chapter 6 - crushes and likes

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Leah pov

She's so cute standing like this pressed against the wall, Charlie may have hinted to me earlier today that she had a crush on me, I don't know how he knows but I'm not complaining, I've had a crush on her since last summer, but she was too blind to see that my crash was her, she knew it was there, she kept asking me about it so eventually I told her my crash was Sam so she'll drop it.

She's always been so innocent and cute. having her standing here underneath me stuttering, is such a pleasurable sight to see it makes me a little hard.

At first when Charlie told me about her Crush I was a little doubtful, I didn't even know she wasn't straight but then Charlie told me she came out to him as bi when she was 14, and that I should just trust him because he knows, and who am I to doubt Charlie swan.

I thought I should come here, and make sure for myself try to beat around the bush to see what I can find but when she wasn't opening the door I got a little angry, when she finally did open the door she was so flustered I just had to do it and now seeing her like this all blushing and stuttering I know we're going to have a lot of fun together.

"Honey, aren't you gonna answer my question?" I asked her, every time I call her honey her cheeks got a little bit redder which I didn't even think was possible.
am I teasing her right now?
you bet your ass I am
am I enjoying it?
Every fucking second

"I..i not avoiding you I just, just felt like being alone that's all." she sttater oh my she has no idea how much trouble she's getting herself into by lying to me like that.

I came closer to her and put my mouth near her ear, feeling her shiver "if you don't start telling me the truth honey, we're going to have a problem." I said very calmly, I can hear her little gasp as she blushes harder, every time she finds a new shade of red and I find it even more beautiful.

I leaned back and looked her straight in the eyes, she was trying to look away but I held her chin in my hand "tell me what's going on Eva, I promise I won't be mad, just tell me. whatever it is we'll handle it together." I said calmly.

"I like you." she murdered very softly and quietly barley opening her mouth, but I heard her, I've always had exceptional hearing but it wasn't enough I wanted her to say it like she means it not like she's telling me something she did wrong.

"Can you repeat that honey, I'm afraid I didn't hear you" I said very calmly putting a bit more pressure on her chin to keep her looking at my eyes.

She was looking at my eyes as if searching for something I guess she found it because suddenly there was more confident in her as she said it more firmly "I like you.... a lot."

The biggest smile I have ever had spread on my face as I leaned closer to putting my forehead on hers whispering "I like you too honey, so much."

I watched as a smile spread on her face, she hesitated for a second before leaning in and connecting our lips, it felt like I was kissing a marshmallow her lips are so soft and she's so gentle and hesitant I took over the kiss pushing my lips closer to hers and in that same action pushing her more firmly against the wall taking over the kiss completely she let out a little almost impossible to hear moan but I heard it, and I went to hear it again but not now, we kissed for a few more minutes lips moving against each other no tongue just lips, as if acknowledging and pouring all the feelings we have for each other in to that kiss, once we separated she was breathing heavily, but smiling nonetheless still leaning against the wall me still towering over her.

"that was my first kiss." she whispered and the smile I had which I didn't think could get any bigger just did.

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