chapter 26 - talk

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Everlyn pov

Leah left shortly after we were almost caught by my dad and we never got to finish our conversation about the Cullens or what she can't tell me, and now I'm lying in bed supposed to be asleep but the curiosity and questions won't let me.

'What couldn't Leah tell me?

How am I in danger?

Why would I stay away from the Cullens?' I wondered.

the questions keeping me awake until I eventually fell asleep.

I was sleeping quite peacefully if I might add, before I heard a loud noise from downstairs making me jump out of bed and run down to find the source of the noise.

"Dad?!" I yelled, as I was running downstairs.

"Kitchen!" He yelled back.

"I... what happened here?" I asked, now standing in the kitchen seeing the smoke coming out of the sink and the broken bowl on the floor.

"I wanted to make you breakfast." Dad said sheepishly.

"Oh..." I said, trying to find the right response without being too sarcastic.

"That was nice of you." I settled for.

"I'll clean up, we can swing by the diner on the way to your school." Dad said.

"Sounds good, you know dad sometimes I wonder how you used to survive when I wasn't here ten months out of the year." I said.

"Hey! I can take care of myself." he said, sounding offended.

"Clearly." I said, eyeing the kitchen.

"Go get ready for school, get out of here." He said waving me off.

"Yes chief." I said, with a mock salute before going upstairs to do my morning routine and get dressed.

Coming back into the kitchen after I was ready I was relieved to find it no longer looked like a battle filed.

"ready to go?" dad asked from his sit at the table.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

Dad drove to the diner and bought us both breakfast sandwiches before he kept driving while I ate,
"how will you get home today?" Dad asked, "it's supposed to rain." he added meaning to say that I will not be walking home today and if I need him too he'll come pick me up.

"Don't worry dad, I can ask Leah or one of my friends, you just stay save." I said as we pulled up to the school.

"Always am kido, you be save too." He said.

"At school?" I asked raising my eyebrows and eyeing the school suspiciously "I don't see how that's possible." I conclude.

Dad chuckled before we said our goodbyes and I got out of the car to walk to school. it was getting colder which is perfectly fine with me, I would take too cold over too hot any day.

My day was good, I had lunch with the Cullens finally in a better mood now that I made up with Leah and thinking of Leah she will be here soon to pick me up for a consultation date over the last week she ignored me, the Cullens were waiting for her with me and I was currently taking to Alice about shopping and clothes no one should ever wear.

When suddenly everyone went quiet, I looked around to see Leah standing in front of us "Lea," I said walking up to her, grabbing her hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Leah meet my friends, Alice and behind her that's Jasper and to his right are Emmett and Rosalie and... where's Edward?" I asked, looking to introduce him but not seeing him around.

"He left already." Rose said sounding and looking upset.

"Oh well... you could meet him another time." I told Leah, a little sad he wasn't here.

"We need to talk about this." Leah said.

"About what?" I asked confused.

"Not here." Jasper said.

"Obviously." Leah replied.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking between Leah and Jasper even more confused than before.

"We can talk at our house." Rosalie said.

"I don't think in allowed there." Leah said sounding irritated.

"Don't worry, our dad won't mind and he won't tell if you won't." Alice said looking happy.

"How much does she know?" Emmett asked.

"Only about me, nothing about you guys." Leah answered.

"WILL YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT ME AS IF I'M NOT RIGHT HERE?!" I yelled, gaining all of their attention, feeling small, and upset, and angry, they're talking about me as if I'm not standing right here.

"What do we need to talk about? and why would Leah not be allowed at your house?" I asked quietly embarrassed by my out burst and the tears that threatening to fall.

They looked at each other before Leah turned to me and said "You're right, we're sorry. we shouldn't have ignored you, we'll talk about everything. but not here." She finished saying before leading me to her car.

"Just follow us." Emmett said before getting into his own car.

Leah took my hand and made me look at her "do you trust me?" She asked looking at me hopefully.

"With my life." I said, meaning it.

'She already has my heart, it's not that much of a far stretch from my life.' I thought.

"Come on." she said opening the door for me to get in her car before getting in herself and taking my hand.

'I'm not 100% sure where we're going but I trust Leah to keep me safe, she can turn into a giant wolf after all.' I thought.

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