chapter 32 - pillow talk

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Everlyn pov

After we spend the entire day with the Cullens Leah is now taking me home.

"You're awfully quiet." Leah said squeezing my hand she's holding.

"Can you come in when we get to my house?" i asked looking at her.

"Sure, is something wrong?" she asked, looking a little concerned.

"No, nothing bad. I just want to talk to you." I reassured her, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Alright." she said kissing my forehead before we went back to a comfortable silence.

When we reached my house Leah parked her car next to my dad's before she got out me in tow.

"Dad, I'm home!" I yelled as we walked in.

"Living room!" He yelled back.

"Hey dad." I said popping my head into the living room.

"You need something?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Leah is here we're gonna be in my room for a bit." I told him.

"Ok but you both know the rules Leah needs to leave before ten pm." he said.

"I know, thanks Dad." I said before taking Leah's hand and dragging her upstairs.

"So what's up?" Leah asked sitting down on my bed.

I took my jacket off before I set on her lap and hugged her.

"You missed me?" She asked, 'I swear this girl knows me way too well.' I thought.

"Not exactly... I just feel kind of clingy." I said still hugging her.

"You want to talk about the Cullens don't you?" She asked smoothing my hair done.

I pull out of the hug still sitting on her lap, my hands around her neck and nod.

"You like them." She stated.

"Do you?" I asked kind of afraid of the answer.

"They're my imprints." she said in a duh tone.

"You are the one who explained to me that an imprint doesn't necessarily have to be romantic." I sassed and didn't pout.

Leah chuckled putting some of my hair behind my ear before saying "yes I like them too." She smiled at me.

"Like you like me?" I asked.

"First of all I love you, I'm not there yet with them. and to answer your question I like each of you a little differently but all in the same nature, except Edward he's just straight up weird." She said, making me laugh.

"He's struggling." I said sadly, laying my head on her shoulder.

"He's an idiot. They love him and all he does is hurting them." Leah said.

"I don't think it's that simple." I said.

"Yeah because you're too good for this world." she said, making me blush.

"Lily it can be hard to accept that you're not like everyone else." I said looking at her.

"He's had centuries." she said frustrated.

"He's not doing it on purpose, He does care about us." I said gently.

"If he really cared for them he would have left." She said accusingly.

"Leah." I said in a scolding tone.

"If he's so sure he doesn't want to be with us then he should leave. all he does by staying is playing with everyone's emotions." She said.

"Us?" I asked smugly.

"We should tell them we want to unite our relationships tomorrow." she said happily.

"Let's hope Alice doesn't give them any spoilers." I joked.

"You know this doesn't mean I'm giving up my one on one Ever time." She said pulling me closer.

"Of course not." I said happily.

Leah brought her face closer to mine, our lips nearly touching but she stopped and looked into my eyes saying "I love you honey."

I blushed and lost all self control smashing my lips with Leah's kissing her hungrily wanting to feel as much of her as I could, her lip were so soft against mine making me let out a soft moan,
I took my lips of off Leah's and trailed kisses from the side of her mouth to her cheek before sucking on her jaw and going down to her neck. I sucked down a mark loving the groan I received and the way she squeezing my waist. I kept kissing her Before I pulled away and playfully bit her neck.
She growled and moved her hands to my ass squeezing it firmly making me throw my head back in a moan.

Leah gave me a loving look making me giggle.

"I love you too wolfie." I said laying my head and her shoulder and placing a soft kiss there.

"It's nine thirty I need to leave soon." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You can't do that with your hands on my ass." I said playfully.

"I sure can try." Leah said giving my ass a little smack, making me giggle.

I got off Leah and she smacked my ass again making me playfully glare at her, 'she's definitely an ass girl.' I thought.

"Come on I'll walk you down, I need to talk to my dad anyway." I said, holding my hand out for her to take.

We walked down stairs hand and hand until we got to the door.

"Sleep well honey I love you." Leah told me before giving me a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight Lily, I love you." I told her giving her a kiss as well.

I watched Leah drive off for a little bit before joining my dad in the living room.

"Hey dad?" I said making him pause the tv.

"Yes kiddo?" He said giving me his full attention.

"Remember how you said you were cool if I had more than one partner?" I asked.

"Go on..." he said.

"What would you say if... I had 5 including Leah?" I asked quickly.

"5?" He asked shockingly.

"Nothing is closed yet." I said quickly, and he just raised his eyebrows at me.

"Well you know the Cullens..." I said and he nodded.

"Well Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper are in a relationship and me and Leah want to join you know to make one big happy relationship." I said nervously.

"The Cullens have five kids." my dad said always the absorber.

"Edward is... complicated. But at the end of the day he's not a part of this." I explained.

"How old are they?" He asked.

"Alice and Jasper are seventeen and Rosalie and Emmett are eighteen." I said technically I'm bending the truth.

"And doctor and Mrs Cullen know about their relationship with each other and you yes?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"And this relationship between all six of you haven't started yet yes?" He asked.

"Yes, we've just been friends till now." I answered.

"And you trust these people yes?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"I won't give my blessing until meeting them." he stated.

"That very reasonable, thank you dad." I said smiling at him.

"I told you I'm cool." dad said folding his arms before he unpaused the tv.

"You're the best dad." I said hugging him before saying goodnight and going to bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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