chapter 28 - origin stories

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After they told me they were vampires and we decided we should get to know each other better Leah suggested we go for a walk and Alice said there's a beautiful clearing nearby, the walk wasn't Long and Within 10 minutes we were all sitting on the grass in the clearing facing each other.

"Okay so I'll start," Emmett suddenly said making us all look at him "so my name is Emmett, my favorite food is bear, I am technically 18, and I became a vampire after a bear almost killed me in the woods and Rosalie carried me all the way to Carlisle so he could turn me because she knew I was her mate, by the way thanks babe." He said smiling at Rosalie before continuing.

"and you know I always wonder whether my favorite food and the way I turned have anything to do with each other, but then I usually find a more interesting thing to do. so yeah that's me, see it, love it." he said gesturing to himself, making us all laugh.

"I guess I'll go next," Alice said, sitting up from her place laying on Rosalies lap. "My name is Alice, my favorite food is deer, I am technically 16 maybe 17, I don't remember how I was turned or my life before I was a vampire but I can see the future. and when I woke up with no memories of my past I saw a vision of Jasper and went to look for him and once I found him I saw a vision of the others and we came to look for them, found them and joined the coven. that's me." Alice said, smiling at us.

"You can see the future?" I asked amazed.

"Yep, though I don't think I can see werewolves. I think Leah is the exception, because I saw this morning that she was going to be at school today." Alice explained.

"Can you like summon visions like Phoebe in Charmed or do you have to like wait for them to happen like in that's so Raven?" I asked, making my mates chuckle at my references.

"I guess both," Alice said, "I do get visions out of the blue without expecting them on subjects I wasn't trying to know anything about. but I can also choose to monitor people or situations and then the visions are more direct and have more intent behind them." she explained.

"So that's how you're so rich?" I asked, making them laugh again. but I was genuinely curious.

"Let's just say there are a couple of Investments that are about to pay off." Alice said, looking all the more like a mischievous pixie.

"Okay I'll go," Jasper said. "my name is Jasper Whitlock, I guess I like eating predators more than grass eaters, like mountain lions I think they taste better, I am technically 18, I was the youngest major in my cavalry but when we want to rescue women and children from a village I was tempted by a vampire named Maria who used me and made me believe I was her mate, I did some unspeakable things for a while but I got out of there. not before collecting a lot of trauma and guilt but I deserve that. it's a small price to pay for what I did and like Alice I have a special power, I can feel and manipulate other people's emotions of course I don't just go around manipulating people's emotions but technically I can, and like Alice said after she found me we joined the Cullen coven." Jasper said.

"It's not your fault Jas, we're not what we're taught. people taught you that some awful things were ok but that doesn't make you a bad person. the most important thing is that you unlearned those things and you know your mistakes and won't repeat them." I said.

"Yeah baby, it's all in the past." Emmett said, pulling Jasper into his lap making him sit side ways on his lap so he's still facing the rest of us before pulling him closer and kissing his forehead.

"Thank you." Jasper said looking at me before turning to Emmett and kissing his cheek in gratitude making Emmett smile from ear to ear.

There was a stretch of Silence all of us kind of expecting Rosalie to go but when we realized she wasn't going to Leah said, "I'll go," coming to her rescue "my name is Leah Clearwater, I am 17, my favorite food is anything Everlyn makes, I found out I was a werewolf a little over a week ago, it was shocking and frightening but once I got over it I found my soulmates which kind of made it all worth it." Leah said, turning all suppy at the end.

"Aww Lily, you're giving me a super rush." I said, smiling at her.

"Does it hurt? to turn I mean." Alice asked, looking concerned.

"It did the first time but the more you do it the less it hurts." Leah said.

"You poor thing." Alice said, moving to sit near Leah and took her hand. Leah was surprised but didn't move away.

"Did it hurt to turn into a vampire?" Leah asked Alice.

"I don't remember." Alice said.

"I do and it does. I guess I'll go now." Rosalie said. "well my name is Rosalie which I don't understand why we're introducing ourselves because we already know everyone's names but whatever, I am technically 19, I guess I also prefer mountain lions, in the time I was still human I was the prettiest girl in my town and I was in love with the idea of love, I was dating a man and I was in love with the idea of dating him. one day I was coming back home late from a friend's house when the man I was dating and a group of his friends sexually assaulted me on the street and left me to die. Carlisle found me and took mercy on me, he hoped I would be a companion for Edward which I was, I was his mate. we were happy together for a while, it was difficult at first. neither of us really wanted to be a vampire. it wasn't easy but the two of us made it work. until we found Emmett, and Edward just flat-out refused the both of us. so it was just me and Emmett for a while until Alice and Jasper found us which is when we became four and ever since then we've been waiting for the two of you." Rosalie told her story.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Rose." I said, holding back tears.

"Oh don't worry about it sweetheart, I took my revenge on every last one of those guys. I saved the one I was dating for last. so he knew I was coming so he knew I was going to kill him. I was a bit theatrical back then." Rose said with no hint of shame in her voice.

"That's Amazing Rosie, all rapists are going to hell. you were practically doing a public service." I said, making everyone laugh.

"You're right babydoll." Emmett said making me blush because of the nickname.

I coughed before saying "I guess I'm the only one left." I said hoping to distract them from my blush. "Well my name is Ever-lyn swan, I'm 17, my favorite food is probably ice cream for sweet and my grandma's fried rice for salty, I don't have a cool origin story about how I turned into a super awesome Supernatural creature but I like music and to draw. I can play the piano and I'm really happy to be here." I said feeling like I underwhelmed everyone.

"This kind of is your origin story darling." Jasper said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Well as a mate of a supernatural the gods make sure you have a way to protect yourself. so human mates get a certain power that reveals itself a while after accepting the bond. the more mates you have the more powerful you are which means you're probably going to be one powerful mate darling." Jasper explains.

"Awesome." I said as awe.

"How do you accept the mating Bond." I asked excitedly.

"We actually already did that. when you lock eyes with your mate for the first time it's your only opportunity to either reject or accept them. you subconsciously chose to accept all of us and we did the same. so I would imagine your powers should be in shortly." Jasper said.

"Double awesome." I said making my mates laugh at me but I don't care, 'I'm gonna have freaking super powers!' I thought excitedly.

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