride home, don't want you catching a cold." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said, before I felt a sudden urge to look into the forest, 'is that a wolf?' I thought squinting my eyes looking at the wolf standing at the edge of the forest, 'it is!' the realization hit me. 'what is a wolf doing so close to the edge?' I wondered.

"You coming Evie?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah," I said, turning my head away from the wolf "I'm coming."

"My lady." Emmett said opening the door for me.

"Thanks Emmett." I said smiling at him.

He got into the front with Rosalie and started driving. I told them where I lived and for the next 15 minutes listened to Emmet's awful singing, sometimes singing along and injoying everytime Rosalie slapped him for not focusing on the road.

"Well we seem to have reach your destination my lady." Emmett said.

"Thank you guys, not just for the ride... you really cheered me up." I said before getting out of the car.

"Bye Evie." they said before driving away.

"So... you made friends." I heard from behind me and turned around to see Leah near the edge of the
woods, I looked her over before saying "Leah, it was raining a minute ago, what are you wearing? you're gonna get sick again. let's go talk inside." I said gesturing to the door.

When I got inside Leah came in after me and I went upstairs and got her a towel. Handing it to her I asked "so... you're feeling better" I stated folding my arms.

"I'm sorry," she said "but alot has happened over the last week." she continued before I cut her off.

"So much happened that you couldn't sand me a text so that I knew you were ok? Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" I yelled.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes" I said too quickly I've always had an automatic answer to that question.

"you know what Leah, no, I'm not ok. I'm mad at you I'm hurt. I understand you were sick but it has been a week since I last heard from you, and you didn't even so much as text me to tell me you were ok, for all I knew you could've been dying , you didn't even check to see if I was ok. it was my first week at a new school, it was scary and stressful and you abandoned me." I rented

"I know..." she started, but I cut her off "oh you know, well that fixes all of our problems." I said sarcastically "and why do you keep staring at me like that?" I asked noticing she was looking at me in a loving longing kinda way, 'she's not supposed to do that right now, for Gods sake, we're having a fight, I'm mad at her, looking at me with loving eyes isn't getting her out of this one.' I thought angrily.

"I have to tell you something." she said.

'Ok Everlyn, you're a big girl, if this is her breaking up with you. you can take it, you will survive this.' I lied to myself.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked nervously trying to sound tough.

"Can we do it outside?" she asked, looking just as nervous as me.

"Ok." I I said quietly and nodded, before walking towards the door hearing her following behind me. the entire way towards the forest behind my house I repeated in my mind, 'I will not cry in front of her. I will not beg for forgiveness for I've done nothing wrong. and if she chooses to end it, it's not my fault." I tried to convince myself.

"So... what's up?" I asked when we entered the forest.

"I have to show you something," Leah said, "you might freak out, well you will probably, you will definitely freak out. but just know it's still me and no matter what happeneds... I love you." she finished before taking her shirt off.

"Leah! Lee, what are you doing?" I asked, as she started to take her clothes off.

I looked away not wanting to validate her privacy.

"Look at me Eva, please." she practically begged.

I looked at her relieved to see that she still has underwear and a sports bra on "Leah, love, no offense... but the fact that you have a dick is not a secret. I've known you since before we could talk and the fact that you're intersex was never a secret." I said, even more confused by this whole strip show now more than before.

"What no, that's not what I..." Leah said blushing. "This isn't about me being intersex... well it kinda is, but not exactly.... I'm a wolf." She said looking kind of scared.

"You're... a.... wolf." I repeated slowly, "ooookkk, ummm... ummm what... does.. being a... wolf.. Intel?" I asked slowly.

"I can turn into a wolf." Leah stated.

"okay, okay, okay, okay, cool cool cool cool cool cool cool ummmmm can... you.... show me?" I asked, still not over the initial shock.

"Yes, I can." and she said proudly.

"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool O okay, go ahead then... turn." I said starting to worry my girlfriend might have gone insane... before I heard something snap, and I saw Leah falling to the floor "Leah!" I yelled, going to move closer but she put her hand up singling for me to stay back.

I watched in shock as a giant brown wolf now stood where Leah was before.

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